hit gear on rogues

I no longer have my twink rogue, but what I would do is go in a bg without any hit on at first and see how often I miss. then (depending how long the bg last) add hit (gear or elixer) and see what that does for my attacks. I'm capped for hit on Fearthelock and I noticed a big difference. So I would say that it is important. As you can see though I have sacrificed minor speed on boots for +5 hit... IMO if your good (and not a FC) you don't really need to out run your opponents. I'm sure there are ways that you can add hit without losing too much AP.
the hit cap is way more important than the little amount of AP/ SP you lose.

Definitely worth it. Otherwise if you want to spend one gold EVERY TIME you die, for the elixir, that is okay i guess too lol.
the more hit you have, the less damage they resist.

You may do a 160 sinister strike, But 70 of that might be resisted and not displayed.
Cookíes said:
the more hit you have, the less damage they resist.

You may do a 160 sinister strike, But 70 of that might be resisted and not displayed.

That's news to me :/

I could have sworn all hit did was make sure your attack dosent miss. I'd like to see where you got this info.

Edit: Wowwiki has some good info on hit here Hit Rating
Was discussing it the other night with a guildie, Because i asked what the hit cap for a spriest was, then i mentioned how i never miss and i was informed that even though i dont miss, my damage is reduced because the opponent will resist a bigger percentage of my potential damage because my hit rating is low.
Cookíes said:
Was discussing it the other night with a guildie, Because i asked what the hit cap for a spriest was, then i mentioned how i never miss and i was informed that even though i dont miss, my damage is reduced because the opponent will resist a bigger percentage of my potential damage because my hit rating is low.

Physical damage attacks like sinister strike cannot be "resisted". That's a mechanic that's only applicable to spell abilities and special cases like SoC damage which is somehow considered both physical damage and a spell. I do believe what your guildy told you is wrong as well, as hit rating will have nothing to do with whether a portion of your spell is resisted or not, but rather spell penetration comes into play for that portion. I'm not completely certain on that though, as I never played enough high level content as a caster to test functionality of the mechanics for it.

As for having damage reduced from a physical attack the only thing that will affect that is physical damage mitigation and/or talent abilities that reduce damage a certain class will take from physical attacks. There is a mechanic that exists in pve called glancing blows which takes into account your weapon skill level when fighting a mob of equal or higher level and can cause you to land a glancing blow which will deal 70% of white damage. But as weapon skills are maxed in pvp, glancing blows will not be taken into affect, nor does hit rating change their occurrence.

Wowwiki- Glancing blows do not occur against players, only against mobs. At present ranged attacks do not result in glancing blows.

Glancing blows are combat events that can occur when fighting a mob of equal or higher level.

These occur only on white damage and result in the attack having it's damage reduced in proportion to the difference between the attacker's weapon skill (capped at the attacker's level * 5), and the target's defense skill.

At current Glancing blows occur at about 20% of the time versus mobs that are above your level. These attacks only do 70% of their normal damage versus a mob that is 3 levels above you. (10% per mob level). Bosses are counted as "your level+3".
Mummified said:
What is the hit rate req for off-hand to not miss?

There is a base 24% chance to miss vs a player/mob of equal lvl when dual wielding so you need to compensate for that if you don't want your off-hand to miss. For MH the hit rating would still be 5% for white attacks and 9% for special attacks.
Maerduk said:
There is a base 24% chance to miss vs a player/mob of equal lvl when dual wielding so you need to compensate for that if you don't want your off-hand to miss. For MH the hit rating would still be 5% for white attacks and 9% for special attacks.

9 (8.6) percent is only for bosses. For equal level players it's 5% on specials. Your MH also suffers from the dual wield miss penalty.

In other words, 5% bonus to hit is enough to make sure your gouges won't miss equal level players, but you'll need 24% to make sure none of your offhand white attacks miss, and 24% to make sure none of your mainhand white attacks miss.

Actually a quick glance at wowwiki says that further testing has shown it's not 8.6% for bosses but 8.02%. I'd take that with a large grain of salt however, being wowwiki. Not that it's really important for twinks :D
Yeah I realized I already knew, just slipped my mind. I used to run a dw spec on my dk. been working with dw hit rates for quite some time.
Yeah I was a fury warrior since before Conquest told the world how to kill Lucifron :D

Been on and off over the years but I've participated in a lot of theorycrafting, from way back when the warrior community was divided between heroic strike and mortal strike being the better attack for an arms warrior :confused:

The best place to go for melee info was always the wow rogue forums, although for the last couple of years I would say EJ.

Wowwiki has a notorious history of being way off base when it comes to the more involved stuff, although lately it seems to be a whole lot better.

