Hi, I am Nobutt from Aerie Peak


Hello there. I am new to WoW. Played through a 10 day trial about 5 years back, but I never subscribed.

I recently learned of the new Starter Edition that does not have a time limit. I have been playing that for about a week. It has been pretty fun, so far.

Ironically, I learned of the starter edition from the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums.

I have a lvl 19 Warrior in Aerie Peak: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/aerie-peak/Nobutt/advanced

So, hello twinkinfo!
There was once a guy on Velen named Noballs.

He was never forced to change his name.

Not a bad name. My roommate names all of my characters for me. She finds that many mmorpg character models have no bum. It disappoints her. So a lot of my characters get named nobutt/nobum, whatever is available.

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