If you had a higher level spell...

I want burst of speed...looks fun imo - Rogue
Cap Totem - Shaman
Trap Launcher if it comes w/ all 4 traps...silencing shot if not - huntard
shaman: water walking
mage: slow fall
lock: felguard or infernal
paladin: guardian of ancient kings
druid: 3 things i want here.. symbiosis, natures swiftness and flight form :p
rogue: shadowstep obv
priest: lifegrip
warrior: titans grip
hunter: feign death or freezing trap
Mass Dispel (+glyph now) for priests or Shattering Throw for warriors to show a paly how this game actually works.
shaman: water walking
mage: slow fall
lock: felguard or infernal
paladin: guardian of ancient kings
druid: 3 things i want here.. symbiosis, natures swiftness and flight form :p
rogue: shadowstep obv
priest: lifegrip
warrior: titans grip
hunter: feign death or freezing trap

Water walking of all the spells, water walking

not lava burst
not unleash elements
not windfury weapon

water walking
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Water walking of all the spells, water walking

not lava burst
not unleash weapons
not windfury weapon

water walking

water walking is cool
1. if a friend jumps off a cliff into water, cast water walking on them for a kill
2. fast travel in ab
3. easier fishing tourneys
4. picnics on the water
shaman: Hex, EShield for rsham
mage: Ice Block
lock: Felguard for demo, and Felhunt with Slock
paladin: Hand of Sac/Freedom
druid: NS, Cyclone
rogue: shadowstep!!
priest: Spriest spells of course..the lvl 21 ones..and Sform
warrior: Hamstring and Intim Shout
hunter: Freezing/Explosive(glyphed) traps
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Hex 1st choice,
Bloodlust for orc ele shaman,
Frost Shock good too.

ice block would be 1st choice, Greater invisibility or Invisibility be second choice,
time warp, alter time, slow, blizzard, mirror image, ice lance, are nice.

Infernal, Summon Felguard + Felguard: Axe Toss one without the other is a no no, Succubus :Whiplash, Demonic Circles, Imp:singe magic

Paladin: no idea

Mighty Bash would be 1st choice for feral or Guardian, Typhoon for balance,
Cyclone, Mark of Wild, Rebirth are useful.

Rogue: Clock of Shadow 1st,
Shadowstep, kidney Shot, Distract

Silence 1st,
Angelic Feather is interesting, Levitate, Purify, Fort buff, Renew,

Spell Reflection comes1st, Shattering Throw close second, Intimidating Shout.

idk, stampede?
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