How To Item Switch With Identical Gear


boomer shaman
Whats up guys, I give all credit for this to Cliche and the dudes over at the WoW UI forums!

This macro can let you equip the same item with different enchants by giving the item and enchant their own unique identification numbers!

First: Copy this into macro form or just copy and paste it

/run local function id(s) return strmatch(GetInventoryItemLink("player",s) or "","(item:%d+:%d+):") end for i=16,17 do if id(i) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("/equipslot "..i.." " end end

* i=16,17 are your weapon slots (16 = MH, 17 = OH), change this to whatever you like *

This gives you your weapon numbers and enchant numbers for MH and OH, for me it said:

/equipslot 16 42948:2568

/equipslot 17 6383:929

* The first number, ie. "42948" is the item, and "2568" is the enchant, which is my Devout Aurastone Hammer with +22 int. *

Now make your own macro, that looks like this:

/equip item:W#:E#; itemname

* W# = the weapon number it gives you, ie. 6383 - E# = the enchant number *


/equip item:42948:2568; Devout Aurastone Hammer

If you have multiple of the same weapon, the unique identification number will help you out.

Hope it works for you guys, have fun.

~Yeee yeeee
tht only works if the weapons ur equipping have different enchants. if your using the same weapon AND same enchant you needa pop out outfitter or the blizz UI version of it and make a set w/ it that has all other gear slots crossed out.
Crilicilyn said:
tht only works if the weapons ur equipping have different enchants. if your using the same weapon AND same enchant you needa pop out outfitter or the blizz UI version of it and make a set w/ it that has all other gear slots crossed out.

This macro can let you equip the same item with different enchants by giving the item and enchant their own unique identification numbers!

Ya, I said that.
Not if your just wapping weapons in which case all the other slots should be set to ignore. I have a macro that changes my stance/weapons and use blizzard gear change to swap spike/stam shields on another button and have never noticed any difference in speed between them.
Ardent said:
Not if your just wapping weapons in which case all the other slots should be set to ignore. I have a macro that changes my stance/weapons and use blizzard gear change to swap spike/stam shields on another button and have never noticed any difference in speed between them.

Can you *Sorry if it's obvious* tell me the way to add gear change to a macro? I'm atm just keybinding and spamming it quick on the GCD for Stance-Dancing. Thanks.

/cast [mod:shift] Battle Stance; [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance

/equip [mod:shift] Night Reaver

/equip [equipped:two-hand] Venerable Mass of McGowan

/equip [equipped:two-hand] Redbeard Crest

That's my stance macro.

In battle you can click it to swap to defensive and equip sword + board. Or shift-click it to switch between sword + board and 2hander (shift-click doesnt change stance)

In defensive you can hit it to swap to battle stance. If you shift-click in def stance it will switch to battle and equip a 2hander because a 2hander in def stance is just silly.

You can also use "/equipset *nameofset*" to include the blizzard quipment changer in your macro. If i was to do that my macro would look like this:


/cast [mod:shift] Battle Stance; [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance

/equipset [mod:shift] twohander

/equipset [equipped:two-hand] sandb

twohander and sandb being the names I gave the sets.
You use it because Blizz's only holds 10 sets, or 8 sets.. and I have about 14 switches on my shaman with all the gear sets I have.

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