Im so fucking furious right now!


I was doing the fucking gnomer just for fun and when we killed the fucking last boss and OMG it drops a motherfucking gear of agility!!!
And then there is this fucking motherfucker on my group Bumbuddha @ Silvermoon - Community - World of Warcraft
Breathing intensifies and BOOM!
i feel so fucking frustrated right now! he is going to fucking sell that ring to a vendor after 5-10 lvls which is probably tomorrow!
I dont have anyone to boost me so im never ever going to see that fucking ring again fml!!!!!

Edit: just posting this here makes me feel a little bit better
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In the depth of gnomer ... loosing the ring .... immediate thoughts /pat
In the depth of gnomer ... loosing the ring .... immediate thoughts /pat

I thought that too xD i caught myself thinking "thief! We hates him foreveeer!" But anyway im going to try solo farming gnomer for the first time tomorrow so does anyone have any tips for me? Im never going to that cruel and horrible solo queue again.
I was doing the fucking gnomer just for fun and when we killed the fucking last boss and OMG it drops a motherfucking gear of agility!!!
And then there is this fucking motherfucker on my group Bumbuddha @ Silvermoon - Community - World of Warcraft
Breathing intensifies and BOOM!
i feel so fucking frustrated right now! he is going to fucking sell that ring to a vendor after 5-10 lvls which is probably tomorrow!
I dont have anyone to boost me so im never ever going to see that fucking ring again fml!!!!!

Edit: just posting this here makes me feel a little bit better

Im sorry to hear this man, i had revolishes gloves of the eagle drop, this random person rolls need and wins, i explain to him that i need it and he dident hear me out, i then proceded to tell him that i would pay him 300g. I look at his realm, coincidentally he is connected to my level 39's realm so he was generous enough to hand it over to me for 300g. Sorry to hear this happened, unfortunately the other guy saw that item as an upgrade too and just left.
fucking gnomer

I feel ya man.. Each time I enter a dungeon PUG nowadays, I will whisper all of the other members to pass on the item I need. But when it comes to Gnomer, I just wait until I find someone to boost me.. That place can be hell in random groups :p
It's worse when the retards need on something that they can't/shouldn't even use. My hunter lost the roll for a Naga Heartpiercer to a rogue the other day... I was livid to say the least :mad:

Edit: A mage just needed and won some nice Naga Battle Gloves. Lovely.
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You need some soap to wash that filthy mouth of yours out. Or in this case wash your hands. "Back in the olden days" we farmed for months upon months for gear. Planned routes out. And you are whining about losing it once. It will drop again. Just think, that next time you go in Ambassador may be there waiting with your cuffs. Be positive, think of it as an opportunity for next time. Gearing is half of the fun. Once you are done getting BiS what will you do? Just start another toon and the same old cycle starts again. Chill out and take it easy or else you will die an early death from a heart attack. If you are Alliance you can go in the back way and skip most of the instance. Not so with Horde. /cheers

You need some soap to wash that filthy mouth of yours out. Or in this case wash your hands. "Back in the olden days" we farmed for months upon months for gear. Planned routes out. And you are whining about losing it once. It will drop again. Just think, that next time you go in Ambassador may be there waiting with your cuffs. Be positive, think of it as an opportunity for next time. Gearing is half of the fun. Once you are done getting BiS what will you do? Just start another toon and the same old cycle starts again. Chill out and take it easy or else you will die an early death from a heart attack. If you are Alliance you can go in the back way and skip most of the instance. Not so with Horde. /cheers



The ease of obtaining gear now is ridiculous, compared to pre-wrath twinking or earlier. I have no idea how long I spent in BRD farming the random arena bosses for my 49 warrior's chest piece, and that was just 1 piece for 1 twink. My other 2 mates had their own gear to farm for.

And yes, enjoy the gearing. Once you're done you'll play some bgs and get bored, then start another.
You know, when I'm leveling and just doing randoms, I very rarely need on anything cause it's all replaced so soon. But it seems like there's several million retards that figure 'well it's blue! I must need!' and especially the jajas people get stuck pugging with.
I still need the charged gear and similarly dont have anybody to help, so I'm sure I've run that dungeons at least a hundred times.. Very frustrating, I sympathize man..

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