Help appreciated


So I just got in a bg with chrisfails from the guild “go afk out” (or something similar to that) and he asked me to make a toon on his server. I noticed that on some teams people (including the F2P 20s) want to farm or ask to farm after capping two flags. My question to you guys is, is this the norm?

I’ve been twinking in WoW since 2005 and lead one of the most popular 39 twink guilds for a few years, but I have always played to try and win games. I’d be lying if I said I never farmed mid while our druid would cap three times, but I don’t know what the community feels about farming in this bracket.

I want to play on a small server with a twink guild that has a chance to turn into something big and was thinking about rolling on stormrage with the go people. If there is something I should know about the server/people I’ll be playing with, I want to hear it from the community before I make up my mind.

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You should make sure the guild you join share your views or at least respect your views. That's my 2 cents.

Overall the gy farming is frowned upon by the majority of the community. You will still have the ones that do it cause they can while they are up against a weaker team. You get more honor etc by quick capping and getting into a new game. Full 25 min farm you get about avg 100 honor. 3 games done in 8 min avg 150 honor.
Overall the gy farming is frowned upon by the majority of the community. You will still have the ones that do it cause they can while they are up against a weaker team. You get more honor etc by quick capping and getting into a new game. Full 25 min farm you get about avg 100 honor. 3 games done in 8 min avg 150 honor.
Capping and requeing might be effective for horde, but alliance ques are long.
I dont support farming, but you get more honor for farming as an ally.
Read the guild name, look at the players names in the guild.
There's your answer as to what kind of guild they are.

That being said, if you do decide to go there, make sure you have a full action bar of /spit macro's bound.
But not to your "S" key, you'll need that for walking backwards.
Love it when the farmers beg you not to cap then start calling you names when you do.. I am always happy to report them for it also...
from what ive seen all of the big guilds have players who gy farm. why just the other night i got into a game vs a<HI> 4 or 5 man team and i could tell Crit had to make a few of his folks to back off the gy.

so they moved to just past the heal hut.
thanks guys.

i dont farm and i bitch at those on my team who do, which i why i fc as much as possible. that might be the answer! make a fc toon so you can run flags.
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Just find someone else's guild to be in. <GG AFK OUT> is not worth your while. GY farming epeen kids are annoying.

As for your question, GY farming is looked down upon. I have 0 respect for gy farmers, it ruins the bracket. There is enough of that shit already and when kids ask if we can farm, I respond with a no and explain how it ruins the bracket. Plus you get more honor just by queing again anyways.
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