Hot 39 Resto Druid Twinking Action


Welcome to lvl 39 resto twinking! WOO, lets hear it for HOT HEALS! Now let me establish one thing about druid healing at this level, resto is about your personal play style. There is no single perfect, or right way to twink out a resto healer. There are many WRONG ways, however the great thing I like about resto twinks is there is room for personalization. With that established, sit back and enjoy the read!

You can find my guide to lvl 29 resto twinking here:

~PART 1 - HEALING WITH HOTS 101 (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

Your 3 MAIN heals are: Rejuvination, Regrowth, and Swiftmend. Healing touch is a long slow, and mana ineffective heal that is not even glyphed for. Healing touch is your LAST trick in the book after everything else has been exausted. Druid healing is not about large single burst heals, but layers of smaller heals ticking over time. Twink dps, is all about the burst damage...see the conflict and why some people like to use healing touch? Additionally, due to how slow healing touch is to cast you can have it stopped more easily by rogue kicks, counter spell, and silences.

Druid healing is all about hots. Hot healing is about creating layers of heals that tick over time. Hot heals can crit, and hot heals will continue even after the healer dies. A great trick you can do with hot heals, is if you know you are going to die and are in an intense fight with your can toss out hot heals (rejuv) onto your team mates before you die. Those you placed before dying, will heal your team mates while you are dead and waiting to ress and rejoin them.

Small note: If for some reason that you insist on using Healing Touch as your primary heal, you will need a lot of haste.

Hot heals will lurk passively if the target is at full health. That so long as the hot heal has time, it will sit and wait until someone takes damage and then heal.

~PART 2 - RACIALS (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

*Night Elves: Shadowmeld is AMAZING. Its stealth for a healer! Just think of all the applications of being able to stand around unseen while defending a base, or flag carrier? Shadowmeld can be used to also drop hunter and warlock pets. Passive dodge is a small but sometimes life saving perk.

*Tauren: the bonus health is small and based off your base stamina, not your geared stamina. The aoe stun has endless uses.

*Troll: Berserking increases your attack and casting speed by 20% for 10 sec. 3 min CD. Great when you need to get a faster HT off.

*Worgen: Darkflight, increasing movement speed by 40% for 10 sec. 3 min CD. Basically a travel form in which you can heal - awesome for flag carrying and escape from problems.

~PART 3 – GLYPHS (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

Since Rejuvenation and regrowth are your primary heals you should glyph for Swiftmend.

P. Glyph of Swiftmend: Glyph of Swiftmend - Item - World of Warcraft (Read the description, easily the best.)

P. Glyph of Regrowth: Glyph of Regrowth - Item - World of Warcraft (Nice, but not as useful)

P. Glyph or Rejuvenation : Glyph of Rejuvenation - Item - World of Warcraft (Used each and every cast, I love how useful this is. This is my second pick.)

M. Glyph of Entangling Roots: Glyph of Entangling Roots - Item - World of Warcraft (This is awesome. Instant cast roots is the ultimate life saver.)

M. Glyph of Healing Touch: Glyph of Healing Touch - Item - World of Warcraft (Not worth using to me)

M. Glyph of Innervate: Glyph of Innervate - Item - World of Warcraft (Not bad, but not really used often)

~PART 4 - RESTO SPECS (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

*Regrowth Spam Spec -

*Generic ZOMG Heals -

~PART 5 - SPELLS @ LVL 39 (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

This is stuff you should want to know: mana cost of spells, and their unbuffed healing info.

*Faerie Fire - 65 mana

*Thorns - 296 mana

*Moonfire - 148 mana

*Entangling Roots - 57 mana

*Healing touch - 247 mana

*Regrowth - 288 mana

*Rejuvenation - 214 mana

*Swiftmend - 82 mana

*Remove corruption - 140 mana

*Mark of the Wild - 197 mana

Regrowth: 367, then 114 for 6 seconds

Rejuv: 168 every 3 seconds, for 12 seconds

Healing Touch: heals for 818

~PART 6 - NAKED STATS @ LVL 39 WITHOUT RACIAL BONUSES (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

These stats are for a lvl 39 without gear, buffs, or any kind of a racial bonus.

Str - 41

Int - 68

Stam - 55

Spirit - 71

Agi - 46

Spell Crit: 10.39%

Spell Power: 58

~PART 7 – STATS/GEARING (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

Unlike rogues who only stack the likes of AGI & Stam, resto healers have a lot to juggle. There is no single stat combo that is perfect, or the best. The combo of stats, and what you choose is squarely on your shoulders.

