Highest Twink Population Servers?

US Realms - Preferably US East

Looking to slowly transfer toons to a server with a large Horde Twink population. I see mostly Bleeding Hollows outside Org in my battle group but was curious if that’s actually the most populated one for Horde?
Bleeding Hollow for the win!

Is there a fair amount of socketed ilvl 37 gear on that realm? Main issue I have rn with my realm is the AH. The update helped alot with dropping prices of gems and materials but the gear is essentially non existent. I’ve never seen a socketed piece of twink gear once. It’s dead when it comes to that.
Is there a fair amount of socketed ilvl 37 gear on that realm? Main issue I have rn with my realm is the AH. The update helped alot with dropping prices of gems and materials but the gear is essentially non existent. I’ve never seen a socketed piece of twink gear once. It’s dead when it comes to that.
BH is the *the* twink hub. youll have quite the AH to draw from.
Is there a fair amount of socketed ilvl 37 gear on that realm?

There is quite a fair amount of socketed 37ilvl gear on the Bleeding Hollow AH. It's priced a bit high but sometimes there's some good deals. There's a group/community of us that farm it almost nightly and everyone usually gets a few pieces of socketed gear

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