"Guess the Score" thread.


Post a SS of a game (from 20-29) where the final score is blanked out, state what the BG is

Surprise the readers with the actual score after 24 hours.

To encourage participation, I will give you 3k gold on blackwing-lair horde or bleeding-hollow horde, if you can submit a SS that genuinely surprises me personally.

hopefully this will encourage more folks to queue up.

I will start, the Battle for Gilneas:

full breakdown (BTW I just noticed that 1 alliance hunter killed as many as the entire horde team combined)

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jesus can you not just put this in the Game Of The Week thread? How many different threads are you going to start to post your pug scoreboards?

Just trying to start something fun...not trying to post my own scoreboards

also, the gold part is a nice touch, isn't it? like a bounty (unlimited), you know?

i am sitting on almost 5 mil gold and don't know how to spend it.
That's the full screenshot (unfortunately I did not take a SS of the alliance-only or horde-only tabs)

edit: actually nvm I did take SS of the ally and horde tabs.

Here you go. (Modified OP)
Happy Friday, no one was even close. (including @Conzil who meant to say horde lost, confirmed via PM). Feel free to post your BG SS!

I am loving these PuGs and yet somehow people hate PuGs? (i also don't even afk out of losses, you can ask anyone from SaG, i always take it like a man)


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