Stats for Resto Druids: Int, Stamina, Spell Power, and haste. Sometimes, spirit too.

Personally I rank Int, Stamina, and Haste as the top 3 in that order. Haste is fun, and there is a haste spec for druids. Haste makes your casts faster, and your hot heals tick faster. Int gives a druid spell power, spell crit, and your mana pool. Stamina gives you health (duh!). Spell power makes your heals and offense spells more powerful. Spirit helps your mana regen in and out of combat. Spellpower is nice, and useful, however Int gives you spell power, mana, and crit! spirit is nice for regen, and you should have some to round out your regen, some druids prefer to int stack so much that their mana pool is so massive that they never worry about regen. I like to stack int, and stam, with some haste, and then lastly some spirit just to give me a regen edge.

You team needs those heals more then anything else, and the bigger the healing numbers the better (so long as you dont overheal). Your team also needs you to survive, healers dont heal when dead (save for when you have hots ticking). To do these two things you need great spell power, a big mana pool, and lots of health.

A healer out of mana is a dead healer. A healer out of mana means dead dps. It's a delicate dance juggling these stats. Really, they all are important, however I sacrifce spirit for the other stats for many reasons. Fore most, many twink fights are so fast and furious that healers almost never live long enough to go oom. Some people no doubt are rolling their eyes going "OMG good healers dont die!" flash, they do. Healers are the prime targets in BGS. How many times have you read in a bg "OMG! THEY HAVE MORE HEALERS THEN WE DO! KILL THEIR HEALERS" or "THE EFC HAS A HEALER! KILL THE HEALER!" ? Healers are prime targets for lots of pvp hate.

Additionally, effective healing is...mana effeciant. If you are glyphed wrong, and healing wrong it will eat your mana fast. No ammount of spirit, or int will save you from wasting your mana with bad healing and glyphs.

Now there is one other thing about spirit and regen I would like to address: the caster heirloom trinket. ATM, this does not award bonus mana in pvp unless it is your personal HK. This trinket is amazing for pve, specifically while you are healing runs to get gear.

About gearing, if in doubt slap on BoA gear. If you lack BoA gear for a particular slot, refer to this list. I provide a variety of options to meet play styles, and offer a selection of substitutes until you can get the desired gearing: options never hurt.

RING - Underworld Band (epic) Underworld Band - Item - World of Warcraft (This is one sexy BoE!)

RING - Advisor's Ring - Advisor's Ring - Item - World of Warcraft - (Horde pvp reward)

RING - Lorekeeper's Ring - Lorekeeper's Ring - Item - World of Warcraft (Alliance pvp reward)

RING - BoA ring - Gleaming Seal of the Archmagus - Item - World of Warcraft

RING - Band of Uldaman - Band of Uldaman - Item - World of Warcraft

RING - Hidden Treasure - Hidden Treasure - Item - World of Warcraft

RING - Ring of Demonic Guile - Ring of Demonic Guile - Item - World of Warcraft

NECKLACE - Chain of Taerar - Chain of Taerar - Item - World of Warcraft

NECKLACE - Gemshard Heart - Gemshard Heart - Item - World of Warcraft

NECKLACE - Gift of the Banshee Queen - Gift of the Banshee Queen - Item - World of Warcraft (Horde SM quest)

NECKLACE - Scarlet Necklace of Paradise - Scarlet Necklace of Paradise - Item - World of Warcraft (Alliance SM Quest)

NECKLACE - Necklace of Calisea - Necklace of Calisea - Item - World of Warcraft (BoE)

NECKLACE - Triune Amulet - Triune Amulet - Item - World of Warcraft

TRINKET - Inherited Insignia of the Alliance/Horde - (The best there is, just seeing this should make you excited)

TRINKET - Discerning Eye of the Beast - Discerning Eye of the Beast - Item - World of Warcraft (+11 int @ lvl 39)

TRINKET - Heart of Noxxion - Heart of Noxxion - Item - World of Warcraft

TRINKET - Rune of Perfection - Rune of Perfection - Item - World of Warcraft

HELM - Clever Hat - - (Haste hat)

HELM - Whitemane's Chapelau -

HELM - Embalmed Shroud -

HELM - Eye of Theradras -

HELM - Papal Fez -

SHOULDERS - Warpwood Leaf Mantle - - (Haste)