BTW your warrior is more fun to play beside than your hunter is to play against :p
i have a rogue named twinkordie (look him up on sig) i definatly notice when i dont have an accuracy elixer on but i love to min/max and was just making sure i was ok on the hit rating. im currently very happy with where my gear is at though im still trying out different main hand enchants. and dident want to have to switch any out for more hit.
TwinkorDie said:
i have a rogue named twinkordie (look him up on sig) i definatly notice when i dont have an accuracy elixer on but i love to min/max and was just making sure i was ok on the hit rating. im currently very happy with where my gear is at though im still trying out different main hand enchants. and dident want to have to switch any out for more hit.

You want 5% to hit at least, unless you enjoy missing kicks and gouges. After that, you need a parse of your white/yellow damage ratio to figure out how valuable hit rating is for you in pvp.

Vs a stationary target I'm sure there's plenty of information available, but that's not really relevant in pvp, your playstyle is. If you consistently target hunters and mages for example, hit rating is going to be devalued, as you're going to have about 3 seconds facetime before you're being kited, raising your yellow attack ratio due to being able to throw out 80-120, maybe 140, energy worth of attacks and then being kited while energy recharges. 140 energy worth of yellows compared to 2-4 seconds of white attacks is going to skew your numbers heavily in favor of yellows, which only need 5% to hit.

So basically, aim for 5% hit rating as a bare minimum, including buffs like your elixir if you have it on regularly. After that, it's almost certainly more valuable to be picking up other stats.

The last thing I would add is that when working through the hit rating options for various brackets, you may find that despite the higher relative value of hit rating before hit cap, your dps will still suffer due to being forced to wear an inferior item in order to reach cap. At that point it becomes a matter of preference. I wouldn't suggest going below the 5% minimum to ensure your utility abilities don't miss, but some players may prefer to have that happen occasionally in order to maximize damage, and particularly burst damage. I think 19 rogues might be one of the classes that has this problem actually. I don't recall all of the gear options, but I know when you start looking at on level greens in slots that could be blue, and caster gear in other slots (with the exception of the spidersilk drape which is now pure awesome), things get a little blurry. If I recall right, 19 rogues are forced to look at those options to reach 5% without boa gear.
Ymir said:
You want 5% to hit at least, unless you enjoy missing kicks and gouges. After that, you need a parse of your white/yellow damage ratio to figure out how valuable hit rating is for you in pvp.

Vs a stationary target I'm sure there's plenty of information available, but that's not really relevant in pvp, your playstyle is. If you consistently target hunters and mages for example, hit rating is going to be devalued, as you're going to have about 3 seconds facetime before you're being kited, raising your yellow attack ratio due to being able to throw out 80-120, maybe 140, energy worth of attacks and then being kited while energy recharges. 140 energy worth of yellows compared to 2-4 seconds of white attacks is going to skew your numbers heavily in favor of yellows, which only need 5% to hit.

So basically, aim for 5% hit rating as a bare minimum, including buffs like your elixir if you have it on regularly. After that, it's almost certainly more valuable to be picking up other stats.

The last thing I would add is that when working through the hit rating options for various brackets, you may find that despite the higher relative value of hit rating before hit cap, your dps will still suffer due to being forced to wear an inferior item in order to reach cap. At that point it becomes a matter of preference. I wouldn't suggest going below the 5% minimum to ensure your utility abilities don't miss, but some players may prefer to have that happen occasionally in order to maximize damage, and particularly burst damage. I think 19 rogues might be one of the classes that has this problem actually. I don't recall all of the gear options, but I know when you start looking at on level greens in slots that could be blue, and caster gear in other slots (with the exception of the spidersilk drape which is now pure awesome), things get a little blurry. If I recall right, 19 rogues are forced to look at those options to reach 5% without boa gear.

o well im at 6% since i always run accuracy potions and generally use deviate belt (sometimes i stack expertise for rogue duels) guess im sticking to what i got. guess my question really becomes...why not just use a accuracy potion and not gimp your gear to get 11hit? deviate belt and accuracy potion is

13hit right there.
TwinkorDie said:
o well im at 6% since i always run accuracy potions and generally use deviate belt (sometimes i stack expertise for rogue duels) guess im sticking to what i got. guess my question really becomes...why not just use a accuracy potion and not gimp your gear to get 11hit? deviate belt and accuracy potion is

13hit right there.

Yep, elixir of accuracy looks like the best option for your battle elixir if you're going to be using them, allowing you to have a gearset with just 1 hit rating for wsg.

When you have a look at stuff like spidersilk cloak and deviate belt though, they're clearly the best items in the slot for anyone who isn't hit capped, whether that be via elixirs or otherwise. For people doing arenas, they're better off getting those items. After that if they really wanted to go buy/enchant sentry cloaks and elixirs of accuracy for wsg, they could :)

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