Health and Mana cap


Ive been curious what the new hp cap is at level 19. And for some reason im also curious about a mana cap also haha. Thanks
my warrior has 2532 hp unbuffed
today i rolled my alliance twink, near insta BG ques compared to 23min++ on horde side. i saw a hella ton of QQ about a horde warrior saying he had near 3000hp....sounded like some were gonna do the usual he must be hacking GM tickets.

i finally saw what they were talking about, it was Adeus and at the time had 2753ish. although impressive, prot-pal's achieve this quit easily and most never question it
ive seen alot of pallys come close to my hp but i've never seen anyone with more than me :D (warriors all day), i had 2753 with only the priest fort buff btw(i dont usually use my rumsey since my main is ally, and getting more would be a pain >.>), the max hp ive had this would include - rumsey rum, priest buff, scroll of stam 2 and horde battle standard brings me at 3400 :D im pretty sure i have max stam someone plz tell me if im wrong because i can never have enough stam :D

-adeus (warriors!)
lol if only the WBFH didnt get nerfed i need that extra 250hp (more with the 15% stam incr), and im really going to miss the 5% base hp incr when i go ally but i guess the human racial will help ^_^

-adeus (warriors!)
19 warrior adeus said:
lol if only the WBFH didnt get nerfed i need that extra 250hp (more with the 15% stam incr), and im really going to miss the 5% base hp incr when i go ally but i guess the human racial will help ^_^

-adeus (warriors!)

Your only allowed to go alliance if you take me with
Buffed with fort and rum my prot pally has around 2-2.4k in a regular FC set.
i have to go ally D: my dps set isnt great and ally has some really nice gear and...dont judge me for this i love RP and ally has the best RP thats why i havnt left Moonguard and joined a twink guild yet
19 warrior adeus said:
i have to go ally D: my dps set isnt great and ally has some really nice gear and...dont judge me for this i love RP and ally has the best RP thats why i havnt left Moonguard and joined a twink guild yet

I know. This is Ascendency ;)
MoWild/Kings also helps. Its a shame they are the same spell now, as are bloodpact and Word.
I am 99.9% positive that there is no current cap for hp or mana. You would technically hit a "cap" at some point there just isn't any more stamina gear, buffs, pots, scrolls you can get, and thats the only cap I'm aware of.
adeus, i have only killed you 5 times throughout all of the bgs i have done, and if u have healz, i literally just walk away from my computer.
that just made me lol in RL, but ya if i dont have heals im pretty screwed unless i have a chance to switch into dps gear, when i get the flag debuff(100% incr) thats ur best chance to pwn my face :D im sure a lot of people want to kill me and /dance on me
Clickplease said:
I am 99.9% positive that there is no current cap for hp or mana. You would technically hit a "cap" at some point there just isn't any more stamina gear, buffs, pots, scrolls you can get, and thats the only cap I'm aware of.

i think he means how much health is possible...
Could you post your armory link I need to make a FC set for my warrior. Talking to 19 warrior adeus BTW Thanks!
Avador said:
Could you post your armory link I need to make a FC set for my warrior. Talking to 19 warrior adeus BTW Thanks!

Cant link because im on my phone but hes on moonguard horde side
ya, i got in a few games with him and it was insta win with me healing him =)

that's how i noticed he had a shit ton of achievement points and got him added to the list ;)
Avador said:
Could you post your armory link I need to make a FC set for my warrior. Talking to 19 warrior adeus BTW Thanks!

this is usually what i use (max stam) but alot of the gear u cant get anymore :( go under "rate my twink" and look for Fc warrior alot of ppl gave great suggestions

i know it has shadowfang as my wpn but i use dawnblade

and i switch between savage trodders and spidersilk boots

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