Holy Paladin Macro / Keybinding Layouts


Hi all! I've been playing around with keybindings and creating macros so that I can be a competant healer. I'm currently ironing out my Holy Shock macro, and i got to wondering how other Holy Pally's do their duty. Holy Shock has been fun to macro because of its dual use for attack and healing. My macro looks like this at the moment:


/cast [mod:alt,@player][@mouseover,nodead][help,nodead][] Holy Shock

This works for the most part, but mouseover casting doesn't work over party frames for some reason. After I get home from work I'm going to switch to this:

#showtooltip Holy Shock

/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead][] Holy Shock

Simpler and less redundant, I think, and it should work better. This should cast Holy Shock on a living mouseover Target, be it friend or for, or cast Holy Shock at your Target. If you have no Target Holy Shock will cast on you. That's my theory, at least. I'll confirm once I test it. Feedback is welcome, as well as other tips from the Masters. (Mistresses? )
If your willing to get an addon you can get healbot think of it as an @mouseover macro that works on party frames.
Thanks for the add on advice, but I am an amateur programmer. I'd rather figure out how to write my own add on. I'm having fun playing with macros right now, though, so we'll see if I get to that. To clarify my original question, what do those who use macros and keybindings use? I am following Battlepope's Holy Pally guide, and I've been digging through macros for all classes for ideas and understanding. I dunno, just curious!

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