Improve my bommie


If you guys could be so kind as to take a look at my bommie and tell me what I could do to improve I would appreciate it. I will just be pvp in random bg. What neck and weapon enchant should I go for? Do I gem for vers mast or haste? Icy veins says haste but I'm not sure. What trinkets would be best? Should I go all leather for the 5% bonus and lose the high stats from a few high Ilvl boe cloth pieces? Wow so many questions. I checked xpoff armory but almost all 101 bommies in there are still geared for legion dungeons like me. The link to my boomie is here for users not running in desktop mode and in my sig. Thanks in advance.
just increase the ilvl of those epic BOEs .. your Fizz trinket reads 235, not sure if the armory is reflecting the correct version .. you should get the 265 mastery version ..
[doublepost=1539499852,1539499717][/doublepost]i am not sure your legendary is BIS for a balance .. you might want to find out from other balance druid, the crafted legendaries are usually not the BIS .. use a lvl110 or higher to farm the account bound legendary and send it to this balance druid and see if you can manage to get the BIS one
oh .. right .. there are no other leather or cloth feet armor .. guess you have to stick with this feet legendary
Guess u used to sell dungeon carries =)

Look into the tarot card 101 trinket. I just bought an epic one for my boomy and it adds 4% ish crit/vers/mastery as ilvl 147
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Ok so long story short, legion BOE epics arnt what they used to be. Other than rings and neck. Other than those, you will really want to try and figure out what 2 secondaries are best for you.

Right away, some things that stick out to be are your gloves and belt. You will want to replace those with either mythic HFC + socket, or draenor mythic dungeon + socket LEATHER pieces. The stats will be the ones you actually want to go for any not locked into mastery + haste from the legion boe cloth belt and gloves.

I even go as far as using cataclysm BOEs legs and bracers, and mists boots for my mage, as you can still get 7 stat gems in them (3 sockets in legs, 2 in boots) plus they can be enchanted with OP secondary enchants.

Also you will want to replace your mulligan trinket with a warlord lvl 91 trinket. They give 260 of a secondary for 25 seconds in BGs and they mulligan nerfs down 1/4.

A second good option since you will be using a procing trinket for 1st slot would be to use a 1.5 min cooldown 210 of a secondary trinket from draenor mythic dungeons.

Go to my armory of my 101 mage in signature, you will also notice my goggles, you will want to find the same Op stated goggles but leather
Are you sure about that? I havent checked the stats but mythic hfc is ilvl 147 base and legion boe can be up to 224?

Highest you will find on rare occasions is 190ish, 200 if you have u godly luck at finding stuff on auction houses and scan a bunch of them daily. And as far as gloves and belt that I mentioned he should upgrade, as those go up higher to 200 IL, the stats don’t change much.
We are talking maybe a 5 primary stat and maybe 10 secondary stat different if you had a 164 IL boe compared to a 200.

Now, if you start looking at items like draenor heroic gloves, they have 16 of a secondary and 16 of another. Add a 7 stat gem socket in that, and 20 mastery enchant to gloves, easily surpasses usefulness compared to even a 200 IL cloth boe glove
Highest you will find on rare occasions is 190ish, 200 if you have u godly luck at finding stuff on auction houses and scan a bunch of them daily. And as far as gloves and belt that I mentioned he should upgrade, as those go up higher to 200 IL, the stats don’t change much.
We are talking maybe a 5 primary stat and maybe 10 secondary stat different if you had a 164 IL boe compared to a 200.

Now, if you start looking at items like draenor heroic gloves, they have 16 of a secondary and 16 of another. Add a 7 stat gem socket in that, and 20 mastery enchant to gloves, easily surpasses usefulness compared to even a 200 IL cloth boe glove
cool ill check it out. I did find a 207 trinket in ah the other day but the different between my ilvl164 one was 4 main stat i think and the proc was the same (1%) lol
Go to my armory of my 101 mage in signature, you will also notice my goggles, you will want to find the same Op stated goggles but leather

Is there a reason why the goggles i make have much lower stats then some of the increasingly hard to get by ones on the auction house? My tip is to snag as many for any armor type as you can find, i think they are GFed?
cool ill check it out. I did find a 207 trinket in ah the other day but the different between my ilvl164 one was 4 main stat i think and the proc was the same (1%) lol

dont use a BOE trinkets .. they are no longer bis .. look for those that proc the stats you need and proc in the biggest amount .. 101 BOE trinkets are all useless, all of them, the one you said with 1% crit increased is a str trinket, i had the 214 version but i dont use it, it comes in 194, 199, 204, 209, 214, 219, 224 etc .. there is no 207 version
dont use a BOE trinkets .. they are no longer bis .. look for those that proc the stats you need and proc in the biggest amount .. 101 BOE trinkets are all useless, all of them, the one you said with 1% crit increased is a str trinket, i had the 214 version but i dont use it, it comes in 194, 199, 204, 209, 214, 219, 224 etc .. there is no 207 version
hey I saw on another thread the random boe trinkets that you are talking about but wouldn't the crafted ones be better when fully lvled up?
Winged Hourglass is a 91 crafted, at 6/6 it gives 264 versa on proc .. if you are after versa, the lvl96 ilvl136 trinkets found on AH gives 265 versa on proc

