... F2Ps who've been playing a long time have gear of similar power to heirlooms, which not all but plenty of levellers have access to. Levellers also have access to enchants on their looms just like vets do. The reason F2Ps and vets are great in BGs isn't gear - it's experience. They've been doing the same few maps for a long time and know them like the back of their paws/hooves. But they are still min-level.
Some levellers come in and run around like headless chickens with no idea where they are. Others come in from high level PvP toons with plenty of woompah. (I've been squashed into a stain on the floor by a leveller more than once).
Everybody then proceeds, by and large, to have great fun. I really don't see any problem there.
And as for the people suggesting that F2Ps/vets are to blame for the xp off/on separation and subsequent redundancy of the locked 29s, (looking at you Tweakedirl), get real.
1. As if Blizz listens to anything long-term F2Ps say.
2. That separation will have come about because new (paying) chars set foot in a BG when they first could, i.e. in the 10-19 bracket, and got stomped. I've put a few levelling chars through that bracket - 2 shot by boomkins. 10-19 was pretty much unplayable for non-twinks, with the possible exception of stealth classes. That's not true of the 20-29 bracket.
3. Blizz does what it wants and I wouldn't be surprised if they undo this change in due course.
By the way about vets, many of them were vets before the brackets were separated and were made in order to have more longevity against 29s. So for 29s to now be all acid at them... lol.
Apologies for the long post.
Edit - I meant to post this in another thread, apologies to OP for the non-sequitur!