Hey guys, how's f2p going with MoP?


Hey guys,
Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I left WoW a few months ago, whilst MoP was still in beta, healers were unkillable, hpallys were supreme gods from unknown worlds, capable of killing you with a single steely glare, and resto druids could run around with their HoTs just laughing at your face.

So firstly, HEY!!!!! :D
And secondly, has it been balanced out somewhat, because if it has, then I might start to pop my nose into F2P again.
And thirdly, hows Aerie Peak going? We still got the friendly faces of old running around, anybody new making an impact?

So it's good to be back for now, and maybe I'll see you all around in game :)
Druids are overpowered to the point were you will kick every cat you see because they remind you of a druid .
Hello, kind of random, but I'll answer that guy's question, and ask one since I can't post my own threads yet... Lol.

F2P Twinking is very populated atm, only positive about AP Ally though, as I've never played anywhere else. Usually 10-15 twinks on at all times ready to do something PvP related. Make sure to get the F2P addon in the sticky though.

Now, I'm curious as to what BGs are merged. Like, I just got back to WoW, and want to make a twink on my main account, but not sure if I'll be able to play with people from AP specifically. Anyone that knows, I would appreciate you letting me know. =)

EDIT: Wow, didn't read your post at all. Lol, any healing class, regardless of spec, is more OP than one that isn't. Sad to say that, but it's true.
why didn't you just look 5 threads down?
To further elaborate on Licholas' post, check out How trials now mop has settled, which was just a few posts down. That thread has answered most of your questions already. For example, a [brief] summary on balance so far that was posted in that thread:
Like it's supposed to:

It requires 2 People(at least 1 DPS) to down 1 Healer.

Off Healing is doing a little bit too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if they planned on nerfing that somehow in a future patch; this is because it's an issue at endgame as well.

Prot Paladins are fairly strong and Rogues's 5point finisher does 700 crit and their initial burst w/ their owner is fairly strong. Prot DPS needs to be nerfed and the rogues 5point finishing move and opener could use a slight nerf.

Mages could use a buff.
Enhance Could use a buff.
Ret Could use a buff(mainly with TV)
FB from Druids could use a nerf. (Resto Druids can crit for nearly 600 dmg with FB)
I think Locks and Hunters are in the same boat. They aren't OP, but in the hands of a good player they will look like godmode.
Spriests arent bad, they just dont have any abilities. I think giving them Devouring Plague would be enough to make them a great support class without making them too overpowered.

Other than that, everything is pretty balanced right now.
So firstly, HEY!!!!! :D
Hello again old friend.

Druids are overpowered to the point were you will kick every cat you see because they remind you of a druid .

Makes me happy that I rolled one back before they were overpowered and I can continue to play mine without feeling guilty.
That's to bad zera ): I enjoyed premading with ur rogue ;/
Trial twinking is dead to me. You have to actually pay to enjoy the game now. That and... Hi Zaxxo very long time no see :]

That's funny, I had the opposite response. Are you playing endgame or twinking at a different level? I subscribed for a couple months, mainly to try raiding, not having the ability to as a f2p, and discovered that it is just another form of slavery. I probably should have geared for pvp, but I really couldn't bother after deciding that I wasn't going to pay for the disaster that is PvE.
That's funny, I had the opposite response. Are you playing endgame or twinking at a different level? I subscribed for a couple months, mainly to try raiding, not having the ability to as a f2p, and discovered that it is just another form of slavery. I probably should have geared for pvp, but I really couldn't bother after deciding that I wasn't going to pay for the disaster that is PvE.

Zerazsa @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft my new rogue

Eew raiding is nasty
Cheers for all the responses guys, good to be back :) Howevers, I feel like rolling out a new class, and back when I used to play, I never actually got a priest to 20, I'll almost certainly go with one, but I just wondered - How are they in MoP at the moment, and seeming I also want to start a new race, are the pandaren a decent race for priests?
Hey Zaxxo and all the oldies still loitering around =D
Decided to play a game after a 5 month hiatus. Not much has changed, eh? Still faceroll easy, especially after GW2 pvp and LoL awareness.

Hope everyone has been well. I wouldn't mind to play a few games with some old friend in the near future. Skype still used regularly?

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