Holy Dps priest....!


I have been looking at ways through chardev to make a strong holy priest, for dpsing. This project has been more for fun, and I am debating taking it to fruition. In terms of on paper, it looks fantastic in my opinion, but im not sure of the viability and application in Nightfall 39 bracket. Any thoughts?

character planner . holydps - chardev.org

please keep critique's constructive and not *completely bashing* Thx for help in advance.
about how much SP/holy damage should I be shooting for then? while not gimping on other stats?
truthfully atm want to go at it solo. I am just not sure like on whats a good hp/mana lvl, good enough SP?, good enough spirit for spirit tap? those kinda questions im still unsure about.
There was a thread in the Nightfall forums about the potential of Holy DPS, which a poster mentioned the importance of crit. Would you consider crit to be more important than SP useabandage? Also, do you need to stack spirit to make use of Spirit Tap? And further more, how often would Spirit Tap be up anyway, assuming you can't always get the killing blow? Is it worth it to bypass 3 points in Spirit Tap and put them into something like Spiritual Healing or Spirit of Redemption?
if you need crit, you can add alot.

10 cr gives you ~1% crit

Dignified headmasters charge~ 12

Robes of the lich ~14

Exquisit sunderseer mantle~ 6

Master of Anatomy~12

Dread Pirate ring~10


Glowing eye of moredesh~11

all that equals up to about 9% crit, with a base around 5% crit and talented for another 5%, buffed you could have 20%+ crit chance.

not too shabby. viable? lol idk.
no, crit is not something you should gear for, your top stats should be hp/int or spell power...and its really up to you which one is more important. If you are like me and like to spec holy dps just for shits and giggles then go more towards sp, my main spec will always be disc so respeccing to holy was always to get big numbers=D. If you are truely serious about having your main spec as holy, I would really should for hp and int. Ifcyou go full glass cannon spec like I did
you can destroy most people after a holy fire+mind blast, but if you ever run into a lock....its over....just over, but if you are more survival based, you will never be able to kill a priest unless you have two interrupts.....yeah I'm serious you need two interrupts, mine were always fel iron gernade and rocket helm. Your best bet in my opinion is to find a hunter or a rogue and team up with him while having a nice balance of int and hp, heal when needed and only dps when you have a kill, thats the best way to play a holy dps priest. If you want to top damage charts or make a crazy crit video....go shadow or make a lock/mage lol.

how often would Spirit Tap be up anyway, assuming you can't always get the killing blow? Is it worth it to bypass 3 points in Spirit Tap and put them into something like Spiritual Healing or Spirit of Redemption?

Play with spirit tap for one game and i bet you will never get rid of it.
Alright, thanks for the info. Actually Holy sounded like an interesting spec to play as a burst/clutch healer in WSG. I know everyone specs Disc for the utility and survivability, but others descriptions of holy being an exceptional healer in tight situations sounded really nice. Of course, alot of this was coming off the idea that you'd have massive SP for big heals. I was thinking more of a balance between stats and SP (I don't have BoAs) so I might be gimping myself on both accounts? Do you prefer Disc as a healer?
Alright, I am definetely going to pursue this twink. I will be getting disc/shadow focused stuff as well just incase i find either of them more entertaining, but I am glad that it is fairly viable. Ty for help guys/especially Useabandage.
Imho, if you plan on going solo, that CharDev you posted is fine, but you should change that Holy Wrath-lens to a +29SP-lens and those +19 Holy Damage-gloves to a pair of Eagle's (alternatively +15 SP). Additionally, I'd suggest running +20 Spell Penetration on your Back, as it negates possible auras/totems and also only drops you 1.48% damage reduction with that Inner Fire up(32.91% vs. 31.43%).

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