How much is Staff of Jordan worth?


I've been having a bit of an issue trying to get a SoJ on my server. I've checked Wowhead and I assume from what others say, that SoJ isn't really worth more than 800g. The rare times that SoJ is up on my server, it's listed for over 1,200g, w/o enchants. I understand twinking gets expensive, and I do have enough to afford 1,200g, I just get really stubborn at being gypped. Is 1,200 a fair price for SoJ? Or should I just stick around and wait for a lower priced staff?
If it's as rare as it is on my servr I would buy i whenever it's there. Usually goes several months between SoJ's on my AH
SoJ is rare, and the prices may vary. I believe what people say is that it should be around 500g, but I mean it's difficult to pinpoint a price on rare items.

1200 is a tough deal, but if you're willing to drop the gold for it, do it. You won't see too many of them on the AH.
Well I guess it depends. The thing about epic world drops is that you may never see it at your preferred price if someone else buys it for 1200g. There's a good chance it won't sell so in 48 hours it may be back up for a little less. Over 1000g auctions can have a hefty deposit, however, so after a few times it could be more around 500g.

If you want to try your luck at waiting, just get a cheaper alternative and replace when the time comes if you can't wait to get into the BGs.

FYI I sold mine for 600g on my server. Had to put it back up twice before it sold, but I never lowered the price.
Personally, I don't buy them for more than 500g. My server has a large population, and SoJs tend to show up pretty regularly. But then, I'm never in much of a hurry, and 95% of 39 twinks on horde are in my guild, so I don't usually worry about buyer competition.
actually the deposit remains the same no matter what u price the item at....and 1200g is a little over priced, but its really only at the high end of the spectrum, not over the top

normally i would expect to pay 800-1200, so u should feel like the deal is roughly fair if ur buy it....u shouldnt feel like u've been ripped off
Yeah, I have a feeling I might end up doing just that. I just never really knew how rare SoJ is. I mean, I've seen countless other world drop epics on the AH like the Bow of Searing Arrows (I picked up one for 100g last week), Ardent Custodians which seem rather common. Hell I've seen my fair share of Legguards of the Vault, although I don't know exactly how rare they are.

There was just recently a SoJ with major spellpower enchant already on the staff up at the AH for a 1,500 BO and 800g bid. At the 30 minute remaining mark I got my first outbid and decided to try and see how far we could outbid each other before someone freaks and just buys the thing. I was too late and they took advantage of it after just a couple of I'm kinda regretting not taking advantage of that now ;) Thanks for the input guys.
Well, I've been keeping an eye on that SoJ, and it's been taken off the AH before its expiration date. I assume the seller did not take it off himself, as he also had an Underworld Band up there for over 400g, which was still up for a while. My only guess is that it was sold. So I don't know, maybe I just picked a bad server ;)
TBC era 500g was common, now I'm seeing 800+. One was up for less than 2 hours at 1,200g.

What's really strange on my server is no one has seen Underworld Bands on the AH for months and threads are being started offering 500g each for them.

Meanwhile I've found the following within the last two weeks; Warden Staff that went 48 hours with buyout at 125g, I got it for a 61g bid, 10g Gut Ripper, 16g Glowing Brightwood Staff, 5g Legguards of the Vault, 75g Kang the Decapitator. The AH is sometimes VERY strange.
Hehe, that sounds like my server Eveill, you got some good buys though. And that SoJ for 30g :eek: Was that really a buyout?
500-800g on agamaggan currently for these, although im sure if you are patient you can find it less.
Those sound like great prices. Currently the person selling on my server has raised the price to over 3k for a non-enchanted SoJ. :rolleyes:

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