Imbaogue's Rogue Guide


Detailed Level 19 Rogue Guide.


Getting to know your rogue - with this site and this site. and TI's player tip thread has some very useful tips for rogues. And some videos to give some knowledge on what rogues damage is like and how useful they can be in the 19 bracket. If some links don't work please PM me.

Other guides worth looking at too: Triliums, Curleys and Fanatics

1. Race

2. Talents

3. Gear

4. Enchants

5. Macro's

6. Consumable's

7. Proffesions

8. AddOns

9. What not to do

10. Tips and tricks ft.

- Saxxon

- Squidgy

- Trilium

11. Gear worth noting against hunters

12. Ninja

- Trilium


Blood Elf is considered the best for it's racial ability Arcane Torrent which allows you to silence any enemy within 8 yards of you for 2 seconds which could be helpful in many ways such as interupting a enemys heal. This racial could be the differance of life and death and long fights and short fights.

Also I would recommend considering Undead if you know you will not obtain Ignisia of the Horde for some reason as it has Will of the Forsaken which allows you to break free from fear with a reasonable 2 minute cooldown.

For alliance Humans are very good for there racial ability Every Man fo Himself as it removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character and doesn't share cooldown with Arena Grand Master. Every Man for Himself - Spell - World of Warcraft


Blood Elfs - As a blood elf you have a great advantage on healers as you have a racial ability called Arcane Torrent which silences any enemy within 8 yards of you for 2 seconds and restores 15 energy. You also retrieve a little extra arcane resistance which can be very helpful against mages and hunters Arcane Shot. A+

Undead - Undeads have a big advantage on warlocks and priests due to Will of the Forsaken[/COLOR] which removes fear and only has a 30 second cooldown with Ignisia of the :Horde::Alliance: not to mention there shadow resistance which gives you the chance to resist there annoying fears. There other racial is Cannibalize which restores 7% health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds from a nearby corpse but any damage will stop this. B

Troll - Great against flag carriers due to there racial Beserking which increases attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds giving a huge burst of damage. They also have Throwing Specialization which increases chance to crit with a thrown weapon 1% which can be nice for a lucky 100 crit with your poison on a hunter or some ranged. Regeneration allows 10% of health to regenerate during combat and increases regeneration 10% this is great whilst fighting another melee class and needing quick health so you pop Recuperate and hopefully manage to keep your health up. B

Goblin - Being a goblin you will have the most chance of killing hunters as you have Rocket Jump which launchs you forward about 20 feet which is very useful when a hunter uses Disengage and it will save you from having to use Shadowstep if it works. You also get Rocket Barrage which launchs a rocket at the enemy which causes a fair amount of damage and is awesome when getting anhilated by a ranged class. C

Orc - You get a very nice damage burst great against a heavy mail as your racial Blood Fury increases your attack power for 15 seconds. Also good against paladins because Hardiness decreases the stun time of Hammer of Justice by 15%. C


Human - Great rogue race as you get a Ignisia of the :Horde::Alliance: racial called Every Man for Himself which means you can use 2 Arena Grand Masters which should save your life alot with a 2 minute 1000 absorb. You will also gain 6 weapon expertise if you use a mace or sword from Mace Specialization or Sword Specialization. A+

Night Elf - Another great rogue race because you will recieve Shadowmeld which instantly puts you out of combat meaning you can restealth providing that your stealth is not on cooldown. Not only that you also reduces the chance of you getting hit by melee and ranged it also gives you a extra 5% speed whilst stealth allowing you to get to the enemy flag carrier faster than any other race. A+

Worgen - As a worgen you get another Sprint called Darkflight by having this you can get out of trouble and run away or you can capture the flag quickly with Sprint and Darkflight if you dont run into enemys. You also get a extra 1% crit which is very nice in combat. C

Gnome - Gnomes aren't a race I would recommend as they don't have racials that are very life savings but they can help. You get Escape Artist which allows you to escape any speed reduction effect like Concussive Shot and Wing Clip this is useful against hunters, subtely rogues and shadow priests. D

Dwarf - Again I wouldn't recommend having a Dwarf as they have pretty useless racials from being a dwarf you will be able to get rid of Rend with Stone Form and you will gain 3 weapon expertise with maces so they are decent if you use Venerable Mass of McGowen. D


Subtely is the spec you should choose as it provides Shadowstep which allows you to appear behind your target instantly within 25 yards and increases your speed by 70% for the next 3 seconds. Very useful against ranged classes when they are running away or kiting you.

