Hope they are not...


The BiS Llama
Hey guys ! Yesterday i started updating my toons and after finishing the first rdf, i noticed that the reward pouch is not in my inventory. Thought it's bugged and stopped with rdf farming. Today after lvling my new monk, i got a pouch in every rdf i finished.... till i hit 20 ! Then they just stopped... Hope it is a bug, or something with my acc only, but will you test and see if... if the rdf cloaks/waists are GFd for F2Ps !

If so, that means that in order to gear a BiS toon, from now on we will have to lvl a char multiple times in order to get the needed items before hitting 20, but that also means that from now on, the rdf rewards are GFd for every cata/mop F2P :(

Waiting for your results. Hope they they are not...
Hey guys ! Yesterday i started updating my toons and after finishing the first rdf, i noticed that the reward pouch is not in my inventory. Thought it's bugged and stopped with rdf farming. Today after lvling my new monk, i got a pouch in every rdf i finished.... till i hit 20 ! Then they just stopped... Hope it is a bug, or something with my acc only, but will you test and see if... if the rdf cloaks/waists are GFd for F2Ps !

If so, that means that in order to gear a BiS toon, from now on we will have to lvl a char multiple times in order to get the needed items before hitting 20, but that also means that from now on, the rdf rewards are GFd for every cata/mop F2P :(

Waiting for your results. Hope they they are not...

Oh myyy... Good catch sir. Needs testing. Suspect this might be an xp-on, xp-off thing? Could a kind-hearted p2p please test this?
Hey guys ! Yesterday i started updating my toons and after finishing the first rdf, i noticed that the reward pouch is not in my inventory. Thought it's bugged and stopped with rdf farming. Today after lvling my new monk, i got a pouch in every rdf i finished.... till i hit 20 ! Then they just stopped... Hope it is a bug, or something with my acc only, but will you test and see if... if the rdf cloaks/waists are GFd for F2Ps !

If so, that means that in order to gear a BiS toon, from now on we will have to lvl a char multiple times in order to get the needed items before hitting 20, but that also means that from now on, the rdf rewards are GFd for every cata/mop F2P :(

Waiting for your results. Hope they they are not...

Oh... my..... god....

Blizzard does it again....
Satchels have been intermittent on my 20. I suspect a bug with the requeuing feature after a player gets replaced.

Look out for this, record if your dungeon team was original or if ppl were replaced.
Lvling my monk from 15-20 I was getting a bug stating that my inventory was full (it wasn't), and now all my bags are in my mailbox.
What Brov said, I leveling my monk from 15-20 through rdf and all of my satchels went right to my mailbox. I had 4+ empty spots left. But, I noticed in another armory of a f2p monk that he had both belt and cloak. So it might just be a glitch/bug.

*crosses fingers*
I've also had the mailed item issue, not just satchel--even when there was space in my bags.

There is a new bag cleanup system. I have 2 bags marked ignore, 1 marked trade items, and the rest normal. There may be a connection with the new bag system.
I've also had the mailed item issue, not just satchel--even when there was space in my bags.

There is a new bag cleanup system. I have 2 bags marked ignore, 1 marked trade items, and the rest normal. There may be a connection with the new bag system.
Are you Fatvulcano? Lol saw you in the Wandering Isle 2 days ago...
it doesnt only affect f2ps, i did 2 random cata dungeons on my 80s mage to check out the new satchels and both times they were send to my mailbox (and i have about 5-10 free bag slots)

so i guess its just buggy right now
Has to be buggy - I got 5 satchels farming the Vision one already. Damn that sucks..
it doesnt only affect f2ps, i did 2 random cata dungeons on my 80s mage to check out the new satchels and both times they were send to my mailbox (and i have about 5-10 free bag slots)

so i guess its just buggy right now

Yeah, this is the best evidence we have so far that the issue is a bag bug, and thus it's sure to be addressed soon.

In the meantime though don't be surprised if most GMs naively tell you to just pull your loot out of the mailbox.
Are you Fatvulcano? Lol saw you in the Wandering Isle 2 days ago...
Yes, I made a monk when it was available--Fatvulcano. No trinket for monk till 2725 honor points though.

OT: again, satchels are intermittent. Intermittent mean that I sometimes get the satchel at level 20, and sometimes do not. No reason to panic while things are still being worked out. This is the public beta test for wod. Expect several more bugs and some fixes over the coming weeks.
Yes, I made a monk when it was available--Fatvulcano. No trinket for monk till 2725 honor points though.

OT: again, satchels are intermittent. Intermittent mean that I sometimes get the satchel at level 20, and sometimes do not. No reason to panic while things are still being worked out. This is the public beta test for wod. Expect several more bugs and some fixes over the coming weeks.
Exactly, I'm just glad I haven't fell through the surface of Azeroth to be trapped in it's molten core, for all eternity, yet.

Although, that Red Ring of Death in Kun-Lai Summit is pretty scary.
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Today I did some random dungeons to help level a fellow twink and got the satchel from 2 of the 3 random dungeons.

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