How's the bracket? (Generally speaking)


The 10's bracket was my most active bracket before my computer broke. I'm getting my computer fixed soon and therefore getting back into the swing of things. Before I left the 10's were pretty active. A lot of us (ones I knew, and world PvPed with) did an excellent job of coordinating and organizing things, getting groups together in Westfall, etc. It has been about 6 months, maybe even longer since I've been online. I believe the last time I played was during patch 5.3 Was just wondering what has changed since, what patch is currently in effect, what it's done (or hasn't done) for us as 10's and what I need to know to get back in the game.

Thanks guys,

- Taylor

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imo horde 10-14s are more scattered realm wise, on alliance almost all of us are on the same battle group (the sargeras one) so if you decide to make a new twink sargeras would be a good choice, we have a big guild, gear, enchants in gbank and lots of people that are willing to help you gear
[MENTION=9064]ffffrf[/MENTION] Most of my 10's are on Horde - Gul'Dan, but since GD is such a low populated server I'm pretty much the only trinket on the entire realm. The plus side is that there is ABSOLUTELY NO competition for realm contests such as STV Fishing Tourney (once won both 1st and 2nd place on the same day, could've had 3rd, but got bored)... but seeing how well formed you all are on Alliance over on Sargeras, I might just take you up on that offer ;)

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