SHOULDERS - Inquisitor's Shawl -

SHOULDERS - Rotgrip Mantle -

WRIST - Agamaggan's Gift - (Best in slot)

WRIST - Fiona's Armbands - (Best in slot)

WRIST - Bracers of safe keeping - (Haste set)

WRIST - Bracers of Reluctant Vioence - (Horde)

WRIST - Goddess-Blessed Wristlets - (Alliance)

WRIST - Corpsebeast Armbands -

WRIST - Bracers of the captured Heart -

CHEST - Andorhal Tunic - (Horde)

CHEST - Chilldwind Tunic - (Alliance)

CHEST - Death Speakers Robes -

CHEST - Nature's Embrace -

CHEST - Spirewind Fetter - - (BOE)

CHEST - Warpwood Bark Vest -

BOOTS - Riptide Shoes -

BOOTS - Merciful Greaves -

BOOTS - Sandals of Glorious Life -

(More coming soon)

~PART 8 – ENCHANTS(Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

Gloves: +haste to gloves

Staff / Weapon: +spellpower

~PART 9 – PROFESSIONS(Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

*Mining - I like the bonus stam, and use this profession. The bonus stam is not huge, however it is better then not. This bonus to your stamina is used constantly in a bg verses the gimics of other professions.

*Herbalism - don't waste your time, your own hot heals are superior. The hot heal this provides is fairly small compared to your hot, and has a long cooldown timer.

*Skinning - I like the bonus to crit. My own combo is mining / skinning because I want the added edge given to my own survival and each and every heal. The bonus to crit is used EVERY TIME you cast - which adds up over the length of a fight. Max this profession out, and enjoy the crits.

*Engineering - pass. Engineering is great for classes who don't have all the survival, and escape mechanics a druid does. "But, what if I am oom and need to escape!" - if your oom, your pretty much screwed anyways. If you need that engineers net to survive, it might be better to die then ress with a full health and mana pool. The choice on engineering is yours, for me it isn't a choice.

*Leatherworking - don't bother.

*Tailoring - don't bother.

Are you casting? Then your using the bonus crit from skinning. Are you getting your ass kicked? Then your using the mining bonus. These two profession bonuses, to me are used the most. While the bonuses are small, in the long run give you a big advantage.

~PART 10 – CONSUMABLES (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

Food buffs rock. As discussed earlier, resto druid stats are a little complex and needs a lot of stats to round out. For your food, I do not suggest going with pure +stamina buff food, but rather something like +stamina, and + spirit food. Food buffs are your chance to round our your character even better. Check out some of this food: Carrion Surprise , and Giant Clam Scorcho . Also don't forget to check out any special holiday food, and buffs!

~PART 11 – BUFFS (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

~PART 12 – QUIRKS/STUPID DRUID TRICKS (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

* Remove corruption is great - it removes one poison, and one curse. This is a must for taking care of flag carriers. It is mana heavy, so be careful.

* If you are going to die, and your team is near by, start spamming rejuv heals onto your team. Hot heals will tick and heal your teammates even after you die. This is really nice to help give your team mates an edge in fighting, and also keep them alive until you can get back to them.

* Faerie fire is the #1 way to PISS rogues off. My main is a rogue, my favorite class in the game is rogue. The one thing that PISSES me off as a rogue in pvp is being unable to stealth. Trust me, if you wanna mess up a rogues day, toss FF onto them.

*"OH NOEZ! I are snared/webbed!" - shape shift out goober. You have many forms, use them to your advantage.

*"OH NOEZ! I r fc/tanking anything!" - have some stamina heavy gear for tanking. I have a few quick easy items I trade out for a feral tank set. This set includes a nice feral staff, because you can change weapons in combat, while you cant change any gear. In bear form, demoralizing roar is a great way of reducing damage done to you. Also make use of the bear form bash to stun any serious threats. I toss a hot heal on myself, and then shift into different forms. When alone facing many foes as a fc, shift into cat/travel form and run your ass toward your team or a nearby healer. Keep in mind that as a healer, your job is to stand behind other people and heal them..ideally you shouldn't be the one standing out front needing heals.

*Get good at playing 'helpless'. By this I mean...when you are guarding a flag carrier and are stuck waiting around for the efc to be killed, healers are the target of a lot of hate. Often, what happens is rogues are sent in after the healer and the flag carrier. Rogues will -commonly- sap the healer, to first get a feel for the situation. I do not trinket out of the sap, I let the rogues think they have it made, and let them attack - I then break the sap with my trinket and FF those little sneaky shits. With ff in place, heal away. Of course, this doesnt always go perfectly, and you have to improve on your feet depending on the sitaution. Often, playing 'helpless' works wonders to get a cocky rogue out of stealth.

