US <Guerillas> (US) Horde Bleeding Hollow



Fresh Twink guild on Horde Bleeding Hollow

We welcome all twinks but primarily host lv 49s

Small guild looking to grow into something larger with the vision of bringing together the twinks of BH.

Guild Perks:

Gearing - Free dungeon runs to get your twinks geared up - fast. Lots of BoE BiS available for members.

Consumables (potions, bandages, bombs, elixirs , etc. ) - guild bank stocked up and available to members

Enchants - available enchants for members (including trade bug)

Guild Bank (maximum tabs)

Guild Repair

Get to hang with some cool people and have more fun playing a game we all love

Looking for all levels of PvP experience.

Fun guild events in the works

Meet your GM: I’ve been playing wow since BC (s3). My favorite classes are Rogue, Hunter, Monk, and DK. High PvP experience, including sitting R1 2s and 3s during Cata. I’ve been off-and-on since MoP but made a point to play every expansion. Due to work responsibilities and time contraints I’ve been unable to keep up with the constant rat-race that is gearing/keeping geared a 120. I’ve rekindled my Passion for twinking and couldn’t be happier with the 49 bracket. Please feel free to message me if you ever need anything at all.

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