How to farm Charged Gear rings & Emissary Cuffs bracers



Not the smoothest run, but shows how to work around things. Boosting myself with a fresh boosted lvl 58 char. As you may see, I haven't even bothered to put my spells in the actionbars yet, clicking straight from the spellbook at times. You should have an easier time, especially if the characters you're boosting aren't almost at the minimum level of entering the dungeon, pulling almost everything in sight. If I can do it, you can do it.
Hey, how do you get your characters there if you do not have the goblin transponder on the Alt?
[doublepost=1622514269,1622513949][/doublepost]Nvm im dumb i figured it out
[doublepost=1622561573][/doublepost]Anexa - i just farmed up a Charged gear of Eluding - 7 agi and 7 dodge with resist - do you think that eluding would better than Str/stam ring for ret paladin?
Anexa - i just farmed up a Charged gear of Eluding - 7 agi and 7 dodge with resist - do you think that eluding would better than Str/stam ring for ret paladin?

oh, i didn't know the eluding ring had such beautiful stats. But no, the 7 str - 7 stam is BiS for a retri

high dodge isn't really recommended in general imo, my rogue had it and i get wrecked by warrior's Overpower
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I run my mage in the backdoor and leave the twink at the entrance of the back door. Do 2 mass pulls and then 3 medium pulls on the ramp of dark iron dwarves. Then everything all the way from backdoor to last boss is cleared. If the rare boss is up you can tag him also when the twink arrives on scene. Then if you want no xp gains just pull last boss with twink and let him die but dont release. Can roll or master loot drops to said dead twink.
oh, i didn't know the eluding ring had such beautiful stats. But no, the 7 str - 7 stam is BiS for a retri

high dodge isn't really recommended in general imo, my rogue had it and i get wrecked by warrior's Overpower
Those are the "new" stats. Originally I think was +12/+2?

Also, this is much easier with Rocket boots. Been farming this way for ages, but jumping off the gear and booting through the mobs. Works lovely for a mage with no need for high level help to get to the spot.
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instead of jumping back down and running zigzag through the middle section after you killed the rare, you can just stay up on the same walkway and jump up on the edge up against the wall and jump over the cable-pibe looking thing where the rare died and just walk on the edge all the way to the end. you might agro the packs on the way but they won't follow you and will eventually just reset, so just wait a couple seconds before jumping down at the end to drop combat before entering the boss room.
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I found you can just recklessly run this path with your 58 on follow, killing off your twink as needed (or reset spotting) near the ambassador before killing whichever bosses you need. If you dont have a resser you can then log an alt on your 58's acc, make it leader, leave group on twink to get teleported to inn (bootie bay), reset instance, log back into 58, promote that to leader and have a full reset. You can get down to 5 runs in about 25 minutes even without a ress consistently that way.
Nice video, Anexa. Personally, I found myself saving a lot of time on using the backdoor entrance and do everything in 3 mass pulls, with the twink on follow for 2 of them. As you can see from the picture below, your twink (or boostee) will be in range of both Ambassador and Thermaplugg from the room next to it:


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