* Is your team pissing you off? Is the FC a jerk? Are you trapped with nubs and want to leave them in a way that informs them kindly to screw off? Are you stuck alone defending the stables while your team gets their asses kicked? is the answer to your prayers :D

~PART 13: RESTO VERSES STEALTHERS (Updated to Cata 4.0.3a):

Faerie Fire is your best friend against anyone who stealths - be them rogue, or cat druid. FF will make it impossible for them to return to stealth, there by effectively preventing the attacker from doing ambush, vanish, ambush combos..which are killer. Even if you are going to die, toss a FF onto a stealther you can see because it will effectively cripple the stealther.

Now combat against a stealther is hard, but not impossible to win. When fighting rogues you have one major advantage: YOU CAN HEAL AND KITE.

Fights verses stealthers typicaly go as follows: you are attacked/ambushed by someone who was in stealth (they will be behind you, and typically hit pretty hard), ff the stealther asap (even if you die, the stealther is screwed for a good long while), hit rejuv on yourself for a fast ticking heal, hit roots, and BACK away while hitting incest swarm and noobfire. Never provide your back to an attacking stealther. Even if you just spin in place, never give them your back, your backside is your vunerable side they need for their big burst damage. Starfire and wrath are slow attacks, and in these kinds of fights its fast and furious. I tend to noob fire the stealther to death or go cat form and flee. fleeing is ideal if you lack mana to noobfire a rogue to death, among other reasons. I like noobfire when fighting rogues because its a fast easy to spam attack that you can use while protecting your back.

In short: Get good at kiting, or fleeing.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you enjoy resto twinking as much as I do. Many people have helped me play test, theorycraft, and have provided imput to make this guide possible. I could have not done it without the help of others :)

Big special thanks goes to: Bwappo, Metamorfos, and Grunge!

If you have anything to add, please do so, and if the material is good I will be certain to include it. If you find that there is anything wrong in the guide, please let me know in a constructive fashion and I will be happy to make changes.

Also as always, a special shout out to all those dpsers who protect their healer <3
*Reserved, for...I don't know what. I'm just reserving this space darn it!*
Im going to add a little bit to this from my own experience, i'd use Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft aka LOLregrowth spam (my favorite healer spec to play)

Lets take a look at druid talents:

Meditation - Spell - World of Warcraft - The largest argument for taking a good amount of spirit. There are two approaches when making gear choices for casters regarding int/spirit now that int gives sp and crit: stack int as high as you possibly can and rely solely on your mana pool and the higher returns from more int and crit, or keep them at even values to maximize your mana returns. With this talent is would seem silly to ignore spirit, but both ways work. the choice is up to you.

Meditation - Spell - World of Warcraft - synergizes with int stacking, and other talents that pump up healing by a percentage.

Blessing of the Grove - Spell - World of Warcraft buffs your two major fire-and-forget spells

Heart of the Wild - Spell - World of Warcraft rewards int stacking

Master Shapeshifter - Spell - World of Warcraft buffs healing

Improved Rejuvenation - Spell - World of Warcraft buffs two of your primary heals by a good amount.

Nature's Swiftness - Spell - World of Warcraft Necessary spell, macro with healing touch for a LoH-like effect.

Now for my two favorite talents in this tree, the ones that make you different from other healers. the first is Living Seed - Spell - World of Warcraft

"But wait grunge" you say, "A reactive heal would be great to have, but i don't have any spells that can crit reliably!"

which is where Nature's Bounty - Spell - World of Warcraft comes in.

"But still" you say, "is that enough to make regrowth spam work?"

That depends on gear choice. As is common knowlege, druids benefit greatly from spirit. However, nearly all talents here encourage the indiscriminate stacking of int.

since all your spells can crit, +crit should be your next priority. After which, stam and spellpower, and then spirit are nessicary.

"ok, one more thing" you say, "why the low importance on stam? this bracket is a burst bracket"

well little buddy, two reasons: this is called a "gimmick" spec because its only reliable if you can get over 40% crit chance on regrowth. you need alot of crit to make it work. when it does work though, healing is CAKE. The other reason is theres a druid playstyle thing you have to learn through experience. back in the day when i first began arena for kicks and giggles, i was having no fun. zero. i was always dying first, there was nothing i could do seemingly. i just died too fast to get my heals off. i focused on my partner and not myself.