This is what you should get with the talent points here.

If the link did not work here is what you should get 2 Nightstalker 3 Improved Ambush 1 Waylay. Waylay is very useful ability as it has a change of slowing your enemy down 50% for 8 seconds so it will not be as easy for them to kite or flee.

Combat offers decent damage but it doesn't offer as good survival and burst. If you want to max out your damage I recommend using here. (3 Improved Sinister Strike and 3 Precision) or if you want a little bit more survival against kiters in my opinion here. is best (2 Improved Recuperate, 2 Improved Sinister Strike and 1 Improved Sprints) Improved Sprint is great against hunters to run away or get closer to them if it works. Combat gives the best overall damage but unfortunately not as good utility.


The gear order is best in stock to the next best in stock, I will add some stamina gear incase you find yourself flag carrying.

Red - Best in slot normal gear.

Blue - Best in slot stamina gear.

For best in slot normal gear check this chardev.

For best in slot stamina gear check this chardev.

For best in slot dagger gear check this chardev.

For best in slot combat gear check this chardev or this for capped hit.

For best in slot max dodge set whilst keeping a high hit rating.

For best in slot max crit set whilst keeping a decent hit rating.

Twink rogues can be found on this list if you want to check their gear out.

Gloves -

Foreman's Gloves

Gloves of the Fang - WC Rare drop.

Stamina: Bristlebark Gloves or Blackened Defias Gloves with Blackened Defias Leggings for a extra 2 armor.

Combat: Gloves of Unmitigated Basassery Requires Horde

Belt -

Vigorous Belt of the Bandit - Satchel of Helpful Goods - Random Dungeon.

Combat: Deviate Scale Belt - Grandfarthered recipe.

Stamina: Vigorous Belt of the Monkey - Satchel of Helpful Goods - Random Dungeon

Leggings -

Smelting Pants - DM

Stamina: Leggings of the Fang - WC - Second best stamina leggings after Blackened Defias Leggings with Blackened Defias Gloves.

Stained Shadowcraft Pants (Currently unknown how to obtain, personally think it's going to be from the Darkmoon Faire revamp).

Boots -

Feet of the Lynx - World drop mainly Stockades and Northern STV

Cobrhan's Boots - WC quest

Ring 1 -

Signet of Argas - Ashenvale quest

Stamina: Blood Ring (Only BiS stamina ring for horde if your alliance Ello's Ring will be better).

Ornate Band of Accuria

Ring 2 -

Ello's Band Requires Alliance - Duskwood quest

Dread Pirate Ring this is a great ring with Ello's Band as a dagger rogue because it gives good crit and keeps you on the special ability hit cap.

Legionnaire's or Protector's Band - WSG Vendor

Combat: Simple Pearl Ring - Jewelcrafter

Trinket 1 -

Inherited Ignisia of the Horde or Alliance - Honor heirloom

Arena Grand Master- Gurubashi Arena

Trinket 2 -

Arena Grand Master - Gurubashi Arena

Swift Hand of Justice - JP Heirloom

I would recommend having 2 Arena Grand Master's if you are a human as they have Every Man For Himself racial ability and if you are the flag carrier for extra stamina.

Ranged - I strongly advise using thrown weapons.

I would recommend using a throwing knife more than every other weapon as it's easier to keep people in combat and all together better.

Sludge-Caked Throwing Knives- Hillsbrad Foothills quest

Throat Piercers (If you are alliance)

Bedlam Gun

Stamina: Farstrider's Longbow

Bow of Ire

Please avoid Bow of Ire and Bedlam Gun throwing knives are much more viable as a rogue but I suppose it depends on your play style..

