Should I do a shoutout or something?
Don't leave before I come back.
I guess I do feel like doing a little one to tide me over. I'm doing a lot of exams and have other stuff going on and I'm kinda burnt out.Youakim: just say like
Youakim: if you leave before i come back, ill miss you :<<
Yde: and hunt you to the end of the world and skin you alive and kill you and resurrect you to do it over and over again?
Youakim: please dont
Yde: easy solution don't leave before i come back
Don't leave before I come back.
I miss my favourite shilly person. I miss my dearest music and medieval french literature lovers, die wunderbare Dezemberzeit, the awesome Team Swag, especially the baggy and grouchy-pouchy parts of it (and baskety and pursey), this nice person who, like me, likes fruit and the sea, my outstanding awesomebad priest senseis, the thoughtful dreamer of turtles (gl!), the amazing asdflu-guru, the best thundercat, the pun-tastic salty angelfish whom I lofi, all of the #1 universes's, especially the shemangs and arachnoids, and all you shifty, frosty, minty, cruel and occasionally drunk and bizarre people and mad cows out there.
Including Arcah and Ayá and every other Klinda awesome person I've had the pleasure being Reunited with in a PUG, regardless whether 20 or onecleanshotting 24. *Spooch* And all the great people posting valuable content on TI, the broken paladins as well as the casual druids and the sharks with frickin' lasers.
I'm exhausted and not thinking straight, I can't think of more wacky descriptions. You are all great people. :]
Including Arcah and Ayá and every other Klinda awesome person I've had the pleasure being Reunited with in a PUG, regardless whether 20 or onecleanshotting 24. *Spooch* And all the great people posting valuable content on TI, the broken paladins as well as the casual druids and the sharks with frickin' lasers.
I'm exhausted and not thinking straight, I can't think of more wacky descriptions. You are all great people. :]