How to farm X-45 Heartbreaker using only f2p/unsub account


1. A good pc that can run multiple instance of wow
2. Preferably a good twink that can clear dungeon quickly, such as 11 fury/10 monk, although you can do with any toon that can solo dungeon.


The first kill of the day is a high quality box, which has a much higher chance to contain epic mount X-45. Currently there is a loophole here, if you form a 5-man party with your bnet linked accounts, they all get this first kill bonus, which means 5x drop rate! You can verify the quality of box by counting love tokens. 1st box contains 6-8 tokens, while normal box contains 3-5.

If you have sub time, this is easy, just invite other toons from your linked account.

For f2p/unsub account, this is how you do it:

1. Create 4 level 10 toons which has the same fraction and realm as your main twink, using classes that can fill all roles: druid, monk or pally.
2. Choose shadowland chomie time, then queue for a specific dungeon, make sure to fill all roles. Shadowland dungeon is pretty dead atm, since you can't use any gear that dropped. There is a high chance that you enter the same instance with most of your toons.
3. If there are some pug users in your party, clear the dungeon and wait for them to leave (or vote kick them but that's not very nice lol), then queue as party with your toons. Fill dps roles first, and add tank/healer. For instance, if you already has a 4-man party, queued as tank+3dps, the extra toon queued as healer. (Shadowland queue is so dead that I usually form my party with only 2 runs)
4. After you form the 5-man party, que for Crown Chemical Co. Dungeon and profit !
5. After logout, your party will dissolve, so you need to form them again the next day. (You can still see your other toons after login, but they get tp out after a while, don't know if there is an easy way to keep the party)

Good luck with your heartbreaker !

ps: this method should work with other holiday mount as well, if blz doesn't fix the loophole.
1. A good pc that can run multiple instance of wow
I'll just add here that you can really stretch what your PC can do by turning your settings (particularly resolution) WAY down on some or all of your accounts. For example, I could successfully run 5 accounts on a 16GB M4 Mac Mini and that's a $599 computer. It was sluggish but when I turned rez down to 720p and lowered the view distance it was WAY better.
2. Preferably a good twink that can clear dungeon quickly, such as 11 fury/10 monk, although you can do with any toon that can solo dungeon.

I assume if you have at least 1 subbed account you don't need to go through the SL dungeon dance?
This is stated on wowhead "Players can queue up for the encounter via the LFG tool. You only have to be Level 10 to queue, however, you only have a chance at X-45 Heartbreaker if you are level 60 or higher."
In previous years, you'd get a different quality box. In SL, for example, you only got the Epic box at 50+ so you knew for sure if the mount could drop.

I'd be a little surprised if Blizzard made the Epic box (which does drop at 10) not have the mount unless you were 60+. ATT seems to consider the boxes the same FWIW. But anything is possible.

I found a Blizzard forum thread where a CM made some statements about this:

Someone later in the thread contradicts the Sweeper-only-on-the-first-run claim too so the CM might be giving (knowingly or not) incorrect information. Or that claim might be (knowingly or unknowingly) false.

Unfortunately, they didn't address the 60+ claim on Wowhead so I'm not sure where they're getting that from. In SL it was 50+ (max level 60), DF was IIRC 60+ (max level 70). TWW has max level 80 and it's supposed to be 60+? Is this statement just a holdover from the DF version of the event?

Has an
Boys, boys. Have a look in loot topic nearby, everything was discussed there. This thread adds creative idea howto sneak into boosted chance 1st kill without sub or fwiend, kudos for that.
Atm the only thing that wasn't reported yet at f2p is xmog-saddle.
By the way, the level 60+ "requuirement" for X-45 listed on Wowhead is demonstrably incorrect. It dropped for me today at level 11.
Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 11.54.30 AM.png
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