For the best Ambush you should use 2.60+ second weapon as main hand and a off hand weapon with below 2.00 second attack time. By doing this your off hand will attack the target straight after your Ambush which gives a nice damage boost. 2.80 with a 2.40 also gives a decent burst as the 2.40 attacks instantly after Ambush giving a total of around 600 damage in subtely spec and 2.70 with a 2.20 also does this.

Offhand -

Shadowfang - SFK Rare drop

Venerable Mass of McGowen - 2,175 Justice Points/110 Darkmoon Prize Ticket/60 Champions Seal

Impish Blade - Ashenvale/Northern Barren quest line this is BiS for dagger rogues because it gives the highest swings.

Stamina: Furbolg Medicine Pouch - This is only useful when FCing for the 10 stamina though the buff requires level 40 to use.

Stamina: Dawnblade - This is not as good as Furbolg Medicine Pouch or Sharpened Scarlet Kris but is the next best in line for its stamina) - Honor heirloom.

Main Hand -

Shadowfang - SFK Rare drop.

Venerable Mass of McGowen - 2,175 Justice Points/110 Darkmoon Prize Ticket/60 Champions Seal

Stamina: Sharpened Scarlet Kris

For dagger rogues Scouts Blade is a decent off-hand.

I would recommend using a dagger in main hand when you are flag carrying so if you get the chance you can backstab and have a chance to activate your Waylay which will give you a speed bonus against the enemy.

If you prefer to use duel daggers I would recommend you using Impish Blade in main hand and Sharpened Scarlet Kris in off-hand to maximize your damage.

Bracers -

Black Wolf Bracers - SFK

Combat: Scrupleless Bracers (Requires horde)

Stamina: Bracers of the Ancient Grove (Requires Alliance)

Chest -

Stauned Shadowcraft Tunic - JP Heirlooms

Gloomshroud Armor

Azure Scale Vest

Armor of the Fang - Wailing Caverns

Stamina: Toughened Leather Armor - These are very easy to obtain of a leatherworker

For stamina Toughened Leather Armor is a good FC set with 100+ health on so you dont have to get rid of +4 of all stats on Stained Shadowcraft Tunic but if you have 2 Stained Shadowcraft Tunics i'd recommend having one with +4 of all stats for normal and one with +100 health for health as Stained Shadowcraft Tunic is best best the dodge you get from the agility.

Cape -

Tumultuous Cloak of the Bandit- Satchel of Helpful Goods - Random dungeons

Inherited Cape of the Black Baron - Guild heirloom that requires Honored

Stamina: Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina - You get these out of Satchel of Helpful Goods from doing random dungeons.

Firebane Cloak - Can be nice when preparing to fight a fire mage this is great with Keeshan's Bandana against fire mages you could also enchant this with +5 of all resistances or +15 fire resistance.

Shoulders -

Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders - JP Heirloom

Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders - Honor Heirloom - Also best for stamina.

Shadowfang Spaulders - SFK Quest

Necklace -

Scouts/Sentinel's Medallion Warsong Gulch vendor for both

Stamina: Thick Bronze Necklace - Crafted by jewelcrafter.

I'd recommend keeping Scout's Medallion or Sentinel's Medallion whilst flag carrying due to the dodge you get from the agility, i'd personaly only use Thick Bronze Necklace if it is only casters attacking you but then again you never know if a melee shows up.

Helmet -

Stained Shadowcraft Cap - Guild vendor - Req honored

Stamina: Lucky Fishing Hat

Green Tinted Goggles - 150 Engineering

Keeshans Bandana (Requires Alliance) This is very useful against arcane and fire mages I recommend using a equiptment manager so you can put it on quick when preparing to fight a mage.


Gloves -

15 Agi Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility

5 sec cast


Runed Arcanite Rod


Small Prismatic Shard (3), Greater Planar Essence (3), Primal Air (2)

Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 15.

