EU+US How does one gear a 109 For Ipvp?


How do you do it? I'm completely foreign to legion content, some of the older threads made it sound like you shouldn't do any legion quests until 109? Thanks in advance!
Yes don't quest until u hit 109 also when you hit 109 do timewalking for 815 ilvl gear another thing is make sure you go all primary armor type BoEs also grind your arti to atleast rank 13 to be safe but go higher if youd like
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Yes don't quest until u hit 109 also when you hit 109 do timewalking for 815 ilvl gear another thing is make sure you go all primary armor type BoEs also grind your arti to atleast rank 13 to be safe but go higher if youd like
Awesome thanks for the info! What do you think would be a good way to level? Just dungeons and BGs?
A guardian, finally. Most fun with rogues in a battleground. ♥

I would take Galactic Guardian and Survival of the Fittest. So much AoE damage.

And for your Artifact: Iron Claws - Wildflesh - Perpetual Spring - Bloody Paws - Jagged Claws - Embrace of the Nightmare
(Rank 12 with 1st Golden Trait + more healing, more AoE dmaage and AoE slow.)
Probably like 800 or 790

Nope, its 750. At the start of the expac it was 780 and now, for whatever reason, it's 750.

My twinks arent super geared but my 109 dk is ilvl 830 and the buff displays 8% (830-750 / 10 = 8) and my in progress 107 mage is 819 and it shows 6% (it always rounds down).

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