Help choosing a class :\

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So as you probobly noticed im new here - Have lurked the forums for a while but decided it was time to make an account and post :)

Im WAY to torn between choosing a class heres my dilema - Im hovering round the idea of a mage or shaman, dont ask why they just seem to appeal to me xD

From what ive gathered - pro's and cons

Mage - Pros & cons

-Plent of CC, Frost nova, Pet nova, Poly, Frostbolt slow (pro)

-Squishy, If they get to you and slow you your as good as dead? (con)

Shaman - Pros & cons

-Lack of CC, earthbind has 5hp, C'mon.. lol (con)

-Interupt & silence. Gamebreaking (pro)

-Ghostwolf - May have a cast time but helpful to say the least (pro)

Terrible heals - Maybe even considered not worth the cast unless in healing gear?

That was kinda besides the point but i suppose it gives you somethings to tell me about since i havnt got major experiance with either classes (partly why they appeal to me)

Shaman would be Enh/spellhance

Mage would be frost i presume? idk what the best spec is at 19

No idea what eithers dmg is like but all ill say is im a born attacker, I dont like being an easy kill target for other players - I just wanna be able to hold my own and not be a hunter or paladin basically. Thankyou
Pick the one you think you would have the most fun in. If I had to pick, I would go with the mage. CCing is a fun and helps your team out a lot. But shammies can also be fun. :]
Thanks for the quick replys guys still undecided though hehe, Are mages just built to be a CCer? And are both of them able to hold there own if cornerd by another player 1v1?
Enh sham will drop anyone but a prot/holy pally extremely quickly, gap closing is really the only issue with them atm so good use of earthbind is required to be successful with them.
this actually depends on how you like to play and what you would like to do;

for example if you want to do some ranged dmg and keep players away from you go for hunter or mage; if you more like to be going on direct damage you can go warrior or rogue, if you like to heal you can go priest/pally or maybe a shaman ( don't go druid they'll get badass nerf in 4.0.6)

also consider; if you can't beat them join them.
Securehealth said:
this actually depends on how you like to play and what you would like to do;

for example if you want to do some ranged dmg and keep players away from you go for hunter or mage; if you more like to be going on direct damage you can go warrior or rogue, if you like to heal you can go priest/pally or maybe a shaman ( don't go druid they'll get badass nerf in 4.0.6)

also consider; if you can't beat them join them.

no. loltenchars
securehealth said:
this actually depends on how you like to play and what you would like to do;

for example if you want to do some ranged dmg and keep players away from you go for hunter or mage; if you more like to be going on direct damage you can go warrior or rogue, if you like to heal you can go priest/pally or maybe a shaman ( don't go druid they'll get badass nerf in 4.0.6)

also consider; if you can't beat them join them.

fuck no. Dont even imply that he should roll a hunter.
Mages are very good right now in pretty much all situations. I'm sure you'll love playing Mage if you've enjoyed casters.
Mages are one of the best classes. Arcane can blanket silence and poly to lock down healers indefinately. You can blink away from anything, so survival is no probs if played right. Frost is almost impossible for melee to kill. Especially after druid nerf. I get extra survival by stacking stam, and using healing pots more often.
Evade said:
no. loltenchars

yer just pissed because your a rogue. gg /ignore
Thanks for the advise guys :) I think im going mage ;D On my server (draenor EU) There arnt to many mages which is always nice because I like being away from the crowd (Hunters, Rogues and Paladins) Ive taken a look at the Mage guide on here and it offers some good advise - Just wondering if anyone has anything to add/A BiS mage armoury/Chardev
Securehealth said:
yer just pissed because your a rogue. gg /ignore

no. im a rogue and im doing just fine. The OP is looking for a new solid class, not something as worthless as a rag doll(which warriors are, w/o pocket heals)
Securehealth said:
this actually depends on how you like to play and what you would like to do;

for example if you want to do some ranged dmg and keep players away from you go for hunter or mage; if you more like to be going on direct damage you can go warrior or rogue, if you like to heal you can go priest/pally or maybe a shaman ( don't go druid they'll get badass nerf in 4.0.6)

also consider; if you can't beat them join them.

''If you cant beat them, join them'' is what's ruining the bracket
Actually as a mage i like arcane better than frost, sure you'll miss abit of cc but in my experience i usually can survive with the basic cc and escapeabilities.

Nova - CoC - Imp. blink

Pop Lifeblood for a fast frostbolt and kite away - Altho vs. rogues, sometimes you could really have used that extra nova. ^^

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