Minor Haste - 10 Haste

Leggings -

Medium Armor Kit - Increases armor on leggings by 16

Boots -

Miner Speed Enchant Boots - Minor Speed

5 sec cast


Runed Truesilver Rod


Small Radiant Shard, Aquamarine, Lesser Nether Essence

Permanently enchant boots to give a slight movement speed increase.

Greater agility boots (+7 agility), Greater stamina boots (+7 stamina) good for FC'ing, Lesser Accuracy boots (+5 hit)

Weps -

15 Agi Enchant Weapon - Agility

5 sec cast


Runed Arcanite Rod


Large Brilliant Shard (4), Essence of Air (4)

Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Agility by 15


Lifestealing is also worth mentioning with Battleworn Thrashblade for great burst against mail.

Bracer -

9 Stam Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina

5 sec cast


Runed Truesilver Rod


Illusion Dust (10)

Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 9.

Deflection boots (+5 dodge)

Chest -

4 of all stats Enchant Chest - Greater Stats

5 sec cast


Runed Arcanite Rod


Large Brilliant Shard (2), Illusion Dust (6)

Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 4.

Major Health chest (+100 health) this is BiS for FC'ing


8 Agi 8 Dodge Enchant Cloak - Stealth

5 sec cast


Runed Arcanite Rod


Small Prismatic Shard (3), Greater Planar Essence (3), Fel Lotus (2)

Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility and dodge rating by 8.


Ok these are ones i've used on my rogue that have worked - I did not create these

#showtooltip Heavy Runecloth Bandage

/cast Gouge


/use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

(Gouge's the target and bandages yourself if you or the enemy is the target - be very careful with this it doesn't work all the time unfortunately)

#showtooltip Sap

/targetenemy [harm][nodead]

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/cast Sap

(sap's the enemy)

/cast [target=focus] kick

(Kick's your focus very good if you are attacking somebody and there is a nearby healer healing him as you can just use the macro to kick one of his heals, you can also add /cast Shadowstep to this to Shadowstep kick your focus)

/console targetNearestDistance x

/cast Sinister Strike

(This uses Sinister Strike, SS, to your nearest target this is useful if you're in combat therefore cannot stealth and see a rogue lurking around you in stealth)

/cancelaura Hand of Protection

This does as it says and cancels Hand of Protection, i've used this no more than 3 times but it can be useful if you are back to full health and want to be able to attack your target.

/cast [target=focus] Shadowstep

/cast [target=focus] Kick

This shadowsteps your focus then kicks it, only use this when your focus is casting a important spell.

It is also good to have focus macros so you can quickly switch targets to your focus or to Shadowstep them when fighting melee and for many other good reasons.

/cast [target=focus] Sap

This is a good macro and can be used in situations were somebody is going to drop the flag to there ally and you can Sap the person that he's dropped the flag to whilst keeping targets with the previous enemy flag carrier.

There are other useful macros for rogues such as /bg Enemy Flag Carrier is going ramp/gy/tunn/tunn roof to speed up having to type it in.

Some random macros I found on google -

Useful Macros for Rogues - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

Rogue General Macros - WoW Rogue Macros - World of Warcraft Rogue Macros -

Rogue Macros

For more macro's check http://www.twinkinfo...gue-macros.html I though the forum was very good.


Rumsey Rum Black Label + 15 Stamina

Scroll of Agility II+ 5 Agility

Instant Poison on Wep's including Thrown weapon.

Magic Dust- Puts target to sleep 30 seconds - Westfall

Holy Spring Water - Heals you and cleanses you

Glowing Cat Figurine - Summons a cat to fight beside you - Unique use wisely - Darkshore ghostsabers.

Flame Deflector - Obsorbs fire damage - Engi

Holy Protection Potion - Obsorbs holy damage

Shadow Protection Potion - Obsorbs shadow damage

Elixir of Minor Accuracy - Increases hit by 10.

Thistle Tea - Restores energy

Healing Potion - Restores health

They have helped alot on my char's and they are not too difficult to obtain for how useful they are atall.

