I need a new way to make gold...

In the past, I've tended to take as much advantage of a weakness in the market as possible, in order to make fast, easy gold. The last 3 attempts have included making cogspinner goggles and DE them for LPS's (made about 2.5k), crafting cheap WotLK rings with cheap eternal earths for the enchanting mats (made about 750g), and making nobles cards (3k gold). I'm starting to run short again, and I'm hoping others have locked down a similar weakness. Anyone have insider info they're willing to divulge?

Find a server with a stable market for thorium ore and dont undercut it. Thorium sold regularly for 75g a stack very quickly on Akama. Not to mention if you know where to look, you can farm nothing but RICH thorium veins which yeild 4-5 ore 4-5 rough stone and occassionally, arcane crystals, blue/red saphire, Opals, and Azerothian Diamonds, which sell from 5-25g each depending on the gem. I farmed on a 65 Rouge, so I imagine a DK could do it no problem.

Depending on your luck, you can make between 1-2 stacks per 45 mins to an hour.

You could also try running the fire dwarf boss and grimlock from ulda and DEing their drops for large radiant shards. They go for about 15g on some servers, and you are guaranteed 2 per run. Thats 10 shards per lock out. These two bosses are very easy to run through the back door of ulda.
i farm ramps/bf on my 80 warrior and de the greens (planars and arcane dust), once a week i get a healbot friend to help me do heroic ramps/bf get void crystals/lps and more greens for dust..also gives hh rep if your trying to buy a pattern and not at the required rep..(i did the heroic grind for 6 stats to chest enchant recipe originally)
i stumbled across his post on his bg forum and hes looking for 4-500g per hour, my new advice for him is to get 20 irl dollars out, call the number for the next gold company he see's in trade and walla, gold with no work
gold for little/no work isn't really that rare, i don't think. And i won't ever buy gold. I can't really make the transition from spending real money to fake money. However, I did just buy 25 cardinal rubies. maybe I'll make enough cash to subsist until I find my next exploitable craftable.

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