I need help... Back after 5 years.


hey yall. Came back after 5 years. Having a bit of trouble finding BIS for a 29 druid(alliance). This toon was leveled out of the 19 bracket due to a discovery xp gain back in the day for a level 70bg when you could sneek in and farm honor as a low level.

Im seeking help finding BIS info. The main 29 druid linked in the other post, has leveled out. Below is a link for my current loadout. As you can tell by the OH item, its been a hot minute.

Some of you may of seen this toon as Gimmedaflag in 19's .

Dual AGM's
rip furbog pouch :(


Wiling to dump hella gold into this if need be.
Wow! Nice character, man. Lots of Grandfathered items you got equipped there. I mean, honestly, considering the Rarity Factor, you're pretty much set.
What has me wondering is the OH item. It shows up red where item durability shows up in the upper right of the UI. Scared to take it off lol. This toon was geared about 10 years ago.
it's because you can't equip it anymore since it got a lvl 45 req on it, and it'll give no stats whatsoever. You're probably better off unequipping that and getting a 2h weapon for feral than leaving it on for the flex factor and getting gimped by it.
Yeah, once items are level-locked behind a higher level, they don't provide any benefits, even if they are still "equipped".

Side note: Might want to fly to Arathi Highlands and buy yourself a better belt:

Edit: Now that I look at it, based on you being Feral Spec, you could replace a few more of your items for proper stat distribution. Necklace has STR on it, which is useless for you, replace it with:
Which is bought in Ashenvale, from the PvP vendor.

Also the choice of an INT Enchant on an AGI weapon isn't very productive. Once you get a better weapon (Dungeon drop scaled, or even a BG crate mace) pop an Elemental Force enchant on it, and also get Mark of the Hidden Satyr for the new Necklace.
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Your character got some dope ass gear, and i just wanted to let you know not to sell/destroy any old items.
Keep all your old gear, it might be useful later on in wow. You never know.
Love the gear mate, reminds me of my old druid. I leveled him by accident using a macro to get into normal bgs with my xp lokced back in 2012. Worked 9 times outta 10, and one day I got lazy checking. At least once a year I throw in a ticket to get him back to 29, and every time I get told it's not happening. A guy can dream :)


You are well geared for a guardian spec but as feral you will need to replace most of the gear.

https://www.wowhead.com/item=15339/pathfinder-hat are BiS for leather

https://www.wowhead.com/item=19541/sentinels-medallion for neck

https://www.wowhead.com/item=15140/cutthroats-mantle are BiS for leather

https://www.wowhead.com/item=15130/cutthroats-vest are BiS for leather

https://www.wowhead.com/item=9857/archers-bracers are BiS for leather

https://www.wowhead.com/item=20117/highlanders-leather-girdle for belt

https://www.wowhead.com/item=7373/dusky-leather-leggings are BiS for Agility

https://www.wowhead.com/item=20188/defilers-leather-boots for boots

https://www.wowhead.com/item=12009/tundra-ring or heirloom ring are BiS for agility

It's just weapon and trinkets you need to sort out. Not sure AGM's are the right trinkets for feral anymore. A decent sub for a weapon would be the 2h heirloom mace Repurposed Lava Dredger. Or this


What wowhead doesn't show is the secondary stats you get on every item, that's because it will be potluck what drops for you. As a disc priest, all i want is Aurora (haste + versatility) but i keep getting more Quickblade (crit + versatility). It's a pain in the ass farming this gear. You might have better luck if you are on a populated server with AH.

The best places to farm for those green BOEs are Razorfen Kraul and Maraudon.

If you can get your agility and stamina over 200 then you are doing well.

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