There are better forums on consumables that you might find here is a forum I found http://www.twinkinfo...19-edition.html.


Ok I recommend Skinning and Herbalism instead of anything else! From 225 skinning skill you get 9 critical strike rating which I believe gives 3% crit which is a quite nice differance.

Herbalism gives Lifeblood and rank 4 lifeblood obtained with 225 herbalism skill gives 55 haste for 20 seconds when used and heals a small amount and the cooldown is only 2 minutes.

If you have engineering for Green Tinted Googles or premading you should make lots of Big Bronze Bomb's and use them against enemy's nearby you, they are very helpful for the short stun.

As a rogue at this bracket it is very important you have First Aid for the 250 health every second for 8 seconds with a fair cooldown of 1 minute (this is a debuff that doesn't allow you to be bandaged for a minute). To get this bandage your required to have 225 First Aid skill and the recipe for Heavy Runecloth Bandage. Make sure that your not in combat whilst doing this because any damage will break the heal and you will not be able to attack during the duration you are using your bandage unless you want to break the heal, if you are fighting melee and your have no damage over time on your character you can Gouge and use your bandage (Macro for Gouge and Bandage listed above) and hopefully your target will not use Ignisia Of the Horde/Alliance. Heavy Runecloth Bandage - Item - World of Warcraft

Here are a few guides for leveling proffesions if you struggle finding places to increase your proffesion skill.

Herbalism - WoW Cataclysm Herbalism Guide | Leveling Herbalism 1-525

Skinning - WoW Skinning Guide 1-525 | Skinning Leveling Guide

Mining - WoW Mining Guide 1-525 - Mining Leveling Guide - Mining Maps

First Aid - WoW First Aid Guide 1-525 | First Aid Leveling Guide

Engineering - WoW Engineering Guide 1-525 | Engineering Leveling Guide | Cataclysm

What not to do

Backpedaling - If you want to be a good rogue, do not backpedal you will just get destroyed by other rogues if you do so. Instead you should use your mouse and move sideways (hold D or A if neccasary). When you backpedal it allows over melee to get behind you which means you will not be able to dodge or parry it also gives a great advantage to ranged attacking you because you are at -50% speed whilst backpedaling.

Mis-timing Shadowstep - This one isn't too important but can help alot. Shadowstep is a great ability and you see many rogues using it pointlessly. Only on rare circumstances that you should use Shadowstep just to use Ambush, yes it's a great burst of damage but if you save it you have a much bigger chance of survival because you can shadowstep behind a target and run to get away from a enemy quick due to the 70% movement speed increase for 3 seconds. It has many other uses aswell such as switching targets so you can interupt a heal or getting to safe places.

Evasion - Ok this is quite a stupid one but I will go ahead, I doubt most of you use Evasion against casters but just to clarify, you shouldn't! I seen a rogue this morning in a WSG use Evasion against a mage and this seemed pretty pointless to me I dont know if he mis-clicked so i'm not going to judge him as a fail. Evasion should only be used against hunters and melee IMO.

Keyboard Turn - Keyboard turning (arrows, w, a, s, d etc) is useless in PvP as a rogue. Instead of using your keyboard you should use your mouse to move, this will help you keep behind your target by being able to change directions faster. "How do you click spells then?" You don't instead you should put key binds on abilitys you use so you can use abilitys ofc. To add key bindings you can add various AddOns that allow you to do this or if you don't want to use AddOns for this you can simply go to Key Bindings and choose what you want in the Action Bar Functions column.

Tips and tricks

In this section I will be telling how you should play against classes to maximize your chance of winning.

Class - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

Classes - Game - World of Warcraft

Remeber anything can happen in PvP and thing don't always go to plan.

