EU <Hardcore Vanilla>



Hardcore Vanilla

A 60 Twink guild with a few twists to make it harder. Now from my understanding people are getting burned out from legion from many peoples point of view, endgame, twinking etc so this might just be a perfect idea if that description fits you or if you just want to join a 60 twink guild.

Alright so let’s get into it.

So first of what sets us apart from other 60 twink guilds well:

No heirlooms at 60 whatsoever, you will have 3 days after hitting 60 or 3 days after joining to remove the heirlooms if you do not remove them you will be kicked from the guild.

No healing or tanking specs in raids, now this will need some explaining. Since the raids at 60 is extremely faceroll if you’re 8+ people. So we decided to not include tanking or healing specs in raids or dungeon speedruns. How do we get around this? Well we will still have healers and tanks so to say but there will for example not be any Prot Tanks but there can be Ret, Fury or Arms tanks for example who has to stack gear with a lot of armor, dodge etc and also get some threat enchants. Also healers will be something like a boomy healer, now I understand people will say that it will be impossible to raid without tank or healing specs but you have to understand that this is legion. Not vanilla. In any way, shape or form. People are 2 manning Molten Core, in my opinion this change that we made is probably as hardcore as we can get.

No mark of [insert name] at 60

No boosting in raids or dungeons at all

I will make a website for the guild where you can submit dungeon run times and compete with other guild members for fun.

I will also host arena tournaments for the guild, but instead of just wargaming or something similar we run to the arena, in doing so we will NOT scale to 69 and all your gear will still work

The PvP gear that you BUY is locked behind honorable kills to make it more similar to vanilla, if you buy the pvp gear without having the requirements, trust me we will find out and actions will be taken. To see how this system works see below


For raids we do have a couple of rules and they are as following:

No TBC gear at all in raids

No boosting in raids at all

No healing or tanking specs in raids, now this will need some explaining. Since the raids at 60 is extremely faceroll if you’re 8+ people. So we decided to not include tanking or healing specs in raids or dungeon speedruns. How do we get around this? Well we will still have healers and tanks so to say but there will for example not be any Prot Tanks but there can be Ret, Fury or Arms tanks for example who has to stack gear with a lot of armor, dodge etc and also get some threat enchants. Also healers will be something like a boomy healer, now I understand people will say that it will be impossible to raid without tank or healing specs but you have to understand that this is legion. Not vanilla. In any way, shape or form. People are 2 manning Molten Core, in my opinion this change that we made is probably as hardcore as we can get.

Originally we thought that raiding with other guilds that follow our raid rules should be accepted but we soon found out that keeping track of every member in the guild and who they raided with all the time would be rather complicated so instead we have decided that if you wanna raid, you raid with us. Raiding with other guilds is therefore BANNED.

No heirlooms in raids

Specs that are/are not allowed in raids:

Spec: Holy Priest is BANNED.

Spec: Holy Paladin is BANNED.

Spec: Protection Paladin is BANNED.

Spec: Protection Warrior is BANNED.

Spec: Brewmaster Monk is BANNED.

Spec: Mistweaver Monk is BANNED.

Spec: Blood Death Knight is BANNED.

Spec: Restoration Shaman is BANNED.

Spec: Guardian Druid is BANNED.

Spec: Restoration Druid is BANNED.

Spec: Discipline Priest is ALLOWED (though allowed only as a dps)

Spec: Shadow Priest is ALLOWED.

Spec: Retribution Paladin is ALLOWED.

Spec: Arms Warrior is ALLOWED.

Spec: Fury Warrior is ALLOWED.

Spec: Windwalker Monk is ALLOWED.

Spec: Frost Death Knight is ALLOWED.

Spec: Unholy Death Knight is ALLOWED.

Spec: Enhancement Shaman is ALLOWED.

Spec: Elemental Shaman is ALLOWED.

Spec: Feral Druid is ALLOWED.

Spec: Balance Druid is ALLOWED.

Spec: All Mage specs are ALLOWED.

Spec: All Hunter specs are ALLOWED.

Spec: All Warlock specs are ALLOWED.

Instanced PvP

Instanced PvP = Battlegrounds and Arenas

In instanced PvP we do not have any rules as for which specs you can and cannot play it is completely up to yourself.

Gear: All gear that is not listed below is allowed.

Gear: No heirlooms allowed.

Gear: The BG box gear is allowed for everyone if you get a piece of gear from it you’re free to use it!

Gear: PvP gear that is bought from vendors is locked behind Honorable Kills you unlock by gaining a certain amount of them.

15 Honorable kills = Private’s Tabard, Insigna of The Alliance

500 Honorable kills = Silverwing, Stormpike and Arathi pvp gear

750 Honorable kills = Blue PvP Cloak from SW

850 Honorable kills = Blue PvP Necklace from SW

1000 Honorable kills = Blue PvP bracers from SW

1100 Honorable kills = Officer’s Tabard, Officer’s Potions

1250 Honorable kills = Lieutenant PvP boots and gloves

1700 Honorable kills = Lieutenant PvP chest and legs

1900 Honorable kills = Battle Standard

2400 Honorable kills = Lieutenant PvP helm and shoulders

3500 Honorable kills = Epic PvP Mounts usable

4000 Honorable kills = Marshal Gloves

4500 Honorable kills = Marshal Boots

5000 Honorable kills = Marshal Legs

5500 Honorable kills = Marshal Chest

5750 Honorable kills = Marshal Shoulders

6000 Honorable kills = Marshal Helm

9000 Honorable kills = 1h pvp weapons and shields/off hands

12 000 Honorable kills = 2h pvp weapons

75 000 Honorable kills = Hardcore PvP’er rank

World PvP

For world PvP the rules are the following:

Gear: Gear rules are exactly the same as they are for Instanced PvP.

