Havent won 1 game in 2 days straight

Tom Ganks

So its either facing a horde premade, or facing a regular team with shitty teammates on my side. None of my friends are playing on their 24s lately and apparently all want to either level their wip toons or grind for endgame stuff. I don't have any horde toons yet but if this keeps up I might as well faction change. But it probably wont make a difference. Because to my luck, when I do that, it will be the other way around. I simply cannot get these (edited) to play the objective or listen to callouts and have a successful game. And any decent player I meet in a BG I try to send a BT request so I can get a decent group going and they reject it. Im not bugging anybody and don't see what the big deal is. Do people believe they're too great to communicate with players outside of their xrealm, realm, or guild? Do they see themselves superior? What the hell am I doing wrong? Im just confused as hell what the fuck is going on with alliance and why people are so antisocial whenever I try a new realm out. And please don't try and recruit me to your little server saying how wonderful it is. Been there done that. Same story over and over.
Im thinking about making a commentary or some kind of video explaining my opinion of this community. Sure people will act nice and everything on the forums. But in game? Oh Im sorry if Im a lesser creature than you.

If youre down for some premades (no gyfarming) add me: Mock15halo#1652 (yea don't ask about the name)

#Rantthread #Storyofmylife #notanotheroneofthesethreads #Theresathreadforranting #Boohoo #Getoverit #Thatswowforya #Canwebanpeopleformakingthese
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People don't act nice on this forum. A large portion of the members of the twink community are kids in high school who don't have any social skills to speak of, I wouldn't let it get too you. Also people are dicks online in general, i'd get use too it asap if I were you, WoW is probably one of the worst offenders of online douche-baggery.
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People don't act nice on this forum.

This. I have no idea where you got the idea that people act nice on forums.

But I'll try to be kinda nice and hopefully the meanness will only increase at a gentle rate over the length of this thread.

Have you considered perhaps looking at your own skill and seeing if you can do more to win games? Perhaps these other good players don't want to group with someone they see could still improve his game?
if your alli it might be partly due to me which i apologise for being that dick holy pally with 3k hp XD
Hang in there man we are not all bad :) allot of the free to plays just won't listen cause your a 24 or just cause they speak a different language all together. Don't let it bug you so much. It's just 24s right?
Just keep queueing, I'm sure things will turn around eventually. You are probably just having bad luck. If you get too frustrated, take a break from the game or even just the bracket and come back to it later.
If you're running pugs, just be prepared to have fun despite anything else. When the team isn't great, just do what you can and not worry about it. When facing premades do the same thing, and when being farmed by those premades just put on some music and have some tea. In those situations I like to see how many deaths I can rack up. Because it's a game and no one should get frustrated over it. But I'll send you a message some time. Or send me one whenever you're on. Schwinke#1769.
I find people to be dicks on here but friendly in game. Not to name names but there is a very good twink and he talks a lot of smack on here and got on my nerves. Then he came into vent i was on and I heard his crackly pubescent voice and his mom yelling at him in the background and after that, I never let people being mean affect me, i understood that this was his only outlet to be a rebel.
It's a good idea to have at least one character on both factions
Know your enemy

When you say people treat you like a lesser creature do you mean F2Ps do because you're a 24?
If so, obviously that'll happen, ignore it, it's not going to change anytime soon
Thx Bison.
Anywho skill wise and objectively I play fairly well. Things have turned around the past few days but the only people I really seem to have a decent time playing with are the f2p community. Simply because they (like me) have learned to not take stuff for granted and actually attempt to make friends so they could team up and stand a chance. <3

Edit: including some of my 24 friends. But they don't play as often.
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People are just not nice.

Have you ever heard the saying "it's a cruel world"? Well it isn't. The people in it are.

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