How much gold have you spend on your twink?

Priest about 500g... ya my server i buy stuff cheap cheap CHEAP(duskwood). i got 3 mind thrusts in total for like 45g. (i also farmed most of the stuff :p)

Rogue 2kg? ya but in the day i had to buy everything it all added up...

24 twink Rogue i can't say i really spent any money on him since i make all the money back but i guess i spent around 200g just for enchanting mats.
Over the past years, total? I dunno... 100k lmfao

I've been through so many different gear sets with enchants, and re-enchanting

Spending gold on re-specs back when they costed a fortune after you did so many
ive estimated before, around 300K, on about 20 twinks, prebc, then BC twinks were not cheap, and then now gold is really easy to farm.

never bought any of it, just farmed and worked ah.
many hundreds of thousands of gold and too much irl money.
All mine were funded. Sucks for you people that suck.

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