Hello - New to the forum - Not new to twinks.


Hi folks!!

Crusty here. I've been around since vanilla and got into twinking back in early days of BC. I had three toons in the 39 bracket for a long, long, long time up until blizz "broke" us with the xp/no xp crap.

Over the years since that change - i either slowly deleted or lvl'd two of those twinks. I still have my original mage twink that will forever stay at 39 only because of the many memories of how much she used to wreck. She's still wearing all of the BiS gear for that time as you'll be able to see once you view the profile. Some of the gear she's now wearing has lvl requirements of 40. :)

Crustina @ Scarlet Crusade - Community - World of Warcraft

So with the introduction - I'm getting into twinks in the 70-79 bracket now as i've discovered how active they are.

Being so new to this bracket, and back to true twinking, I'm not really sure how to gear/lvl my rogue twink.

Do I stay at lvl 70?
Do I lvl to 79?
Why stay at lvl 70 vs lvling to 79 and twinking there?

With 6.02 - what gear is BiS these days? Is that gear for lvl 70 or lvl 79?

Thanks for any advice you can provide.


Edit - The other two 39 twinks i had were wearing the exact same gear. Disc priest and affliction lock. The lock was my favorite...dot dot dot...run around...dot dot dot...and just watch things melt.
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