How would you balance your class (be objective)

Could be Buffs or Nerfs but please be objective about your class(es):

Objectively the ways I would balance paladins would maybe a few but not ALL of the following:


If they put the protector of the innocent talent deeper in the holy tree it would balance things out, even if they moved it to tier 2 it would provide the necessary balance. If I want to heal myself quickly with instant casts it is actually more effective to heal someone else and get the PotI proc. The use of exorcism and holy shock during a hand of protection is also a little overpowered against melee classes but seems to even the playing field against hunters might keep this. They need to make Holy paladins unable to build up holy power when holy shock is casts on themself, I find myself constantly building up holy power out of combat so that I have access to two decent heals when I need them.


They need to make holy power useful for something other than word of glory heals on a prot paladin.


Holy power ramp up or the time it takes for charges to diminish out of combat needs to be adjusted.

Would like repentance (but that is not being objective just wishful thinking)
For warriors I would do two of the the following three things:

-Update distance closing to match the range increases that have been gradually added to ranged classes-

Increase the range on Charge, or allow it to be used in combat, or make Intercept and Berserker Stance traininable at 14-18.

-Replace worthless spells and pure burst abilities with more utility-

Strike is probably the single most worthless spell in the game and pretty much only appears on Warrior's from levels 1-7, if at all. Remove it along with swapping Execute for spells with more utility. Shield Bash, Disarm, Revenge, Overpower, Battle Shout

-Make all the specs viable for pvp-

As much as I like Piercing Howl, I hate only being able to play one spec with my warrior. Make Hamstring trainable at level 10, which opens up all the specs to be played more effectively.

Any two of these three things would bring about the necessary change warriors need to be viable in the 15-19 bracket. Or........nerf Hunters by moving Wing Clip and Disengage to someplace above level 19 in the hunter spellbook.
My opinions:

Warrior: Protection - Warbringer down one tier

Warrior: Arms - Hamstring available below 19

Warlock: Affliction - Curse of Exhaustion down one tier

Shaman: Restoration - Healing Surge available below 19

Shaman: Enhancement - Ghost Wolf should be 1.5 sec cast, to remain affected by haste

Shaman: Enhancement - Ancestral Swiftness -- Reduce cast time of Ghost Wolf by .75/1.5 seconds

Priest: Discipline - Power Infusion down one tier
nerf pallys and everything will be ok lol jk warriors need alot of love same with warlock but serious pallys some sort of nerf they are so geh atm
I don't see paladins getting nerfed. At 85 they are middle of the range in regards to prot and ret and other healers need to be buffed to bring them to a paladins level rather than the other way around.
I think Warlocks would be better if they were to get their Voidwalker bubble back! D:

It would aid them by a ton!
Kore nametooshort said:
I don't see paladins getting nerfed. At 85 they are middle of the range in regards to prot and ret and other healers need to be buffed to bring them to a paladins level rather than the other way around.

15-19 bracket.
Give warriors hamstring (making other trees useable) give back shield block and increase charge range to be comperable to other classes ranged abilities. Those changes coupled with the new abilites already available would make them good again. I'd still like to see rogues get crip poison because thats such a signature move for them, but they're not in too bad of a place atm, at least crip poison would make other specs viable even if it was only a 50% snare.

Edit: interrupt for warriors is pretty needed too, shield bash or pummel, idc.
Hunter- Remove disengage, scatter, and Bat stun.

Warrior- shield bash, warbringer, hamstring

Paladin- What gracob said

Rogue- Garrote, SnD

Druid- nerf to shit balance dmg, Buff regrowth

Priest- Fine atm

Shaman- buff heals.

Warlock- Sacrifice,Curse of exhaustion

and no priests don't need dispel

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