Guide to get WoW Rich

I've been asked through the years to share my secrets and now I'm at a point where I could care less if I keep them or not. I'm writing this post to see if there is interest in knowing my secrets to getting ridiculously rich in WoW (I started w/ 300g). I'm mainly interested in helping out my fellow twinks, but if there's no interest that's cool too. I just wanted to feel out the interest to see if it was worth my time. I'm not claiming to be the most knowledgeable person on the subject, but I've done alright compared to most WoW players I've encountered in 4 years. Most of my secrets are probably not original to me, but some probably are. So if I get enough interest in this thread, I'll sit down and write it all out for you guys. Let me know.

ill bite :3
I would love to hear what you have to say Inkobah. Sure some of it might be what everyone else says ("buy low sell high") but It never hearts to hear it again. And like you said, you might have something amazing. If you wouldn't mind writing it, I would love to read it.
Let's hear it bud.
This is the guide i use:

Hurpdurp said:
be a hot gurl okay

I'm not a hot girl. :p

And rich and famous for being hot?? LOL...There's other words that I'd find more appropriate for a hot girl trying to exploit teen boys out of their e-currency.

Back on topic, I'm still not sure if I'm writing the guide if it's only useful to like 4 people. You'll have to motivate me further...

Inkobah said:
I'm not a hot girl. :p

And rich and famous for being hot?? LOL...There's other words that I'd find more appropriate for a hot girl trying to exploit teen boys out of their e-currency.

Back on topic, I'm still not sure if I'm writing the guide if it's only useful to like 4 people. You'll have to motivate me further...


Inkobah said:
And rich and famous -Ink

I love how how describe yourself, famous and rich.

I love how hard it is to make gold nowadays.

And I heard Server wise popularity is hawt
I heard WOTLK was casual, and that now a days you can buy 20000g for £30.

Making money in wow is obviously hard.
I'm currently on like, 100kish gold.. I used only ONE method.

sell my ass for wow gold, it works promis!

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