If you had to stick to one class, which would it be?

Rogue. For me it's the easiest class to immerse myself in.

Even if you're just a level 20 Baby Twink in a Daddy Twink's world rogues are fun when you play the class as the guys who fight asymmetrically. You can just lean into the class's strengths in that kind of combat and it's just so damned fun. Sneaking around, doing crime and keeping as many of their side away from the real fighting as you can because holy fuck are you done for if one of their Daddy Twinks catch you. Being F2P rogue is just chef's kiss for my fun buttons.

I just honestly think of a F2P class that would interest me as much as rogue. The F2Ps who play other classes have way different fun buttons than I do. I know for some it's about keeping as many of their factiion's Daddy Twinks alive as long as they can and they become healers. Or it's about doing as much damage as they can along their side's Daddy Twinks and hoping to do respectable damage and they go some dps spec.

But for the Pook, it's all about being as annoying as I can be so that they have to take people off the front lines to swat me and the Pook loves stealing stuff. I just literally can't see another class that would be as much fun to me. When you're completely outgunned by Daddy Twinks then it becomes about denying them a flawless victory. The Pook's gonna get one piece of war candy if nothing else. When we're evenly matched, it's so much fun to try and pick the right targets to annoy to give your Daddy Twinks and edge. When we're the side that's got the Daddy Twinks then the Pook is like, "you guys go have fun with the stabbing and I'll just be over here stealing stuff".

Anyway, the gummy I got of this night elf has kicked in so I'll have a ghost pepper burrito and a large chocolate milk please. Thanks.

Oh and ROGUE LIFE!... ...but probably spelled with a Y. But when rogues do it, it's ironic. Not like how those Demon Hunters do it on their binders with pentagrams and the Cool S and flying V guitars and goat skulls. Rogues are just classy as shit.
Warlock, definitely one of the more unique and over the top classes for me. (Implying I played anything else other than Warlocks)
Been playing it for ages, had to branch out once to play Enhance Shammy, but returned back to Warlock as fast as I could.
Chaos Bolt like a single-action Colt and Affliction like a work of fiction.
For me that would be Shaman, I always loved the fantasy of the call. To be fair I'd very much enjoy for them to deal less damage (I mean we coul receive a 75% damage nerf to Resto and we would still have middle-of-the-pack-damage). Elemental and Enhancement are so fun to play as well. I still miss the SL Reto soloing experience.

That said Paladin and Druid would be close second (I quite enjoy hybrid classes haha).
I don't see how they could make Paladin unviable since they need nothing fancy to work. They have been perhaps the most solid overall class since at least 3 expansions. Retributon is a ton of fun now (to be fair anything would have been better than the auto-attack simulator it was before) and while I can see its flaws I think Holy is quite enjoyable, especially for soloing.

For Druids it's the flavour of the class, what can I say, I'm a Tauren main. Very solid class for dungeons, a nice invisibilty and a goddamned dream portal. So cool.

Overall while my personal favourite is and will always be Shaman, I think Paladin is a close second but if you were to stick to a class for its reliabilty it would be first without competition (besides arguably Warlocks but those have to deal with threat on some bosses).
HUGE Warlock enthusiast when I used to take wow seriously. Now I can't play the class after the Demo changes. Kinda miss leaping around... but could commit to it full-time if I had to. Miss those focus/fear macros. Was a neat class to mess around with cast sequence macros too, using that old reset=target feature.

I enjoy MM Hunter too, ikr!

I'm having a lot of fun with all the classes right now, but if I had to choose one...it would be a toss-up between two classes.

Druid: as said before, you can do everything: tank, heal, melee DPS, caster DPS, and you can do it all very well

Paladin: I'm loving ret atm (Runeblade is OP AF), prot is practically unkillable, and holy is damn good too
DH main. I don't enjoy having too many options in a fight and things like the Druid and Rogue tend to overwhelm or irritate me. Stealth slows me down, and I'd rather have fewer abilities but have the ones I need and will use, instead of the ones I'd use once a month in a niche situation (That's what Engineering's for). I also enjoy damage and tanking, but healing? Useless to me 90% of the time at best and button bloat at worst.
I love the idea of the Rogue, but the reality drives me up a wall. The way I see it, my DH is essentially a Rogue on magic steroids.

If I had to start from scratch, still DH. Even in the age of open-world flight, nothing beats their vertical mobility and simplified specs/rotation. I log in half the time just to parkour across buildings. Now the Shamans and a few others will outmatch me in raw combat ability, but they can't climb indoors. Specs will get stronger or weaker, that's the nature of a changing game. But after over a decade, I know what I like and what I use in a class.

Chaos Bolt like a single-action Colt
I have never before heard Chaos Bolt compared to a colt, and I'm here for it, though I would have compared it to a Navy Colt due to the slow reload.
If I could go back in time, I would have not picked up World of Warcraft and instead I would have done something more productive with my life since I started playing 17 years ago.

Back on topic - any caster, I've always been a meele class enjoyer.
Can I be a hybrid Resto Druid Waterbending Shaman? Total night elf tho :3, I think it would be so cool to call on all the cute plant & water elementals and make little oasis’s everywhere and throw parties with lots of mushrooms :D that’s where I’d be hahaha

I’d want to regrow Teldrassil. Restore Nordrassil and Shaladrassil. And restore the old night elven empire and get their immortality back :3 #loregirliepop
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If pick lock by skill versus level or pickpocketing was back to under level 20, I would continue to play a rogue as a main.

Lately, been playing Monk Windwalker/MistWeaver switch as needed as my main.

Honorable Mention: Druid or Shaman, but as these are somewhat limited to certain races (which they should be IMO) - as I like that almost all races can be Monk, so becomes what racial abilities are QOL.

If I had to start over from scratch - Monk as I like their lore (so far) their Legion Order Hall is even very much tied to Pandara even if I do not fully understand how Monks can be everywhere as skilled as the Panderan monk that were isolated for many years ;)
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