Gy Farm Europe

Hey there just thought id lock my old lock for a while have a few fun games on rampage. I see a few faces, bluebull, krunion, serrimpion and kozmos (all members of Twink info europe). Then just after initial mid zerg, bluebull, krunion and serrimpion proceed to sit under the GY whilst kozmos runs up and down the field capping flags. Those people being the representatives of this site for europe, arent exactly doing a good job. enjoy the screenshots enclosed..


It happens everywhere mate, honestly. Even the best Twink guilds in the world will farm and there is nothing you can do until you lose. Imo I just try to burn them down as quick as I can and try to make something fun out of it lol.
Yeah I know what you mean, I was in a guild once before on my 29, the GM's main rule was "never to farm GY", I never had a problem with it but every time I went in with him he would just camp at the bottom of their graveyard and mash everyone who dared to come down. There are always people, whether it be a game or real life that don't follow the rules. I just get used to it.
oh just thought id post another even better screenshot from the next bg i played, twink info europe with our flag in our gy. drayner if there could be some kind words reguarding twink info eu, it would be greatly appreciated.


The only reason to why u wrote this thread, is because u got a little bit farmed. everyone farms id guess u farm alteast 20 times a week. so dont blame others for farming when ur doing it urself. cant honestly say ur running the flag 24/7 with a hunter? ;)
ReplaY said:
The only reason to why u wrote this thread, is because u got a little bit farmed. everyone farms id guess u farm alteast 20 times a week. so dont blame others for farming when ur doing it urself. cant honestly say ur running the flag 24/7 with a hunter? ;)

Or he wrote it because its been pretty plainly stated (for the US guild atleast, but Id imagine its the same for EU) that the Twink Info guild wont farm gy.
ReplaY said:
The only reason to why u wrote this thread, is because u got a little bit farmed. everyone farms id guess u farm alteast 20 times a week. so dont blame others for farming when ur doing it urself. cant honestly say ur running the flag 24/7 with a hunter? ;)

I don't farm. I kick people from my guild for farming.
i dont farm? i either play mid or flagrun i dont stick to your "everyone gy farms" regime. Also for your "little bit farmed" 20 minutes of gy farming backed entirely by <twink info europe> is hardly minor. if you dont know me or know my play style dont claim that i do also. when did i claim i was running the flag as a hunter when in the first post says i chose to log on my old warlock? please re-read what was written before spouting rubbish about how you gy farm yourself and therefore it is ok.

Graveyard camping happens. we've seen the threads, we've heard the QQ's.

It happens. Suck it up cuz no-one cares and theres absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.
When people farm me I usually try to rally the team and turtle in the flagroom. That usually gives us some good laughs, at least a few kills and it pisses of the other team. But yeah if the opposing team already has your flag, you're pretty much screwed and that makes them even more pathetic.
bluebull making up poor excuses isnt going to change anything, if he wasnt moving then why could'nt you move out? not giving him heals time and time again atleast gives us a chance of returning the flag and running it ourselves. Also the first bg i played, kozmos wasnt anywhere near the gy he was running flags and you were just sitting under GY anyway.

@Grunge, the point is Twink info europe / US rules state they do not gy farm. its not a QQ thread or anything of the sort. so stay in US and butt out.

what can I say? I just can't stay there and see my team mates dying, even if their GY camping :/

and I think Drayner said we were allowed to camp under the GY, as long it wasn't on it... but yeah, it's wrong anyway, sorry, we'll try to cut down on the camping
Xposure said:
what can I say? I just can't stay there and see my team mates dying, even if their GY camping :/

and I think Drayner said we were allowed to camp under the GY, as long it wasn't on it... but yeah, it's wrong anyway, sorry, we'll try to cut down on the camping

I'm rottenuts btw bull =p but The impression I got from this site was that ot was ok to camp under GY and you said yourself we were just running and capping flags during that time. As for the second SS I wasn't there and i honestly wouldnt be apart of that =p.
Yeah I must say, closing off GY from underneath WHILE running flags is a valid strat IMO. Now if we are talking 40+ min games then you have a valid point, otherwise your S.O.L
There's nothing wrong with GY Farming. It's part of the game and it's your team's fault if they suck too much to stop it.

If you're worried about your kill to death ratio worsening, you can just not rez and wait 'til it's over.
Elude said:
There's nothing wrong with GY Farming. It's part of the game and it's your team's fault if they suck too much to stop it.

If you're worried about your kill to death ratio worsening, you can just not rez and wait 'til it's over.

Why GY farm if by not GY farming you are increasing your chances of getting a decent game? Because you are bad and don't want a decent game.
GY farming does suck, and it doesnt seem to happen alot in my BG's, people play the proper game! in my BG it seems.

If people camp, most people are against it and get people to stop. Although you do get the noobs occassionaly who do camp.

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