Grandfathered achievement?

Damage Control

Sadly, I never had the chance to farm WSG for hours upon hours. This one impossible to obtain? From what I've been reading, arenas will automatically stop at 40 minutes.
Many twinks also got this cuase it was bugged for a while soo it did count over several bg's, and I even hear of people who got it while in Arena when it was bugged
we had a discussion about this in the achievement points thread and came to the conclusion that it seems possible but you would have to do it premade vs premade using gear swap macros and bandages combined with lifeblood. still takes a lot of coordination to pull off. Arena stops after 40? I wonder if Arena would be in the same category as a battleground....if so a 5v5 premade would be a more favorable option than wsg. Doing this via damage is just no longer possible.
Sounds possible to me in arena for a healer at least, or maybe a healer and a dsp simultaneously.

Healer + mage on one team and dps on the other, dps dmgs healer, whilst healer heals through it. The mage can supply arena friendly water for the healer to reduce down time.

I would have thought that this would be possible since ive managed to rack up 60k healing done in a kitefest arena once on my druid before i got bored, and i dont see why you couldnt get more with alittle organisation. you could even try getting this for 4 people simultaneously in a 2vs2 if there are mages and healers on both sides, possibly more in a 3v3 and 5v5 arena.

It would make the achievement hollow tho, since it would be manufactured. Still it seems preferable to WSG grinding to me, for both sides, so thats a plus
manufactured or not, still takes quite a bit of organization, and as far as regular healing idk if you can regain mana fast enough to be able to work. the bandage method is going to work faster. for regular healing it may be possible if you camp in the healing hut in WSG but still prob going to need a premade to keep things from going sour. There is hardly any room for error here.
Duckhunt said:
Damage Control

Sadly, I never had the chance to farm WSG for hours upon hours. This one impossible to obtain? Found what I've been reading, arenas will automatically stop at 40 minutes.

I think this is now sadly impossible to gain :( I remember it was glitched a few patches back and it would continue through battlegrounds or something along the lines of that. But now with the 25 minute battle ground I think it would be VERY hard if not impossible to get it :S

Edit: I think maybe if you made a coordinated premade in which horde and alliance where both helping you achieve this you might be able to pull it off.
I think arena is probably your best choice tbh, assuming it works in arena ofc. With the longer time limit and greater ease of co-ordination it would be infinitely easier.
People who farmed this were dumb =/ unless they did it with another party that wanted the same achievement...So virtually a 10v10

The kids that farmed pugs for hours are just bad though
it's always been a sign of being a d-bag back in the day if you would waste enough of other ppls time getting this achievement on a 19.
What kind of DPS would a mage be able to do with Arcane Explosion spam on 10 people? Mana wouldn't be a problem if he camped hut.
I actually tested out how much DPs I (as a AP hunter) could get within 25 minutes of a bg, ironicly, I didn't gain any exp, because the FC was a 19 twink druid and ran around while I camped... I pushed almost 45k damage done by the end, and over 100 KBS
Rolt- said:
What kind of DPS would a mage be able to do with Arcane Explosion spam on 10 people? Mana wouldn't be a problem if he camped hut.

Best idea I have heard yet. At the same time get a druid to hot everyone in the process??
Rolt- said:
What kind of DPS would a mage be able to do with Arcane Explosion spam on 10 people? Mana wouldn't be a problem if he camped hut.

Interesting suggestion. An SP stacked mage near the hut might be able to pull this off.
canihascookie said:
I actually tested out how much DPs I (as a AP hunter) could get within 25 minutes of a bg, ironicly, I didn't gain any exp, because the FC was a 19 twink druid and ran around while I camped... I pushed almost 45k damage done by the end, and over 100 KBS

I see, So you "tested" how much damage you could do by going into an XP on BG and owning nubs. I guess i'm going to "test" that today too.

An SP stacked mage near the hut might be able to pull this off.

I wonder if the new AoE cap will effect this in 3.3
Grabco said:
I see, So you "tested" how much damage you could do by going into an XP on BG and owning nubs. I guess i'm going to "test" that today too.

Correct, I basically stood under the graveyard for 25 minutes, repeatedly spamming fire trap, multi-shot and so on. I even sent my pet into the GY a few times...
iaccidentallytwink said:
Interesting suggestion. An SP stacked mage near the hut might be able to pull this off.

Flame strike may be the better option on a fire SP stacked mage because it has more initial burst damage and has periodic damage afterward.

Also, i think arena's have had 40 minute caps for sometime now.

Also, this is kind of relevant to what we're talking about, but the healing one is still possible, via:

1. A warlock fully stam buffed including amp magic and demon skin, in full stam gear.

2. 2 rogues/hunters bursting down the lock, but not so much as to the point that the warlock may die. Just enough for whoever is healing to not over heal the target.

3. The healer will be standing in the rejuv hut.

4. The priest must be fully buffed including outside buffs, 80 buffs, and consumables.

I'm sure there's something missing but that's what me and fellow priest have come up with to get the achievement done. We've done all the math, and it IS possible. It just needs to be very though out, and well coordinated between both teams.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Interesting suggestion. An SP stacked mage near the hut might be able to pull this off.

Sorry for the double post, also, the opposing team mates must be outside the range of the rejuv bonus, but close enough in range that they are still affected by the AoE.
canihascookie said:
Correct, I basically stood under the graveyard for 25 minutes, repeatedly spamming fire trap, multi-shot and so on. I even sent my pet into the GY a few times...

Secclusion said:
regardless of class its possible via bandaging....on paper

It would require 150 bandages, each bandage takes 1min for the CD to go away. Thats 150 minutes minimum, + however long it takes for enemies to get to you and dmg you to ~100 hp. This also requires you to have as much HP as possible as you would be over healing most of the time unless you're a stam stacked druid with >2200hp It doesnt look possible to me in either arena or WSG via simply just bandaging.

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