

This is for all you haters out there, keep your comments to yourself. I was alliance for 3 days just because a friend wanted to make an alliance toon and i was just being a good friend so i kept him company. Also wanted the item called Kurkentoks which are the only sandals you can get at this level. STOP saying im a try hard player when you know nothing. All i ask is to play the last month or so i have left in this bracket without the bullshit please? Tired of people judgeing and acting like they know it all. Last thing, my gear setup is True BIS to my standards and mine alone. Don't care for your questions or trying to help me by saying other gear i should use.Sorry for this thread im just tired of people saying bad things about me when all i want to do is play for fun and in peace. Thanks for the bgs while they lasted though and ill miss you all when Wod happens! <3
Created alliance toon
Company to friend
Looking for Sandals
Complaints about try-hard?
Leaving bracket due to asswipes
Items bis to your perspective
People talking shit, you play nicely
Fun bgs

Soo....you were in a bg where you asked to find sandals then people talking crap saying they are balls?
Sorry for this thread im just tired of people saying bad things about me when all i want to do is play for fun and in peace.

It doesn't matter what people say about you. You should keep doing your thing :)
You have good intentions, a positive attitude (which I always liked) and you have fun with what you are doing.

And you don't have to apologize for this thread, it's okay to vent your frustrations sometimes.
All I'm saying is that you are doing just fine.
What the hell is a Kurkentoks sandal?...
I am 100% agreement with you. Whatever is BiS for YOU is what you should go with. You have to realize, most of the players that Twink nowadays only use cookie cutter gear sets. They are not used to experimenting with different set ups.

Ppl never talk shit about me and I always gear after my own playstyle, play whatever guild I like on what ever faction I like, there is always some reason to the shittalk and it usually has nothing to do with the chars u own. From my experience the biggest reason to shittalking is bragging.
there is always some reason to the shittalk and it usually has nothing to do with the chars u own.

You are right about one thing, there is always a "reason" to shit talk, but the problem does not lie in the recipient...

To the OP: Haters gonna hate. Ignore them and move on.
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Not sure what this thread is about and why anyone would care about what others think about your gear but I like the look of those slippers for transmog. Is there a horde version of that?

Perplex-20 P2P Shaman
Not sure what this thread is about and why anyone would care about what others think about your gear but I like the look of those slippers for transmog. Is there a horde version of that?

Perplex-20 P2P Shaman

i don't see any other items that look like that for horde in this bracket. the only one i could find is the one that "Bluegill Puddlejumper" drops called Bluegill Sandals (which may or may not drop now).

Bluegill Sandals - Item - World of Warcraft

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