Basically it’s the same rules as instanced PvP.

PvP Tournaments

Gear: All gear that you have obtained through our rules is allowed.

All specs are allowed.

All consumables are banned (example: potions and or elixirs etc)

Class stacking in arena tournaments is BANNED.

Class stacking in Battleground tournaments is ALLOWED.

Stacking healers or tanks in arena tournaments is BANNED.

Stacking healers or tanks in Battleground tournament is ALLOWED.

Guild Run Dungeons

A guild run dungeon = A dungeon where 3 or more guild members run to a dungeon enter it and run it.

A normal dungeon = A normal dungeon would be when you queue up via the Looking For Dungeon tool or when you run to a dungeon and get a group of randoms together.

Guild Run Dungeon Rules:

Gear: Heirlooms are banned

Gear: Raid gear is allowed.

Gear: BG Box gear is allowed.

Gear: PvP gear is allowed.

Gear: TBC gear is banned.


No tanking or healing specs:

Spec: Holy Priest is BANNED.

Spec: Holy Paladin is BANNED.

Spec: Protection Paladin is BANNED.

Spec: Protection Warrior is BANNED.

Spec: Brewmaster Monk is BANNED.

Spec: Mistweaver Monk is BANNED.

Spec: Blood Death Knight is BANNED.

Spec: Restoration Shaman is BANNED.

Spec: Guardian Druid is BANNED.

Spec: Restoration Druid is BANNED.

Spec: Discipline Priest is ALLOWED (though allowed only as a dps)

Spec: Shadow Priest is ALLOWED.

Spec: Retribution Paladin is ALLOWED.

Spec: Arms Warrior is ALLOWED.

Spec: Fury Warrior is ALLOWED.

Spec: Windwalker Monk is ALLOWED.

Spec: Frost Death Knight is ALLOWED.

Spec: Unholy Death Knight is ALLOWED.

Spec: Enhancement Shaman is ALLOWED.

Spec: Elemental Shaman is ALLOWED.

Spec: Feral Druid is ALLOWED.

Spec: Balance Druid is ALLOWED.

Spec: All Mage specs are ALLOWED.

Spec: All Hunter specs are ALLOWED.

Spec: All Warlock specs are ALLOWED.


Guild Run Dungeon Speedrun

If you wish to try and beat the record for the fastest dungeon time in the guild in that dungeon, here are the rules:

Same rules as for a normal guild dungeon run almost.

The only difference is that you have to record it, so I can see that it is legit I will then go on to post it on either YT or the future guild website. All character names will be given credit for it.

Normal Dungeons:

A normal dungeon only has the rules that you cannot use any heirlooms as a level 60 and you cannot get boosted in any dungeon.

Gear and enchant rules for the guild:

Mark of [insert name] enchants are BANNED at 60.

Buying gear on the Auction House is ALLOWED.

Buying gear from the Black Market Auction House is ALLOWED.

For PvP gear rules look in the PvP section.

All other enchants than legion neck enchants are ALLOWED.

TBC Gear is ALLOWED in all environments but Raids from where it is BANNED.

If you join with an established 60 Twink you have to take off all raid gear and the PvP gear you do not have access to by our rules.

Let’s say you have Marshal boots but you only have 200 Honorable Kills that would mean that you do not meet the guilds requirements for that piece and must as such be removed from your character. As for the raid gear well you have to take it off if you didn’t get it raiding with our guild.

The only exception of the rule mentioned above is if you have Grandfathered gear. Like Fel-Invasion gear or Zul’Gurub gear, this is the only instance where you can keep your previous raid gear (I know fel-invasion gear isn’t raid gear but it was an example of grandfathered gear).

Heirlooms are ALLOWED all the way up to 60 but at 60 it is BANNED and you will receive 3 days to change it or remove it from your character.

General Rules:

Breaking a rule with either result in a g/kick or a warning you can receive a maximum of 3 warnings and after that you will get kicked.

The number before the rules will say how many warnings you will get for breaking it if it says a K in front of the rule it means that breaking that rule will result in an instant kick from the guild.

2- Be friendly towards everyone, hostile behaviour towards people is not tolerated and actions will be taken against your character if you break this rule.

2- Raiding with other guilds, if caught once you will get 2 warnings and even the slightest offense in the future will result in a Guild Kick.

K- Avoiding joining the guild so you can get boosted, this is strictly forbidden and you will not get invited if you do this.

1- Breaking one of the Dungeon Rules.

2- Breaking one of the Raid Rules, you can receive 1 warning for this instead of 2 depending on the situation.

1- Breaking an instanced PvP or World PvP rule.

2- Breaking a PvP Tournament rule.

K- Levelling past 60 will result in an instant kick from the guild.

2- TBC gear is allowed but not in Raids or Guild Run Dungeons.

0- Promoting and being friendly and trying to help the guild will not get unnoticed and will result in a lot of Respect from guild members and most likely a promotion in Rank.

Common questions:

What realm and faction is this on?

Ravencrest EU and the guild is on the Alliance side.

Are Death Knights and Monks allowed?


Are Draenei, Worgens and Pandarens allowed?

If you want to join the guild just leave a comment here or write to me in game, I’m usually online everyday and you can find me easily with a /who search and then type in Hardcore Vanilla ^^
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