Hello from an 85 Feral twink -mixed PVE/PVE!


I have tried my hand at twinking three times. My first was an 84 shammy, then the 85 feral and a 14 dps monk. I found the monk to be very good at flag running, but I recently had to unlock him to make an alchemist and a leveling partner for a friend. He never had the battlemaster trinkets anyway. I tinker with things and experiment a lot but dislike mindless repetition by myself.

The 84 shammy was VERY successful early on, but has recently been getting pounded as people have discovered that bracket and gotten geared for it. My feral remains very successful despite Blizzard opening the 85 bracket up to level 86-89 toons.

Here is a peak at Irenagolden, my feral: Irenagolden @ Trollbane - Community - World of Warcraft
She is a work in progress as you can see, far from finished, with some greens and room for improvement in most slots. Still, with 6 BIS items, 99% mastery and 45% crit unbuffed she does pretty well against the 89s.

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