How to Become Immune to Crowd Control in WSG


This one should be new to most of you: [ITEM]Sulfuron Slammer[/ITEM] It has no cooldown, isn't affected by gcd and you can carry an unlimited amount. You can buy it from Plugger Spazzring in BRD, just use your main or a dk. Upon using it you'll take 4 dmg every 3 seconds for a total duration of 6 seconds. If you use it correctly you can get out of blinds, saps, poly's and other forms of cc that break on damage without a problem.

I expect Blizzard to hotfix or patch this sooner or later, so enjoy it while it lasts ;)
Ishh said:
This one should be new to most of you: [ITEM]Sulfuron Slammer[/ITEM] It has no cooldown, isn't affected by gcd and you can carry an unlimited amount. You can buy it from Plugger Spazzring in BRD, just use your main or a dk. Upon using it you'll take 4 dmg every 3 seconds for a total duration of 6 seconds. If you use it correctly you can get out of blinds, saps, poly's and other forms of cc that break on damage without a problem.

I expect Blizzard to hotfix or patch this sooner or later, so enjoy it while it lasts ;)

thats to damn OP:p

-Are you online on ravencrest?
6 Sec duration, first tick is 3 secs and other is 0, could be useful if you know you're about to be CC'ed
hotfix? This has been around forever, and Swifty released a video of it which was viewed by hundreds of thousands of players...doubt Blizz cares.
Pers said:
hotfix? This has been around forever, and Swifty released a video of it which was viewed by hundreds of thousands of players...doubt Blizz cares.

Swifty used the off-hand that did dmg to you when you used it, so you're wrong. Blizzard fixed that as well, so that's why they'll probably do the same with this item as soon as it becomes widespread. I found this on Elitist Jerks somewhere, Bench :p
Twinkytoes said:
Amazing find Ishh, but how do you obtain the item?

Buy it with your main and send/trade it to your twink. The vendor is in the bar area in BRD.
I've always been doing this on my 49, it's pretty amazing when you get sapped and the rogue waits to regain his energy. I always have the (de)buff up when I'm walking through mid.
Even thought this has been around for a long time ( not know by many ) I don't think blizzard will hotfix it, and yes swifty has used this in a video ( not the one that was talked about that was the Offhand from a quest ), I would know, I use to play on DS.
Nice job something dumb like this. Encourage people to use unintentional methods to become immune to crowd control. Real twinks or should i say PVPERS wont use this, just like you wont use fap's. I am getting an eerily similiar feeling to when TI posted how to exploit shoulder/head chants....

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