hi again guys, so i have a lvl 82 pally atm who i've been leveling thru BGs as holy and gotta say im having a blast with. but i also have a lvl 85 shaman who i really enjoy healing with too. my quest is what are the pro's and con's of both? I'm leaning more towards the pally due to the fact of its off specs and i can have some fun screwing around with being a shockadin for shits and giggles. but i really enjoy all the heals from the shaman, the hots and direct heals + earth shield are all amazing.
i'm looking for opinions on which one would be the best for healing BGs. I want a healer that would make it so my team mates never die ( or keep them alive as long as i can) and also keep myself alive in crazy oh shit moments.
i'm looking for opinions on which one would be the best for healing BGs. I want a healer that would make it so my team mates never die ( or keep them alive as long as i can) and also keep myself alive in crazy oh shit moments.