Hall of Fame - F2P Achievement Points

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Hey all,

I saw this thread posted in the Alternate Twinking forums by MetalIllness and I decided that the F2P community should have a thread of its own. So let's begin!


THE 3000 + | CLUB

The Grind Begins...

2500 + | Club

Kale - Alliance / Human Paladin / Dreadmaul / US

2000 + | Club

Domisunique - Alliance / Night Elf Rouge / Khaz'goroth / US

Lofi - Alliance / Night Elf Hunter / Aerie Peak / US

Releron - Horde / Blood Elf Hunter / Fenris / US

Emoclown - Horde / Undead Rouge / Aerie Peak / US

Rhaellia - Alliance / Draenei Paladin / Aerie Peak / US

1500 + | Club

Eetuonparas - Horde / Undead Rouge / Dragonmaw / EU

Visatorul - Alliance / Human Paladin / Thunderhorn / EU

Clawedfang - Horde / Troll Druid / Skywall / US



I ask that everyone please help in making this thread a success. Just simply post a link to your armory if you are eligable for any of the clubs and I will gladly add you to the list! Thanks.
Yeah tbh kale takes the cake this threads kinda moot >.<

Lofi just got guardian of cenaris though
Well, Kale is 5 points away from 2500 points... so chances are he's gonna get there first. The real question is, who will be the first F2P to 3k?
Yes, with Winter Veil, I hit 2.5k. There's still a few I can do that are either random chance or long grinds, but I'm not in any rush, I'll get to them eventually if I play long enough. Funny thing is when achievements first came out, I thought they were pretty pointless, and the promised rewards you could spend them on never eventuated, like a lot of things from Blizz. I found I got really into the PvP and vanity rewards though, and before I knew it, I was over 9,000. Obviously that's not possible on F2P... Yet.
Yes, with Winter Veil, I hit 2.5k. There's still a few I can do that are either random chance or long grinds, but I'm not in any rush, I'll get to them eventually if I play long enough. Funny thing is when achievements first came out, I thought they were pretty pointless, and the promised rewards you could spend them on never eventuated, like a lot of things from Blizz. I found I got really into the PvP and vanity rewards though, and before I knew it, I was over 9,000. Obviously that's not possible on F2P... Yet.

WHAT 9000?!?!!

Sorry couldn't help myself ._.
Yes, with Winter Veil, I hit 2.5k. There's still a few I can do that are either random chance or long grinds, but I'm not in any rush, I'll get to them eventually if I play long enough. Funny thing is when achievements first came out, I thought they were pretty pointless, and the promised rewards you could spend them on never eventuated, like a lot of things from Blizz. I found I got really into the PvP and vanity rewards though, and before I knew it, I was over 9,000. Obviously that's not possible on F2P... Yet.

I like what you wrote but I think the "Yet" is pointless. If F2P's ever want to hit 9k Achieve points, we will have to wait till WoWs 9th Expansion Pack.
Yes, with Winter Veil, I hit 2.5k. There's still a few I can do that are either random chance or long grinds, but I'm not in any rush, I'll get to them eventually if I play long enough. Funny thing is when achievements first came out, I thought they were pretty pointless, and the promised rewards you could spend them on never eventuated, like a lot of things from Blizz. I found I got really into the PvP and vanity rewards though, and before I knew it, I was over 9,000. Obviously that's not possible on F2P... Yet.

its.. its... 9000!!!!!!!
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