Rogue vs Warrior

Against a warrior your chances of winning are good if you open with Ambush first you have a great chance of winning. You should open with Ambush and avoid Sap if you can I wouldn't recommend using Shadowstep as it's very useful to save incase they use Piercing Howl Piercing Howl - Spell - World of Warcraft if you are below 50% and the warrior is ok on health i'd use Evasion providing it's off cooldown and Lifeblood if you need to burst down the enemy and for the quick heal. Heavy Runecloth Bandage is helpful against all classes when you're below 50% and not under a dot effect as you can Gouge and use them 4 seconds to heal yourself with Runecloth Bandage.

Rogue vs Paladin

You may struggle beating paladins 1v1 due to all there ways of survival (bubble, lay of hands etc) if you are fighting a retri paladin save your Ignisia (if you have the Ignisia) for HoJ as if you give them the advantage of a 6 second stun they will most likely kill you. If you are fighting a protection paladin just burst them down as much as you can and make sure to stay behind them as much as possible so they cannot block and if they use

HoP don't attack them just stay near them and stealth and Ambush them as soon as there bubble has gone and only use Shadowstep for the Ambush boost if your Ignisia is off cooldown so they can't get away if they use Hammer of Justice. When you come across a Holy Paladin your chances of downing them alone is almost impossible unless they are extremely bad or low geared but if they are FC or something and they are alone it's great to put pressure on them to drain there mana a little until someone else comes and possibly make them use a cooldown like LoH when a paladin is casting a heal only use Kick or Gouge to interupt it if they are using Flash Heal as when they are casting Holy Light it doesn't heal that much and isn't really worth using Kick unless they are using Heal at low health, on a low health target or on a flag carrier. Holy paladins have a big advantage against rogues as there Exo will always crit and with there spell power it will be hitting you alot of damage.

Rogue vs Hunter

For this you will need luck. Hunters are the hardest class for a rogue to beat in my opinion unless they are pretty bad but all in all they are not impossible to beat so I will try to give information on how to beat them. I suggest against hunters using two Sharpened Scarlet Kris for the resiliance and Waylay unlike other classes instead of Sinister Strike you should use Backstab on hunters unless they are on low health and to save a bit of energy. No matter what you shouldn't use Shadowstep to increase the damage by your Ambush on a hunter you should always save Shadowstep for when they use Disengage to avoid kiting and never being able to get to them. Hopefully the hunter isn't specced Beast Mastery as they get Intimidation which makes it almost impossible to kill them because as soon as they use that they are at a distance and could have concussive shot or desengage ready which means your going to die without assistants pretty much. If the hunter is at a range you should sprint to keep up and you have a good advantage as you may be able to get Waylay on them and even better if they backpedal as you will be traveling at twice there speed even if you have concussive shot on you. If you get the chance Sap there pet and then open with the Hunter by doing this you save a little bit of health which always helps.

Rogue vs Rogue

No doubt you will come across many rogue vs rogue fights in warsong gulch. If you get the first Ambush on a rogue you have a good chance of winning but to survive this use Evasion or you could corward away and use sprint. Against a rogue the sap macro is vital and if you think there is a rogue around you should spam your Sap macro to maximize your chances of being able to get the first Ambush. Some people use Shadowstep to increase the damage of Ambush but I personaly would save it if they decide to sprint away or it is also useful incase you are on low health and the rogue is attacking what you should do is use Shadowstep and use your mouse to turn 180 degrees and use the 3 seconds of 70% speed to run away and re-stealth if there is no damage over time on you.

Rogue vs Priest

Priests are tricky and you have a equal chance of winning them. If the priest is Holy you less chances of downing them compared to other specs as they heal a hell of alot and with HW: C they have 3 seconds to Flash Heal and as soon as you think you've got them they use DP giving them more health to stall and use bubble and heal themself. Your best chance of getting them down before other people come to help him is to drain his mana by putting pressure and using Lifeblood and spamming Sinister Strike when ever you can. If the priest have a mana potion your screwed. Against a Discipline priest the tactics are slightly differant as they have 15% more mana from talents so draining them is harder. The main thing to do against a discipline priest is to Kick there Penance and interupt there Flash Heals and use the 5 seconds silence to burst them down. Against Shadow you have a decent chance of winning what you should do is open with Sap if you can to get rid of there Shield so your Ambush deals more and then burst there next shield down with Sinister Strike I suggest using Shadowfang or a heirloom 2.80 weapon main hand and a dagger off-hand to keep a quick attack against them but alot of damage at the same time. You get a good advantage against priests if your Undead for Will of Forsaken if your Ignisia is on cooldown as it only shares half the cooldown of Inherited Ignisia of the Horde/Alliance.

