


I just want to introduce myself. I have a newly dinged 70 Combat Rogue on Hellfire. She dinged 70 on April 11 and she is getting "there" gearwise. Twinking is completely new to me as my focus up until now has been on my 14 90s and several lowbies. I´ve done a few arenas and won half of them, although it was a bit confusing, but I´ll do it again if I ever get the chance. So far twinking is fun! I´m currently working on a new Hunter which is going to be a twink as well.

Here I am: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/hellfire/Albertine/advanced

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Welcome to the forum!
My, my you have a gracious ammount of 90s, don't you?
Good luck on your pursuit of understanding twinking. :p
15 level 90s here. and it's still not as fun as my 80 twinks. love to raid 80 content :)
welcome and gz on dingin 70

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