Hit for a kitty

Although I don't get to the cap, I often use Deviate Scale Belt, Demon Band, and +5 hit on boots, giving me 10 hit rating. It's pretty close to the cap and I don't lose lots of other stats. There are many other builds as well, I just find this one the most efficient.
Kahr said:
Good idea I forgot about boots slot being freed up due to kitty

Yep for almost 2 weeks I had minor speed on boots and then when I forgot I had specced into fast kitty I felt like killing myself :(
i think best idea is hierlom in chest shoulder and ring slot, that will make you really strong in worsong battle ..ahh and i see you undead from your picture so i would go with what i said and hit ring..its not worth take 5hit on boots becous minor speed is always best and has always being best so... that is who i would gear my druid up.
I'm going to ignore your post. That sounds illogical as I get a speed boost from kitty and travel form...and no boas.
Heirloom chest and 5 hit to boots could be pretty good i think :) You would get capped without losing anything ^^
Oh i missread that "no boas".... Well then i would go 5 hit on boots, deviate scale belt and demon band, which khano already mentioned ^^
Kahr said:
I'm going to ignore your post. That sounds illogical as I get a speed boost from kitty and travel form...and no boas.

you didn'y say you didn't have accents to boa items mate...try be more spesific in your next post.
Antísocial said:
i think best idea is hierlom in chest shoulder and ring slot, that will make you really strong in worsong battle ..ahh and i see you undead from your picture so i would go with what i said and hit ring..its not worth take 5hit on boots becous minor speed is always best and has always being best so... that is who i would gear my druid up.

Ever played a feral druid? Didn't think so. Most feral druids spec into Feral Swiftness or whatever it's called, a Tier 1 talent, giving you a 30% speed increase in kitty form. I don't have heirlooms and I totally forgot they existed. Now considering heirlooms, I think the BoA Leather Chest and +5 hit on boots would be the best way to go, getting you hit capped and letting you get some more stats elsewhere (ring, waist).
I know I forgot to mention boas, but regardless your statement made no sense. And guys I'm not herding boas. Like 6k jp? No thanks
Khanodruid said:
Ever played a feral druid? Didn't think so. Most feral druids spec into Feral Swiftness or whatever it's called, a Tier 1 talent, giving you a 30% speed increase in kitty form. I don't have heirlooms and I totally forgot they existed. Now considering heirlooms, I think the BoA Leather Chest and +5 hit on boots would be the best way to go, getting you hit capped and letting you get some more stats elsewhere (ring, waist).

mate..i know what i am talking about i have 19 druid 39 druid 43 druid 70 druid and 80 druid....its my favorit class of all the times. speed on boots really helps...most twinks use speed on boots so u will have too use it or else you finding them running faster then you..and then they run away from you so you can't attack..and that is ferals druid job...too attack people and make dmg..we are not talking resto druid here mate... think again! // Antísocial
Antísocial said:
mate..i know what i am talking about i have 19 druid 39 druid 43 druid 70 druid and 80 druid....its my favorit class of all the times. speed on boots really helps...most twinks use speed on boots so u will have too use it or else you finding them running faster then you..and then they run away from you so you can't attack..and that is ferals druid job...too attack people and make dmg..we are not talking resto druid here mate... think again! // Antísocial

Are you on crack? I get 30% speed bonus from cat form. I don't need minor speed because I'm already FASTER then alll other classes. Learn your facts. Highly doubt you have any druid what so ever.
Kahr said:
Are you on crack? I get 30% speed bonus from cat form. I don't need minor speed because I'm already FASTER then alll other classes. Learn your facts. Highly doubt you have any druid what so ever.

come on man...i have a druid on almost 3645 arena rated and i know what i talk about. the speed boost is only cat form and you won't do much help in cat form...why would you go in cat form anyway?? bear form is better cos its more amror and health points. cat form isn't good for fcing, bear form is so much better...come on think about it have you ever seen a cat form flag carrier? if you wanna do dmg u pop thorn and problem solve... one again..learn facts bfore u post. I'll win this discussion anyway.
Antísocial said:
come on man...i have a druid on almost 3645 arena rated and i know what i talk about. the speed boost is only cat form and you won't do much help in cat form...why would you go in cat form anyway?? bear form is better cos its more amror and health points. cat form isn't good for fcing, bear form is so much better...come on think about it have you ever seen a cat form flag carrier? if you wanna do dmg u pop thorn and problem solve... one again..learn facts bfore u post. I'll win this discussion anyway.

I don't know if you're serioius or not... But if you are, I am dearly sorry for you mate. Crack kills. Cat form damage is significantly better than bear form damage. Feral is not only used for FC'ing. Feral druids on offense are a great addition. Good dps, roots, and some heals. "if you wanna do dmg u pop thorn and problem solve..." If that's what you do for damage then /wrist or respec.

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