Ideal Class Balance for a 10v10

In this thread post what your ideal class balance would be for a 10v10 at the 39 bracket. Also include the offensive and defensive break downs.


1 Rogue - CC a Healer.

1 Warlock - Dots and Fear on a Healer.

1 Hunter - Aimed shot and DPS on the FC.

2 Retribution Paladins - Damage on the FC.

1 Shaman - Totems purges offensive healing and off damage on the FC.


1 Healdin - Heal the FC

1 Prot Paladin - FC

1 Priest - Dispels Healing Shields.

1 Warlock - DPS on the offense.

This is the ideal team I would use if I could have any class balance for an organized 10v10

Now post yours :)
Sorry I didn't see a thread that hasn't been bumped in over 4 months. Anyways why not start a new one when the old one dies?
Never said you couldn't. Linked it if you were looking for more input. Keep your panties on.

2 Warlocks - Felhunters focus on FC to debuff, CC healers and keep consistant damage.

1 Marks Hunter - Aimed shot and another pet on FC or healers to interupt. Also mass slowing trap.

1 Rogue - Wound posion and CC, sustained damage.

2 ret pallies - Mass burst and fairly hard to kill.


1 Feral Druid - More HP and armor than other classes.

1 restro shaman - Totems, never oom.

1 Disc priest - Great heals, great bubbles and mass CC fear.

1 Arm warrior - Massive damage with heals, and mass CC fear.

I think I prefure a FC pally, but the druids buff would be nice. Your d is good but offense would eat up the squishy warlock, and his damage comes with time meaning it would be a long fight.
39s usually aren't active enough to have specific class compositions. usually we take who is online and/or people that know how to play.

but, i'll take a crack at suggesting a "dream team"...

3 on Defense

Arcane mage FC that kites

Resto druid for abolish poison and heals on FC

Survival hunter for flares and CC

7 on Offense

Retadin for JoJ (and dps)

Hunter for aimed shot (and dps)

Warlock for fear (and dps)

2 Sub rogues for CC (and dps)

2 Priests for dispels and heals

So basically in the defense arcane mage kites while the druid gives abolish to get rid of mainly rogue poisons while the hunter fends off the opposing offense. The offense pretty much throws out DPS and aimed shot on the enemy flag carrier while getting dispelled and healed by the priests. If there are any solid healers or CCers on the opposing defense then there are fears and stuns available.
CitrusZinus said:
1 Arm warrior - Massive damage with heals, and mass CC fear.

might as well take an extra hunter. same damage, gets cc'd less, has frost trap/ms, doesnt require as many heals, etc

@ druid - The only real cc move hunters get deep in surv at 39 is readiness, which gives them an 8 second window where they have 2 frost traps up. For that and a few other talents, youre giving up ms and a lot of ap. Surv hunters are a great cc class with higher level talents, but imo having an ms for your defense would help more

2 Mages (1 as main FC)

2 Priests

2 Hunters

2 Rogues

Holy paladin


Imo you shouldn't designate a static number to offense and defense, since that depends on the team you're facing. If they stacked their team with healers, you should be turtling. If they stacked their team with dps, you should have more on offense. It's also a good idea to have multiple classes on defense that have cc and dps (Hunters, warlocks, priest)

If it wasn't for freedom, I wouldn't take a holy paladin into wsg. They are excellent when you're fighting for mid, but when most of the game is taking place in either base, they're going to be screwed by los. I prefer priests because they are probably the best class at keeping people up under pressure, and they have o/d dispel.

Basically, I just think it's a good idea to stack your team with ranged classes with lots of cc/damage that don't oom and healers with instant cast heals.
The metagame varies between bgs/teams. castrophy's Red Text runs with at least 4 pallies from the games I've been in recently. That's 4 blessing of protections, 4 hand of freedoms, 4 loh, 4 HOJs, 4 bubbles etc etc. Very effective because it negates burst, even on the non pallies. they also had 3 warlocks in the last game which is also great anti-burst in the form of cc.

without resilience, and with low survivability 3.1 you can load certain classes/specs to great effect in 10v10s @39.

like I've bitched about before - 3.1 is crap, and the metagame has changed to mirror it. Looking forward to 3.2 if only for a change of pace. One thing that will really blow hard though is the 1.5 second mount cast time. What a terrible change and completely unneccessary

/mourn eye of the storm
Yeah sock at times we run with 4 pallys but if you look at my post I said that would be my ideal set up. Not all of our paladins are retribution in a normal 10v10 2 of them are and out of the other 2 one is holy and the other is prot which is our FC. As for Warlock I really think one on defense is absolutly neccesary. The warlock keeps the defense busy with dots and fears and is just a giant pain in the neck. as for the offensive one he can easily be switched for a rogue or a mage.
couple druids for FC and FC healer,rest hunters with them for dps and CC. zerg around and run flags and CC/kill eFC. /win

throw in a pally healer for low mana heals when in base if the enemy gets past the hunters.
Nait what would the offensive and Defensive make ups be? If you just have a Druid FC and one Druid Flag carrier a Mage Paladin and Rogue would pretty much own that no problem while the rest can stay back and hold of your 8 man hunter O for long enough to get a return.
Castrophy said:
Yeah sock at times we run with 4 pallys but if you look at my post I said that would be my ideal set up. Not all of our paladins are retribution in a normal 10v10 2 of them are and out of the other 2 one is holy and the other is prot which is our FC. As for Warlock I really think one on defense is absolutly neccesary. The warlock keeps the defense busy with dots and fears and is just a giant pain in the neck. as for the offensive one he can easily be switched for a rogue or a mage.

yeah for sure.. and the longer you can stave off the opponents offense, the more effective a locks dots and cc become. You guys are smart (and hurty)
Strongly recommend two priests. The dispels, both offensive and defensive, are essential for both the FC and for killing the enemy FC. Also, we found a lock on D to be good only sometimes. It depended on the enemy team's makeup, and how they approached attacking our FC. Often, the warlock would be devastating - until they focused him first, and then he was merely a short delay. That was pre-3.1 though.

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