

Yo guys long time twinker here back after a 3 year hiatus to take advantage of some F2P action. I've decided to roll AP horde after reading through this forum but I'm not sure on class, right now I'm thinking troll huntard, undead rogue or BE ret pally. Obviously hunter is best but I'm afraid it might be a tad boring, I could see it being a lot of fun for those games where horde is overpowered by alliance though which seems to be a lot. I like rogues but I'm not fond of subtly, is a SS combat rogue viable? Ret pally seems cool but might be lacking in solo play?

As far as gear goes are tiger fly BiS before you get fishing hat? Is it possible to get the BOA's on F2P account?

Is it still possible to split between talent trees or was that nerfed?

thanks for any help guys. 8)
we need more hunters and pallies to take them 24s down :D
I can tell you that in our premades one of our (well a couple really) ret pallies are absolute wrecking balls and top the charts. Ret has nice burst and more than adequate heals to keep themselves going, they're actually quite self-sufficient. Welcome back to the game, I recently returned after walking away for several years. The game has changed QUITE a bit, look forward to seeing you Horde side and don't be afraid to ask questions our little community is very helpful.
dont listen to emoclown if you want to play a hunter you can, they are not frowned much i would say,

besides hunters/pallies are easiest class to use against 24s, also if ur thinking of a pally go prot cause u ll gear up really fast, prot pallies are also really good against hunters if played properly

play whatever you want, the most viable(and easiest) classes are hunters,pallies,rogues and priests.
barthilastwink said:
dont listen to emoclown if you want to play a hunter you can, they are not frowned much i would say,

besides hunters/pallies are easiest class to use against 24s, also if ur thinking of a pally go prot cause u ll gear up really fast, prot pallies are also really good against hunters if played properly

play whatever you want, the most viable(and easiest) classes are hunters,pallies,rogues and priests.

Do you play a hunter yourself or why you say the whole time they aren't so frowned etc? o_O


You would be best to roll a pally if you're afraid that Hunter becomes boring (Ya... drooling on your keyboard becomes boring if it's no porn xD) as Pally you can also tank like every instance on this level so you don't have to be afraid for long que times it's even easy to tank as ret... :D
Jeralulz said:
Do you play a hunter yourself or why you say the whole time they aren't so frowned etc? o_O


You would be best to roll a pally if you're afraid that Hunter becomes boring (Ya... drooling on your keyboard becomes boring if it's no porn xD) as Pally you can also tank like every instance on this level so you don't have to be afraid for long que times it's even easy to tank as ret... :D

i have a hunter, i also have a pally and a rogue and i am planning to roll a disc priest soon

NO i am not trolling this is true as i can show you my character toons if you want when i come on wow
I actually wouldn't mind one or two hunters in our AP Horde premades. I also wouldn't mind one or two Rogues to separate healers from groups, peel hunters off of our healers, and generally do other control tasks.

And I can confirm that in the right hands, a ret pally can be devastating in BG.

So yeah, roll whatever class you feel like. Regardless of what they nay-sayers will say, I've seen all classes be viable at 20.

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