Great Minds Twink Alike : US 85 Twink Guild


<Great Minds Twink Alike> is Funding/Providing for ACTIVE/High Rated 85 Twinks. Currently the biggest 85 Twink Guild atm with an RBG team ready.
Current Roster for Officers/Leadership : Co-GM/Officers (Acousticqt, Rêttadin, Enhánced) and GM (Sushiman)
Now open to both PvE and PvP Players!

What is provided/funded? Gear/Gems if an active member/member that has been with us for a while, Enchants, Repairs, Raids for Gear.

What do we do? Pre-Mades, Arena, Dungeons to farm JP for JP to Honor conversion, farm rares, and weekly raids. We will get into RBGs once other realms start queueing. Also starting up weekly DS runs, if we get enough players at 85, we will do Heroic DS weekly.

Recruiting only mainly casters

If you need more info on 85 twinking, below is info about the 85-89 twinking community. (Taken from the Forums of the 85's Thread). If you have questions about the guild or wanting to join, add Sushi#1420 with your name for your TWINK INFO ACCOUNT. I have limited room for Real ID, 95/100.

Players that have not upgraded to Mists of Pandaria will automatically be queued in the experience-off bracket. For those that have Mists, join the community by visiting Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar to turn off your experience.

Season 11 (Cataclysmic) gear is available at vendors in Dalaran Sewers and Gadgetzan. Gear sets for hybrids are coming back in patch 5.2. Monks do not have gear available yet. So far no word on monk pvp sets below level 90 from the developers.

Advantages of twinking at 85
- Fast queues (generally 5-10 minutes during peak hours)
- Less gear disparity than many other brackets, particularly 80-84
- Healers aren't Godmode like at 70
- Zero/minimal bot presence
- Fun Raids/Engaging BG's

Disadvantages of twinking at 85
- It can be expensive to level professions, gem, and enchant your gear - but once you're done, you're done! No endgame gear treadmill.
- Some BiS items require camping either the auction house for rare items or camping rare spawns in Pandaria (but viable alternatives exist)

Professions of note - max level 600
- Through Archaeology you can acquire Spear of Xuen, Umbrella of Chi-Ji and Quilen Statuette which are all upgradable to iLvl 471. To farm these items without a level 90, do not level Archaeology past 525; that way, all your Archaeology sites will be in the Jade Forest.
- Alchemy increases the effects of almost all consumables as well as offering Zen Alchemist Stone, also upgradable to ilvl 466.
- Blacksmithing allows you to add two more MoP gems to your gear.
- Engineering has powerful and entertaining tinkers.
- Herbalism allows you to acquire Water Spirit and Life Spirit in addition to Lifeblood (2880 haste for 20 seconds).

Other Items of Note
- Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King (BiS 2-hander available from BMAH, armory link not yet working)
- Kafa Press
- Crystal of Insanity

To queue for Arenas, you will need to toggle your xp to "on."

Battletags are used to organize raids and pvp groups. Browse the thread for current information.
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Great guild love them all they are extremely helpful if you need anything have most items in GB you can buy at an amazing price's i highly recommend joining if you are in the 85 community!
Will start doing weekly DS25H, so yes, I'm taking back what I said on being PVP only, going to do both. We're recruiting Healers/Casters for RBG Spots and Tanks/DPS for PVE!
hello! im new to twinking, but ive been trying to twink my 85 hunter the last week or so and now im at ilvl 401. been trying to gem, reforge, enchant, glyph properly.

my goals are to BG and have fun at this lvl, would like to up my honor points to buy select pvp pieces, maybe camp a rare or two to get some of the BoP MoP pieces, and learn how to play my hunter better, i haven't touched him in years really.

would i be a good fit for your guild? my armory: Doggsaron @ Staghelm - Community - World of Warcraft
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hello! im new to twinking, but ive been trying to twink my 85 hunter the last week or so and now im at ilvl 401. been trying to gem, reforge, enchant, glyph properly.

my goals are to BG and have fun at this lvl, would like to up my honor points to buy select pvp pieces, maybe camp a rare or two to get some of the BoP MoP pieces, and learn how to play my hunter better, i haven't touched him in years really.

would i be a good fit for your guild? my armory: Doggsaron @ Staghelm - Community - World of Warcraft
Please save your money and don't xfer to perenolde. GMTA disbanded today after declining activity after patch, guild broke up and most people leveled/quit/are playing other brackets. Please Close Thread as well.
lol sucks had to learn about this over the forum, i thought the guild was lacking a bit of activity too, but 85's need a home on US servers regardless. i had 2 toons in the guild.. oh well best of luck to you.. and i also noticed you deleted me off Real ID. you not gonna hit up 85's anymore?
well in your guild i had the 85 druid, and the 80 shammy i was gonna level up. but its all good.. just gotta move em to an active server now lol

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