Rogue vs Shaman

You should win against a shaman as you have so many advantages against that class. When fighting a Restoration Shaman kick there Healing Waves and keep near them and try your best not to let them Ghost Wolf and run you should save Shadowstep incase they do decide to use Ghost Wolf and run. If you are good geared you should easily down a shaman generaly aslong as the shaman isn't grandfarthered stamina stacked. Elemental Shamans you might struggle with as they have Thunderstorm but you can easily Shadowstep back to them. Enhancement deal alot of damage and it is very important to stay behind them because it doesn't just stop them from hitting you it also wont allow them to use Shock against you so they wont be able to do great damage against you. Be careful running away from a Shaman is risky as they have Ghost Wolf and you might not be able to re-stealth and they have Flame Shock

Rogue vs Mage

If they are Frost and skilled they can be as hard as hunters due to there high crit Frostbolts and Frost Nova the best thing to do is Ignisia on Frostnova and Shadowstep when they use Blink but no doubt they will get there pet to freeze you at this point you've just got to hope for good crits and they aren't that good. Arcane mages however are no way near as hard as Frost but the tactics are the same as Frost just you don't have to worry about Freeze fortunately instead you should be aware of Arcane Barrage so keep recuperate up. Fire mages are much easier than both but you will have to kick Pyroblast or move behind them near the end of there cast so it doesn't hit you as Pyroblast does alot of damage and gives the mage a huge advantage.

Rogue vs Warlock

One of the easiest classes to beat as a rogue. Lots of warlocks stack spell power and don't have alot of health so Shadowstep and Ambush can be neccasary for a good burst if your Ignisia is of cooldown. The biggest thing to worry about is Fear spam and there damage over time spells as this wont allow you to restealth or run away so to avoid this you should kick there fear and after Ambush (if you manage to open with Ambush) Gouge and Recuperate and wait until the Gouge is gone before you start to attack to regain some energy (I generaly open my attack at 3 seconds into Gouge so my melee swing hits just after Gouge ends). You should recuperate so you keep your damage up from the damage over times.

Rogue vs Druid

Against Feral you should spam your macro if you think there is one stealthed around for a Ambush opening I wouldn't suggest using Shadowstep against feral for a Ambush burst as they have 30% speed in cat form and 40% speed from travel form so they can get away fast and easy. If your the druid has Waylay you have a big advantage be aware of Mangle as it deals a large amount of damage and crits like hell you will want recuperate under 50% health and definitely dont let them run away and Moonfire spam as it's really irratating you can Shadowstep, Gouge and Sprint to prevent this. Now Balance opening with Shadowstep is ok against Balance as they are quite easy to burst down I suggest wearing heavy damage gear against Balance for example 7 Agility boot enchant and 5 agility bracer enchant (a second set of gear) so you can down them fast. Restoration druids can be a problem as they run away and can do nice heals with Swiftmend so again you should Sprint, Gouge and Shadowstep to prevent this otherwise they are one of the easier healers in the game to down for a rogue.

Useful gear against hunters

Minor speed is a big help against hunters as it gives you a extra 8% speed which will decrease the time it takes you to get to them.

Balanced Heartseeker x2 because the resiliance you get will help you survive the big damage bursts they do and it will also allow you to backstab the hunter which can cause Waylay another big advantage on hunters.

Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders because of the extra resiliance you get.

Inherited Ignisia of the Horde/Alliance so you will be able to keep up with the enemy much better by removing Scatter Shot or the other kiting spells that hunters get.

Ring of Sylvanas for the extra stamina to help you survive a little longer.