Then one day, i just decided to be a self-centered asshole. i was going to heal myself first. i was going to roll hots on myself before we even encountered the team. and you know what? it worked. it was silly, they couldnt interupt that which has no cast time. even if i got stunlocked i could sit right through it and just travel-form away when it was over. once people realized they couldn't kill me and started ignoring me pvp was easy.

so remember all you drood boyz n grrls out there: you gotta do you before you do anyone else, stack int to the ceiling and git bitches.
Bonus points for the double entendre title. :) I bring three questions.

Kore brought up an interesting duscussion a couple of weeks ago, showing that haste made a serious impact for HoT druids in the 19 bracket now that haste speeds up the ticks of HoTs. While you'd need a lot more haste for 39s, I'm curious with the new gear available whether haste could also make an impact for 39 druids.

Second, to get the mana bonus for the Discerning Eye of the Beast, I thought you had to have the killing blow, and not just the HK? Did that change? That'd be awesome if it did change.

Finally, spell resistance got a significant buff come 4.0.3a. I don't know how often resto druids typically root people or do other offense-based actions, but if it's even somewhat frequently, the rune of perfection's 20 spell penetration and the 15 spell penetration cloak enchant may become prequisites to stay effective against characters who sport 39 spell resistance.

The guide's coming together nicely -- keep it up!
To you both - FUCKING AWESOME posts.

#1 I want to talk more, and will work with you guys to theory craft, and keyboard pound until we have perfection for this guide. Yes, you guys will get credit for your hard work in the guide. To me, guides are a community project.

#2 I am about to leave in an hour for a small weekend vacation. When I get back I will talk with you guys then. I'm all super excited about this :D

#3 Feel free to talk without me. I know there will be errors in the guide so is a work in progress. I have not yet been able to test numbers, and 100% confirm the data posted. Everything in there right now is in the works, and totally subject to change. Let me know your findings and I will make all the changes needed :)

#4 Haste...that is interesting. I have haste on some of Vinod's gear, and noticed a slight perkup in her HoT ticks. If this Haste change is the real deal, that is going to make hot healers even more impressive.

#5 This is the best guide name ever. K, thx 8)
Bwappo said:
Bonus points for the double entendre title. :) I bring three questions.

Kore brought up an interesting duscussion a couple of weeks ago, showing that haste made a serious impact for HoT druids in the 19 bracket now that haste speeds up the ticks of HoTs. While you'd need a lot more haste for 39s, I'm curious with the new gear available whether haste could also make an impact for 39 druids.

Second, to get the mana bonus for the Discerning Eye of the Beast, I thought you had to have the killing blow, and not just the HK? Did that change? That'd be awesome if it did change.

Finally, spell resistance got a significant buff come 4.0.3a. I don't know how often resto druids typically root people or do other offense-based actions, but if it's even somewhat frequently, the rune of perfection's 20 spell penetration and the 15 spell penetration cloak enchant may become prequisites to stay effective against characters who sport 39 spell resistance.

The guide's coming together nicely -- keep it up!

i like haste on a druid, i think its good. point for point (when i raided, i dont know how its changed since then) it was considered "better" but thats endgame raiding and a different beast entirely.

however, considering mid-game pvp and talents available i think having a quick heal with a good chance to crit, that puts a living seed (reactive heal) on the target on crit, that you can also bounce a swiftmend off of makes a very strong direct healer out of a class already a very good multi-target healer, and therefore puts crit at a higher value than haste.

i've said it before, ill say it again: living seed is a very undervalued talent. if your target gets hit, it heals. You know instantly if you see that regrowth crit that the hot and living seed are going to keep that man stable enough that you can heal others without fear of him dropping too quickly. and on the off-chance that target is taking alot of heat, just switch back to him and pop a rejuv or swiftmend depending on the severity of his situation.
Grunge said:
however, considering mid-game pvp and talents available i think having a quick heal with a good chance to crit, that puts a living seed (reactive heal) on the target on crit, that you can also bounce a swiftmend off of makes a very strong direct healer out of a class already a very good multi-target healer, and therefore puts crit at a higher value than haste.

I forgot that Regrowth got reduced to a 1.5 cast time. That's intriguing.

I'm ready to start crunching some numbers, but I'll need some info to start, as I don't have a 39 druid. With a given resto druid spec, may I trouble you all for both gear-less and geared healing numbers for rejuvenation, regrowth, and swiftmend? That way, I'll be able to figure out the base healing and the spellpower coefficients for the spells. From there, I can generate some numbers about the impact of additional spellpower, crit, and haste.