also, some trinkets has 1 min cd some have 2 mins .. it depends on what you like .. for me, i usually go for the shorter one, because i dont fight for over 1 min on each enemy .. so i need it to be usable again asap
Winged Hourglass is a 91 crafted, at 6/6 it gives 264 versa on proc .. if you are after versa, the lvl96 ilvl136 trinkets found on AH gives 265 versa on proc

also, some trinkets has 1 min cd some have 2 mins .. it depends on what you like .. for me, i usually go for the shorter one, because i dont fight for over 1 min on each enemy .. so i need it to be usable again asap
ok cool. They are very expensive to upgrade if you don't have a scribe but the BOE blue ones are hard to find tho. Haven't seen one in AH since I started looking for them. high pop server...

Both for sale on Stormrage if interested PM me here.

Is there a reason why the goggles i make have much lower stats then some of the increasingly hard to get by ones on the auction house? My tip is to snag as many for any armor type as you can find, i think they are GFed?

They nerfed stats from goggles back in Legion... So you need some luck that someone sells the old version of these otherwise no chance to get themØrgøth my monk with the "old" goggles
I know your EU but on the off chance you went US. ><

ok cool. They are very expensive to upgrade if you don't have a scribe but the BOE blue ones are hard to find tho. Haven't seen one in AH since I started looking for them. high pop server...

These are cloth so you wouldn’t want for your druid but Incase you have or plan on having multiple toons. I have avail on Stormrage alli US.

Winged Hourglass is a 91 crafted, at 6/6 it gives 264 versa on proc .. if you are after versa, the lvl96 ilvl136 trinkets found on AH gives 265 versa on proc

also, some trinkets has 1 min cd some have 2 mins .. it depends on what you like .. for me, i usually go for the shorter one, because i dont fight for over 1 min on each enemy .. so i need it to be usable again asap

Hourglass has an undisclosed 30 second uptime btw. It’s vastly superior to any trinket imo. Other than the Mythic WOD dungeon 1.5 minute CD, 210 of a secondary for 15 seconds + primary base stats on them.

I try to use two trinks like that. One proc and one on use with both coming off cooldown/internal cooldown at the same time.
[doublepost=1548216495,1548215996][/doublepost]Edit: 30 second uptime in BGs*
are you using the helm solely for the secondary stats ? or is that bullet the reason for using the helm ? is there any cool down or it just keeps firing, whats the dmg ? a ilvl209 Serrine's cloth helm gives 64 int/ 95 stam/ 77 secondary stats points, essentially the Blink trigger is trading off 29 int and 42 stamina for 40 points increment in a secondary stats
are you using the helm solely for the secondary stats ? or is that bullet the reason for using the helm ? is there any cool down or it just keeps firing, whats the dmg ? a ilvl209 Serrine's cloth helm gives 64 int/ 95 stam/ 77 secondary stats points, essentially the Blink trigger is trading off 29 int and 42 stamina for 40 points increment in a secondary stats

Yes, secondary boosting seems to work well for my class. Can’t speak for others but I have a disc priest who runs BGs with me and he goes secondary stats > primary in some situations. So it might just be the nature of spell casters at this end of the bracket and the way secondary’s effect us. I’m BGs I’m rocking like 30% vers 35% mastery self buffed. Vers bumping up to 60% when both winged hour glass procs, and I use my mythic Draenor dungeon trink
[doublepost=1548245342,1548244660][/doublepost]Also when im picking gear for my twinks, Im always looking for items with the 2 best secondary stats for my twink. Bother vers and mastery are best for my arcane mage, that’s another reason I picked my goggles on my mage over that helm you mentioned.

Infact because of this same reasoning, I’m using draenor heroic gloves, belt, bracers, and chest. Because that is one of the only places you can find vers/mastery on the same piece. And they can socket + be enchanted. :)
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same for mastery for a hunter class i guess .. i am still testing to see how much primary stats to lose in exchange for mastery

If your best stat is mastery, then I can guarantee vers is your second best. Because the dmg effect of your mastery will synergize with vers + you’re cooldowns and in use trinket.

I’m which case, don’t worry about swapping say a 160 blue quest item that say has crit and haste or crit and vers, for a heroic draenor piece with vers mastery. Because you get your 2 best secondaries that almost on par with the total amount of secondaries on that 160 piece, it can socket, and be enchanted.

A great example is boe cloth gloves. They have haste mastery. About 45 secondaries total depending on IL. The ones I’m wearing have 32 total secondaries and it’s the 2 I want, vers and mastery. Now factor the glove enchant for 20 mastery you can put on them and the fact it can socket (7 of a secondary). Totaling it at 59 secondaries and the ones I want. Instead of 45 and one of the stats being haste that I don’t want

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