Hunter's ruining the bgs?


I have been doing alot of bg's lately and hunters is just too OP with their damage and CC it's impossible for me as feral druid and lot of others to play. Ive also noticed that alot of people rolls the hunter class just coz it's way too op. In almost every BG i enter there is 3-6 hunters in each team and when i see that i leave coz it's just impossible to fight hunter's.
Yes hunters have pretty intense dmg. However my personal idea when im feral.. mangle rake mangle tauren stomp mangle eng. Bomb rake then use your finishing move. If a hunter trinkets either stomp. Then root them and get back in melee range. If they scatter shot you trinket it. If they conc shot powershift out of it. Theres no need for a feral to be QQ`ing. If a hunter gets to open on you rejuv and get LOS.

Theres no need to bitch about hunters. They're OP yes. But not impossible to kill
Use lifeblood. A quick rejuv during a stun. And i usually use healing pots vs hunters
I have been doing alot of bg's lately and hunters is just too OP with their damage and CC it's impossible for me as feral druid and lot of others to play. Ive also noticed that alot of people rolls the hunter class just coz it's way too op. In almost every BG i enter there is 3-6 hunters in each team and when i see that i leave coz it's just impossible to fight hunter's.

Well yes they are incredibly Op but they're receiving some much needed nerfs come MoP. Which is why i for the most part have quit the bracket.
Come MoP there will be another op class in the 19 bracket. It may coontinue to be hunters or paladins. We will all find out soon. But thats part of twinking in wow. They make changes, and you have to either adapt and keep playing. Or quit.
Hunters are not ruining the BG's.. but sure, 5-6 horde rogues where 4 of them just stealth slacks or Mid Ganking (wich happens every fucking day -.-'') vs 3-4 hunters who are pretty organized and know what to do... then ofc they "ruin" the BG in fact, the rogues who screw up the team by mid farming or slacking instead of playin' the Gulch how it is supposed to ruins the BGs cuz of lacking Team Work, no clue how to play the class (wich is prob the easiest class in 19) yeh and think they can do everything with a ShS into lolbush.
Hunters are not ruining the BG's.. but sure, 5-6 horde rogues where 4 of them just stealth slacks or Mid Ganking (wich happens every fucking day -.-'') vs 3-4 hunters who are pretty organized and know what to do... then ofc they "ruin" the BG in fact, the rogues who screw up the team by mid farming or slacking instead of playin' the Gulch how it is supposed to ruins the BGs cuz of lacking Team Work, no clue how to play the class (wich is prob the easiest class in 19) yeh and think they can do everything with a ShS into lolbush.

i mostly c u in mid ambushing lowbies with other carebears
To me, any cheaply played class, any overpowered class or any Healbotted/Pugging/Douche teamplay is ruining BGs.
I actually agree i think the gulch is about to set up a tactic to kill EFC and defend the own FC that's fun not be mid honor farm or GY gank.
Really in the gulch its all about team work and their isnt much of that anymore just people trying to get as many hk's as possible :(
If your a feral drui you needto be shifting slows using health pots rejuv's (no feral charge4u :( but if you can manage to get behind him then you can prob get a kill unless they know how to use disengage correctly and if its possible (never twinked a druid but know how to play one) use the talent that gives you free roots/cyclone get them in a CC and you can heal dont trinket scatters.
priests/hunters and right FC carry the bracket.

rogue sunshine is about to come to a end, priests are losing renew which can get them thru alot

i see MOP as paladins (although they are losing exo) and hunters still being dominant, even more with point blank shooting incoming. no longer will i be able to take my mage and stand on their toes and only have to worry about a 6 sec CD melee attack

and alot of people will be getting MOP to be able to race change to a panda, especially holy priests having fear/chastise/3 sec sleep panda racial.

sleep racial was pretty OP in WC3FT for one undead hero, it's gonna be imo, for any panda class rolled/race changed too
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lol, wasn't it you that didn't want us to cap the last flag, so that you could farm kills? lmfao

You mean this?

lets kill more!

If it was like that it was probably me, and it was just a pun referring to 19 twink memes topic :p

On topic:
Yeah hunters are a pain in the ass, but not so much for a resto/feral druid. Resto can usually get away from any hunter, or just stealth thru the mid. Same for feral but it's a bit harder and you probably need to blow some cds (lifeblood + healthpot maybe?). Also if youre up against a bad hunter and know what to do as a feral, you have a good chance of taking him down 1v1. And chances are hes not good, because as a hunter you do not need to be good to be viable in wsg. I've actually won a bis surv hunter as resto in duel with full hp :D

I'm not much of a feral expert but powershifting and knowing what your opponent's gonna do next is gonna take you far. Use LoS for some quick bandages/restealth if needed, keep rake ticking all the time! And I like to be specced to infected wounds in wsg, so be sure they have infected wounds most of the time aswell so it will make them pretty hard to kite you after theyve popped scatter + disengage.
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Oh! Like Pizza and his band of try hards! Glad we can agree.

Failed QUOTE, I was quoting BankBeauty "To me, any cheaply played class, any overpowered class or any Healbotted/Pugging/Douche teamplay is ruining BGs."
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