Horde problems in wsg.


Im going to start this off by saying, yes this is flame/QQ. Also theres no need for smart arse witty reply such as "Xfer to ally" blah blah.

Right back to the point, all my 19's are horde. Ever since the EU BG merger horde game standards have drop a hell of alot. i've concluded a couple of things being the problem.

1, Wayyyy to many half twinked nubs, mid farmering and generally not sticking to game tactics.

2, Ally rolling with 4-5 pala/hunters most games (i know horde can as bad).

3, 75% of the time horde have no healers whats ever, even tho we have class's that can heal they dont due to "Durp.. i spec retri me can not healz"

And basically im fed up of having to FC on any of my toons, working my arse off getting it back to base. then have horde mid farm for the next 10mins for a 3 pally D stun chain me till i die.

What happened to our usual top quailty player b4 the eu merger?.

P.S i only play my twinks.
Hai qøint, i dont play my twinks much anymore due to midfarmers and scrubs with 800hp :<. But ye i agree so many people went Alliance and the ones who stayed horde dont play much anymore.
we had the same expierences as alliance some days/weeks ago. It changed due to a nice activity increase on dreanorEU alliance. The problem I see the last days is now horde lacks players ... appearently they play their 85s atm. Just don't give up, it will change sooner or later.
its not only horde trust me .. lately hordes been haveing alot of hunters farming mid , which clearly takes the fun out of playing when you cant even cross midfield with out being ganked repeatly by 2-3 hunters , sucredorge and crew .
Sylvictus said:
its not only horde trust me .. lately hordes been haveing alot of hunters farming mid , which clearly takes the fun out of playing when you cant even cross midfield with out being ganked repeatly by 2-3 hunters , sucredorge and crew .

haven't played with Sucredorge in a wsg yet but if you mean rasta and pandura by and crew you're wrong, they aren't midfarmers, their good players who have been twinking for long time.

~ Theyz my guildies and have skills even tho hunters are OP.
wow i was expecting to be trolled. im wont give up on playing my twinks but you eventlly get to a point when spamming "Focus EFC" isnt enough plus you get stupid comments back like "whats efc?" -.-.

But zimt your right, only time will tell.
Alliance is worse than Horde. - Yes i know im half geared but personally i know that i go for flag etc.

Although what i find most worrying is finding fully geared twinks, farming midfield. Also it almost seems that they even turned off BG chat
I'm going to copy what I said in the other thread since it applies here also.

Post #1

I love how the tides turn so often! A little while ago when I was on Alliance, Alliance was dominating. I come back to Horde and Horde is dominating. Now I have taken a break from WoW and Alliance is dominating again. Oh well, looks like Horde needs more Waw Tawent. We'll be back shortly. Enjoy the wins while you can Alliance.

Also, Alliance, don't faction change to Horde. Alliance needs the numbers for premading guilds and pugs.

"Now it might sound cocky, but is it really cocky if you know that it's true?"

-Justin Timberlake

"They think I'm being cocky, but I'm only being honest."


Here comes the haters.


I'll be back in roughly two weeks. <3

Post #2

I'm sure there is an abundance of new players on both Horde and Alliance. Instead of steering them away we should be embracing the fact that there's a lot of new players coming into the bracket. These players that you see day in and day out should be the first ones that you strive to improve and educate to be better individual and team players. Communication and team work should be displayed in each game. More experienced players should act as role models to the new and less experienced players. Improving the bracket as a whole starts with the players who have been in the bracket for the longest.

Starting this year, I'll do my best to display the leadership and respect that will make this bracket more competitive, friendly, and most of all, enjoyable for all.
pizza, the problem is, it's not just some new guys, sometimes you have 9/10 new guys on your team. For my part, i think it's not my burden to teach them how to play, because most of them won't listen at all. I know, we all were starters to begin with, but my problem is, why are so many coming now. It's easy to bind 1-3 new players into the game, but this many at once is a pain in the ass. /imo
Zimt the Diplomat said:
pizza, the problem is, it's not just some new guys, sometimes you have 9/10 new guys on your team. For my part, i think it's not my burden to teach them how to play, because most of them won't listen at all. I know, we all were starters to begin with, but my problem is, why are so many coming now. It's easy to bind 1-3 new players into the game, but this many at once is a pain in the ass. /imo

Most of them have always been here. It's just they haven't been able to get pops until the battlegroup merge happened. You'll notice that the majority of them are not in Ruin.
Well the real problem is, people don't understand that sometimes horde wins, sometimes Ally wins, that's it.
bankbeauty said:
Well the real problem is, people don't understand that sometimes horde wins, sometimes Ally wins, that's it.

You dont play in eu so you dont know the problem in eu kthxbai.
I completely understand that and sure im happy to teach etc. but as zimt stated its not the odd 2-3 each game its the majority of our teams are half twinked and ignore what being said to win games in /bg.

Imo if there not willing to listen then why teach?. This problem only aroused since the BG merger so instead of having the dedicated twinks that deicde to carry on twinking by xfering to blackout, we get these barely geared morons who think its fun to farm mid. Its kinda ruining the whole 19's bracket EU.
Splenderp said:
I'm just tired of the elitist jerks who's all like 'OMG U TARDS' if you don't kill the EFC within 20 secs(...)

Dude its not elitest, most people in pugs are pretty shitty players. Their awareness is low and the reason for the anger towards them is when they fail to play with skill. Its like the expression "I try my best" what it does is give you an excuse for sucking. If I do my best and still suck, I should probably find something else to do. Its not that hard people.
If they're not going to listen when you're showing respect, then they're not going to listen when you don't. Also, being disrespectful and causing arguments will only lead to players not paying attention and being less helpful than they already are.

Over time most of the old players will quit and new players will be their replacements. It's important that you support these players and try to help them out, because without them, the bracket will die.

The bracket relies on new blood to keep it going. The reason all the other brackets die out is because they don't have these new players coming in daily.

Yes, all of them might not be the ideal player you would like on your team, but if you removed all of the players who aren't up to your standards then there wouldn't be any pops at all.

Also, it seems like there's feedback and responses from both EU and US. Kind of hard to tell who's arguing what and which community they're talking about.
Well I can understand the problem even though I haven't played too many wsg on Draenor yet. The games are not rly balanced, but it happens on both sides. The games seem to be a bit boring since one side always wins 3:0 (mostly alli ye) thx to 6 hunt/pal. But until ppl get tired of facerollin u won't get other games and QQ won't allow u to go back in time when things were better. Neither QQ nor ragequit is goin to help u gettin balanced games instead of that u should just try and get on with the new ppl who might have a bit of potential and start playing as a team which is rly not as difficult as it sounds
Quinp said:
You dont play in eu so you dont know the problem in eu kthxbai.

What the fuck those it matters? Still the same, sometimes horde wins, sometimes Alliance win, that's it.
My view is that we should give it time, we were all new once and i bet most of you made your first twink to 'pwn nubs' in midfield. I'm sure the new guys will soon see that its more rewarding working as a team than farming mid on a hunter. And with regards to their skill, practice is the only way to learn, i know im still learning after ericah (is that you sylvictus?) jinked me off the horde GY the other day ( i facepalmed IRL ^^). I welcome the increase of new guys as it adds much needed activity in the bracket and without them i dont think i'd ever get a wsg pop.

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