Normally I'm very biased against crit in lower-level PvP, since often players try to justify a small, random chance at big numbers, which misses the point of good healing. But Grunge frames Nature's Bounty very differently -- it makes Living Seed into something like a personalized earth-shield effect that a druid doesn't depend on, but can still capitalize on it when happens. That has serious potential.

What really excites me here is that unlike before, where HT-glyph healing conflicted with HoT healing, Regrowth/seed healing dovetails very, very nicely with HoT healing. HT-glyph healing in 3.x tried to take resto druids outside of their natural boundaries, at great cost to some druid strengths. Success depended on several factors, from playstyle to the bracket played. With the major change to the Healing Touch glyph, intellect granting spellpower, and spells that level with the character, we're in a whole new ballgame.

I want to run the numbers, as I suspect we'll see two main approaches appear once again, but with much greater synergy. Some druids will HoT spec and haste stack, while others will Seed spec and crit stack. And unlike before, when the HoT approach and the HT-glyph approach required conflicting playstyles, HoT and Seed druid healing may coexist much more effectively, allowing a druid to emphasize one and still use the other. Moreover, now that dual-spec dropped to level 30, I could see running a druid with two different resto specs, and potentially different supporting gearsets if we want to get really crazy.

Let's get the gear-less and geared healing numbers for rejuvenation, regrowth, and swiftmend. We may have some interesting results hiding in the arithmetic.
i would offer my own but i have no 39 druid. like i said, my theory comes from my old personal raid spec. i saw 39's had the ability to have a similar spec now so i thought i'd throw my two cents in. im not so interested in numbers as much as im interested in seeing how this performs next to the general spec in battle.
I will get you screenshots of gear-less healing in a day or two. My vacation has lasted an extra day. Vinod is 39, so Ill start kicking out numbers soon.
With the new patch, spells in your spellbook and action bars automatically adjust to show the average heals they do after talents and bonuses, which is really nice -- no need to heal yourself 20 times and take an average. It makes getting non-geared and geared numbers much easier.
Base stats naked @ lvl 39:

Str - 41

Int - 68

Stam - 55

Spirit - 71

Agi - 46

Crit: 10.39%

Regrowth: 367, then 114 for 6 seconds

Rejuv: 168 every 3 seconds, for 12 seconds

Healing Touch: heals for 818

The following is the effect of haste on gearing, keep in mind there is lots of gear involved with stats other then haste. So spellpower will be influences by things like int, the numbers below are just for speed interests.

30 Haste effect on spells...

30 haste = 5.03% speed increase

Rejuv with 30 haste = 220 every 2.86 for 12 seconds

Regrowth with 30 haste = 461 and 141 over 6 seconds

Healing touch = 2.62 cast time without talent points for improved healing speed

40 Haste effect on spells....

40 haste = 6.71% speed increase

Rejuv = 255 2.81 for 12 seconds

Regrowth = 468 and 144 over 6 seconds

Healing Touch = 2.58 cast speed
Excellent -- thank you! May I trouble you for a naked Swiftmend number, too?

Edit: And Regrowth/Rejuv/HT/Swiftmend numbers with some gear on to reach a specific spellpower? That way, we can determine how much int/spellpower adds directly to healing i.e. if a naked regrowth heals for 367 + 114, how much does a regrowth heal for with 138 spellpower from int and enchantments? The specific bonus doesn't matter, now that you have naked numbers to which we can compare the augmented spells.
mmm, some lovely druid discussion going on in here, i wish i had the time to participate :)

Good work on the guide. Let me know when it's finished and i'll take a proper look.
INFO WITH GEAR ON (she is a brand new 39 twink, keep in mind these stats are low for my tastes):

Int: 215

Haste: 47 - 7.88%

Spellpower: 325

Spell Crit: 11.35%

Regrowth: 1.38 cast, heals for 465, then 144 over 6 seconds

Rejuv: heals for 223 every 2.78 sec, for 12 sec

Healing T: 2.55 cast, for 1087

Swiftmend: heals for 810
Naked swiftmend - 613

Amusingly, as I stood around nude doing these numbers I ended up attracting a few naked dancers. GG.
i've got some time on my hands, want me to make you a crit set on wowhead?
Why dont we get together a selection of specs and mini explanations for each? With the specs, we can then pair gear sets :D
k. putting together a crit set now

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