If you could only have one BG addon, which one would it be?


I generally dislike addons, but pretty sure one could help my game...especially one that would ease targeting friendly or enemy flag carriers.

suggestions (something simple please)?

especially one that would ease targeting friendly or enemy flag carriers.

For that I'd go with Capping Battleground timers. It's pretty straightforward, no clutter that you can't get rid of, and it provides timers that (imo) should already be a part of the game (such as flag respawns, game start time and end time count downs ect) The feature that you would probably be most interested in is that it displays flag carrier names and %hp up at the top of the screen, and both of these tabs are targetable.

(However to answer your thread topic, if I could only have one addon I'd probably go with Carbonite :p )
If you dislike addons and just want to one to target FCs, I'd definitely go with Capping, as Kearbear said. Easy, unobtrusive, displays heath percentage and very little memory usage. Looks smart and entirely as if it's part of the Blizzard UI, so that's one addon that shouldn't bother you. :) I use DBM for that, like Gattuso, but you might not want all the other utilities that one brings with it.

I actually use (too) many addons, and have no memory problems and don't find them too obtrusive, but that's personal preference, of course. :) I wouldn't want to miss Battleground Targets for targeting/focussing the entire other team, but that's quite a bit more noticeable, so you might not like it. As Capping and Battleground Targets have already been suggested, I'll add SaySapped. Old, but still functional, and does nothing but make you say 'Sapped' when appropriate. I like it for FCing and teamwork. Cynics say that people who don't pay enough attention to notice their FC is sapped won't notice them talking, but I still like it.
i always admired skilled people who played without any addons, vurtne was one of those if i'm not wrong,

i find addons gamebreaking in pvp ; to reach a point that to be competitive you have to use those because you know your opponent will.

having a script telling you "oh your opponent skill is up, etc" sounds to me kind of sad
They are overrated, but some make things look prettier and some make a few things easier. ^^ I really like my UI now better than the old dungeons and dragons look.

I don't think addons will make anyone good at pvp. Being able to call out healers fast and with little typing is nice in PUGs. I'd obviously never even bother to do that in a premade. Batleground Targets is nothing shift-space and /tar or /focus name couldn't also do, but it just feels nicer to me. I wouldn't feel the need to call out 'sapped' in a proper team.

For me addons are all about making dealing with the cruel reality easier. :)
I don't think addons will make anyone good at pvp.

it won't make you good, but will give you important informations only a skilled player would notice

In arena, it makes a huge difference, if you like war videos just watch swifty vs mages as example.
Sometimes the fire mage would get a proc which gives him a insta pyro. An addon can tell you that the proc is on (expect a pyro in your face!): perfect time to proc a magic reflect on the war!

The arena frames added in cataclysm was copied from an addon that was used seasons ago (gladius) ; on that frame you get a lot of informations.

Knowing who has his trinket on cd as example is another big advantage, you can miss it (not hear it, or see the animation), but the addon will tell you if the trinket is on cd, so just use your cc now, it won't be broken since his trinket is not up, etc.

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I stand by my point that the addon will not make anyone good at pvping.

If you are already good it can make your timing perfect, but there are awesome players that have great timing without addons, and there's players like me that will miscalculate actions or miss reactions to interrupts even with addons, because I'm just that out of practice and will likely never manage to get that good. Also I'm scared of ruining my laptop keyboard. I broke two keyboards on Quake III and those days are over for me.

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