Gurubashi Arena Chest



Last night I was wondering, does the chest from the Gurubashi Arena event have a despawn timer? I bet it has, but things have confused me lately. I have seen it disappear in front of my eyes quite some times, without someone clearly looting the chest.

I have also seen the chest sitting there in the Arena at the weirdest times, 8 AM, 7 AM, etc.. And no this was not due to Saving Daylight changes.. Makes me think it just spawned at 6 AM and just sat their for about 2 hours because noone came by..

Anyone know the tricks of the trade here? Because after 6 years of Warcraft I still haven't quite figured it out..
From experience, I know it often will trigger the spawn sequence when I log in, even if it is not at 12 3 6 or 9. So if it does have a despawn timer it might also only proc When a player comes close to the arena, so you would still be able to see it at weird times.
During Vanilla-WotLK the chest had a 25 minute despawn timer as of drop. As of Cata/late WotLK, the chest will not despawn until the next chest is dropped, but has a 15 minute despawn timer after the chest has been opened.
Alright, very interesting!

Thanks for the replies.
I've seen the son of a gun spawn anywhere from 2minutes to 2 hours after drop. Idk what it is tbh with ya.
Like the above posters, I agree that after it has been touched/opened a despawn timer begins, how ever if no one touches it at all it will last over an hour. I sat next to it once for an hour and 6minutes waiting for a mate to log on so I could summon him.
I am pretty sure the despawn timer is 1 hour if no one loots it, and 5 minutes after someone touches it.
What makes the drop time change? Had one drop at :15 this morn when normally it is :05. Wonder how many I have missed because I thought someone already looted.
I'm pretty sure the dispawn timer is 25mins regardless if anyone has touched it or not. It has happened several times; i get a few friends to battle it out, a few people turn up deliberately only coming in to attack me to stop the chest being looted.. about 25mins later it dispawns. I have aquired 4 AGMs and i have yet to see the chest last more than 30mins tops.

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