Zircon Band of Arcane Resistance is notable if you don't have Ring of Sylvanas to give you the chance of resisting their arcane shot but i'd only advise using it if you assume it'll be a long fight of being kited.

Flag ninja - Trilium

Sap Ninja

Explanation: This time of "Ninja" is a little more tricky. So how do I sap "Ninja"? Right before they are about to pass the flag, you sap the person you think they are passing it to, you can generally spot who (Lots of HP, Pally, Warrior, Druid, etc.). This method is a little more of a guessing game because you need to pick who to sap AND time it right.

It's very useful to have a sap focus macro when attempting a sap ninja as you can keep the current target incase you need to sap that target and you can also click your focus sap macro to sap your focus making it much easier for this to work without the consequences of dieing.[/quote]

Shadowstep Ninja

Just half second before they drop the flag, shadowstep behind the flag carrier and click the dropped flag. This is very difficult to achieve as you need to click the flag faster than the enemy so it's best to try to stay just in range for shadowstep to avoid being spotted by a nearby rogue.

Ok thank you very much for reading ofc comment about improvments and other tips macros or whatever!

If anyone wants a certain gear type for example max dodge just request it.

I will try to update it every time something differant comes around for rogues.

Sorry about any bad english or spelling mistakes.

Imbaogue @ Bloodscalp - Game - World of Warcraft
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Erm, this isn`t very detailed at all?.. "Near DM"?.. Thats not near detailed. Detailed is this: "The foreman gloves are easyly farmable outside of the instance of DM, in the back of the undead area. These appear to have a low drop rate, so if your going to farm them, get ready for atleast a few days!"

For max hit set replace weapons with Cruel Barb and Ancient Charmed Bone Bow.

To fill in the missing enchants in the chardev set the Enchants chapter matches the chardevs.
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Good work, I can tell a lot of time has been spent on this guide. If I were a mod I would give you a green avatar. If i were curely i would integrate whatever I could gleen as new information. Although Curley is probably 10 years younger than me, i have respected him as a player from day 1. I am sure he will improve his main guide and add commentary from this guide that he deams necessary.
Thank you...
if anybody has any gear that should be up there just pm me please
For a Bis fc setup don't use dawnblade btw use the sharpened scarlet kris because the resil/agi is > 1 stam. Plus for a more balanced fc setup i roll with around 35 dmg reduction 2k health with rumsey and fort and 42 dodge.
is that thistle tea because im not sure if you can still get that - i have added 10 hit elixer

edit: added thistle tea - you will just have to find a cooker who can make it
For best stam gloves and legs u would use blackened defias as they give 4 more armor with the 2 set bonus.
curleypwnsu said:
For best stam gloves and legs u would use blackened defias as they give 4 more armor with the 2 set bonus.

added them ^ ^
For best stam rings it would be seal of sylvannas but it is GF'ed and also best stam thrown would be fairstrider's bow.
Fairstriders if you can be bothered to get furbolg medicine pouch

When FCing I go with throwns though that might just be a personal preferance
I'm pretty new to this rogue thing, so I have a question for you veterans.

How often do you use a ranged weapon really? I'm asking because the stats on Ancient Bone Bow are better than Throat Piercers.

I understand the difference in the use of the two, but I'm wondering if lesser stats are really compensated by the 'amount' of use of the thrown weapon.
I'm pretty new to this rogue thing, so I have a question for you veterans.

How often do you use a ranged weapon really? I'm asking because the stats on Ancient Bone Bow are better than Throat Piercers.

I understand the difference in the use of the two, but I'm wondering if lesser stats are really compensated by the 'amount' of use of the thrown weapon.

I personaly prefer thrown weapons because you can keep rogues in combat, do more damage than bows with instant poison, attack ranged on low health in a short amount of time whereas all you get from bows/guns etc is a few extra stats

edit: and i use thrown weps a fair bit in bg's
Nice guide, I was wondering since you thought that the boa not yet seen in game like legs and some of the rings, would the new darkmoon faire be coming out next patch or next x-pack

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